Ladies & Gentlemen

Ladies & Gentlemen

Ladies & Gentlemen! Plunge into the heart of the Victorian era and, as part of a team, take on the roles of highly fashionable ladies and gentlemen. As the men play the stock market the women peruse boutiques in search of the latest essential fashion items.

You will not want to be the laughing stock of London town at the upcoming ball!

In Ladies & Gentlemen, what you do in the game depends on who you are! Make the most of your situation and try – alongside your partner – to be the most fashionable couple of the moment – as well as discredit your opponents!

Ladies & Gentlemen is a highly original, light-hearted group game and a clever mixture of opportunism, tactics and mockery for up to 10 players.

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Epic Spell Wars

Epic Spell Wars

Did you know that magical wizards are battling to the death … and beyond … right now!? “Why battle?” you might ask. “What have I got to prove, magic man?” Only who’s the most awesomely powerful battle wizard in the entire realm, that’s what! As a Battle Wizard, you’ll put together up to three spell components to craft millions* of spell combos. Your spells might kick ass, or they could totally blow — it’s up to you to master the magic. You will unleash massive damage on the faces of your wizard rivals in a no-holds-barred, all-out burn-down to be the last Battle Wizard standing. And it doesn’t stop there! Powerful magic items bring on a whole new level of bloody carnage as you and your mighty wizard opponents tear each other limb from limb in an orgy of killing! Do you have what it takes to use epic spells in a war at Mt. Skullzfyre? Will YOU be the Ultimate Battle Wizard!?!

*Not actually millions of combos … but like thousands or more, maybe.

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Android: Netrunner

Android: Netrunner

Welcome to New Angeles, home of the Beanstalk. From our branch offices in this monument of human achievement, NBN proudly broadcasts all your favorite media programming. We offer fully comprehensive streaming in music and threedee, news and sitcoms, classic movies and sensies. We cover it all. Ours is a brave new age, and as humanity hurtles into space and the future with an astonishing series of new advances every day, NBN and our affiliates are keeping pace, bringing you all the vid that’s fit to view.

Android: Netrunner is an asymmetrical Living Card Game for two players. Set in the cyberpunk future of Android and Infiltration, the game pits a megacorporation and its massive resources against the subversive talents of lone runners.

Corporations seek to score agendas by advancing them. Doing so takes time and credits. To buy the time and earn the credits they need, they must secure their servers and data forts with “ice”. These security programs come in different varieties, from simple barriers, to code gates and aggressive sentries. They serve as the corporation’s virtual eyes, ears, and machine guns on the sprawling information superhighways of the network.

In turn, runners need to spend their time and credits acquiring a sufficient wealth of resources, purchasing the necessary hardware, and developing suitably powerful ice-breaker programs to hack past corporate security measures. Their jobs are always a little desperate, driven by tight timelines, and shrouded in mystery. When a runner jacks-in and starts a run at a corporate server, he risks having his best programs trashed or being caught by a trace program and left vulnerable to corporate countermeasures. It’s not uncommon for an unprepared runner to fail to bypass a nasty sentry and suffer massive brain damage as a result. Even if a runner gets through a data fort’s defenses, there’s no telling what it holds. Sometimes, the runner finds something of value. Sometimes, the best he can do is work to trash whatever the corporation was developing.

The first player to seven points wins the game, but not likely before he suffers some brain damage or bad publicity.

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Love Letter

Love Letter

In the wake of the queen’s arrest, all the eligible young men of Tempest (and many not so young) seek to woo Princess Annette. Unfortunately, she has locked herself in the palace, and everyone must rely on those within the palace to bring their romantic letters to her. Will yours reach her first?

Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck, for 2–4 players. Get your love letter into Princess Annette’s hands while keeping other players’ letters away. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long and your letter may be tossed in the fire!

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Mage Wars

Mage Wars

Mage Wars is the customizable strategy game of dueling mages. Players take on the role of powerful mages, stepping into the arena to battle for supremacy. Mage Wars is a unique genre-breaking concept, combining the best elements of customizable card games and tactical miniature games.

