Games News! 21/09/15

my fingers hurt from counting to 5 so many times
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Quinns: Haikus! Like poems that went through a trash compactor. I think they’re awesome, and have decided to write this week’s Games News entirely in haiku form.

If you think you can do better than any of these, pop your entry in the comments! I’ll pick a winner to go beside my own poems and inevitably outshine them.

Stronghold’s back again
A game of deadly sieges
Enduring the years

Game: Medici

Next is Medici
Of the auction trilogy
Bidding has ended

Back to the Future

Remember the past
And “the power of love” too
This game will be pants

Game: Pants

…and then we held hands…
Contains silence and heartache
And now some stretch goals

Game: Battlecon

We played Battlecon
Exceed is already here
Sweeps us off our feet


Are you off to Spiel?
There are advent calendars
So buy us one thanks

Snakes and Lattes shop
Come for the coffee and games
Stay for the sitcom