Maglev Metro

In Maglev Metro, utilize state-of-the-art magnetic levitation technology to build a metropolitan rail system, transporting workers and robots beneath the city. Replace aging Manhattan and Berlin subway systems with newer, faster, quieter technology. Enhance your rail system’s abilities so that your passengers arrive at their destinations first. Efficiency is your key to success in this … Read more

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Fleet: The Dice Game

Fleet: The Dice Game is an exciting new strategic roll and write dice game from the creators of Fleet! Fleet: The Dice Game is heavier than many roll and write games and captures the tense, meaningful decisions of Fleet. Fleet: The Dice Game is for 1-4 players. In Fleet: The Dice Game, you are back … Read more

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Troyes Dice

Troyes Dice invites you to discover (or rediscover) the history of the city of Troyes during the Middle Ages when society was organized around three orders: the nobles, civilians, and religion. The responsibility of the first order is to protect the land and ensure justice; the responsibility of middle order is the hard work of … Read more

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Help nature reclaim what is hers by restoring a polluted valley to its pristine state. Place your animal dominoes along the course of a brook and replant the surrounding land to score points. But when is the best moment to plant each of your various plants? And where are the best spots to do so? … Read more

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Space! For millennia, humans have marveled at the cosmos. Modern astronomy gives us valuable insight about what’s happening in the universe, but there is still a sense of wonder to be had in looking up at the expanse above us. In Stellar, you are stargazers, calibrating your telescopes to bring into view celestial objects of … Read more

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Combat Commander: Europe

Combat Commander: Europe

Combat Commander: Europe is a card-driven board game covering tactical infantry combat in the European Theater of World War II. One player takes the role of the Axis (Germany) while another player commands the Allies (America or Russia). These two players will take turns playing one or more “Fate” cards from their hands in order to activate his units on the mapboard for various military functions.

Players attempt to achieve victory by moving their combat units across the game map to attack their opponent’s combat units and occupy as many objectives as possible. The degree to which a player succeeds or fails is measured by a scenario’s specific “Objective” chits, the destruction of enemy units, and the exiting of friendly units off the opponent’s board edge.

A game of Combat Commander is divided into several measures of Game Time. There is no sequence of play to follow, however: each Time segment is divided into a variable number of Player Turns, each of which may consist of one or more Fate Card “Orders” conducted by the active player. Fate Card “Actions” may generally be conducted by either player at any time. “Events” — both good and bad — will occur at random intervals to add a bit of chaos and uncertainty to each player’s perfect plan.

SCALE: Each hex of a Combat Commander map is roughly 100 feet of distance (about 30 meters). Each complete Player Phase abstractly represents several seconds of real time. Each complete measure of Game Time abstractly represents several minutes of real time.

Each unit in the game is approximated as either a single Leader, a 5-man Team, or a 10-man Squad. Radios — and individual weapons larger than a pistol, rifle or BAR — are represented by their own counters.

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Copenhagan: Roll & Write

The Danish city of Copenhagen is traversed by canals and harbors, and part of it — “Nyhavn” (New Harbor) — is famous for the colorful gabled houses along the water. In the game Copenhagen, players must design new façades for these houses so that they fit seamlessly into this beautiful harbor setting. By using the … Read more

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Kingdomino: Duel

Roll the dice, choose the ones you want, and put them together in pairs to create your dominoes. Domino by domino, fill in your map while entrusting the territories of your kingdom to loyal dignitaries. Gather favors from wizards in order to cast powerful spells that will allow you to rule without having to share. … Read more

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Rome & Roll

64 AD: Rome is burnt to cinders, in need of rebuilding. With the city weakened, distant settlements across the empire refuse to pay taxes and need reminding of power of Rome.
Emperor Nero gathers the most influential members of the city with a clear task: rebuild Rome and recapture the settlements. Each player will utilise their asymmetric abilities to do so and earn wealth along the way in this new, interactive, heavy roll and write game.

Players draft from a pool of custom dice to collect resources and special icons that allow them to build buildings – by drawing onto the map of the Seven Hills of Rome, Tetris-style -, collect legionnaires, invade rogue settlements, or build the famous network of Roman Roads to the already pacified ones. Trading resources and other abilities might earn them coins, building Shrines will allow them to utilise the Favours of the Gods, and careful interaction with other players will surely lead one of them to victory!

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Crypt Hunters

Crypt Hunters is a fast-paced game of exploration and adventure for two players, set in the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Orris Suresight and his Stormcast Eternals must find an ancient relic hidden amidst the twisting catacombs of the Ten Thousand Tombs, or the city of Glymmsforge will fall to the undead. Will you … Read more

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