Players can play as a Wizard, Warlock, Beastmaster or Priestess; each with their own unique strategies and style of play. The game is fast-paced and exciting, with tough tactical decisions every turn.

Players build their own custom spellbook, with over 300 spells to choose from! The game is not collectible – players have equal access to the same spells. There is no random card drawing – players choose exactly which spells to cast, when they want to cast them! This allows for an unprecedented level of rich strategy and tactics.

Summon powerful creatures into the battle, hurl lightning bolts and fireballs, adorn yourself with mighty weapons and armor, or lay a network of hidden enchantments to take your foe by surprise. All of this and more awaits you in the arena of Mage Wars! With subtle strategies and diabolical surprises, the balance of power can shift each round, keeping the game exciting and victory unpredictable.

Future expansions will offer new mages, spells, and strategies! Very important: Mage Wars is customizable, but not collectible. Everything you need to play is in the box, and players can carefully choose just the expansions they want.

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The Resistance: Avalon

The Resistance: Avalon

The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred’s unscrupulous minions. These forces of evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and remain hidden from all but one of Arthur’s servants. Merlin alone knows the agents of evil, but he must speak of this only in riddles. If his true identity is discovered, all will be lost.

The Resistance: Avalon is a standalone game, and while The Resistance is not required to play, the games are compatible and can be combined.

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Shadow Hunters

Shadow Hunters

Identify: In Shadow Hunters, each player has a secret character identity – Shadow, Hunter or Neutral (civilian). Figure out the identities of the other players to determine who is your ally and who is your ennemy!

Survive: Once your identity is revealed, your ennemies will attack you using their special abilities such as Demolish, Teleport, Suck Blood with the help of equipments like Rusted Broad Axe or Cursed Sword Masamune. A fierce survival battle between the Shadows and the Hunters will ignite where only the strongest can win. Unless, a civilian in the right circumstances, claims victory!

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Every picture tells a story – but what story will your picture tell?

Dixit is the lovingly illustrated game of creative guesswork, where your imagination unlocks the tale. In this award-winning board game, players will use the beautiful imagery on their cards to bluff their opponents and guess which image matches the story. Guessing right is only half the battle – to really succeed, you’ll have to get your friends to decide that your card tells the story! Every turn, the storyteller will call out a short phrase or word to match the image on his card. Then each player will choose the card that most closely matches that phrase, and then everyone must guess which card the storyteller saw when he invented his brief tale. Correctly guess the storyteller’s card, and you’ll move ahead. Convince everyone else that your card is best, and you’ll do even better.

Dixit is a wonderfully simple game, playable by nearly anyone with whom you share a common language. With a fantastic range of beautiful illustrations and rules that can be understood by children and adults alike, Dixit will appeal to anyone with an imagination. It’s no surprise that Dixit won the Spiel de Jahres award for game design in 2010. It is brilliant and simple, beautiful and imaginative, and fun for all.

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A medieval city destined for greatness, immense power and importance beckons you. There is only one problem: it isn’t built yet. This vacuum presents the perfect opportunity for you. You must wisely spend your gold, bluff, intimidate and outmaneuver your rivals as you seek to build and control this new city.

Citadels is a game of nobles, intrigue, and cities for 2-8 players, playable in 20-60 minutes. The current printing of Citadels includes the Dark City expansion detailed elsewhere – look for the purple logo on your box lid if you’re not sure if your copy includes the Dark City.

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7 Wonders

7 Wonders

A game of 7 Wonders is divided in 3 ages. These ages are plaid similarly, each player is given the oppotunity to play 6 cards to develop his city and build his wonder.

To play a card, you select one from a hand of cards and you lay it in front of you.

Then, you give the remaining cards to the next player and you receive cards from the former player.

At the end of each age, each player compares his military strength with the one of their neighoburing cities, players to his right and his left.

When the third age is over, players score the points given by their cards and the military conflicts. The winner is the player with the most points.

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