Twilight Struggle

Twilight Struggle

“Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are – but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle.” – John F. Kennedy

In 1945, unlikely allies toppled Hitler’s war machine, while humanity’s most devastating weapons forced the Japanese Empire to its knees in a storm of fire. Where once there stood many great powers, there now stood only two – the United States and the Soviet Union. The world had scant months to collectively sigh in relief before a new conflict threatened. Unlike the titanic struggles of the preceding decades, this conflict would be waged not primarily by soldiers and tanks, but by spies and politicians, scientists and intellectuals, artists and traitors. Twilight Struggle is a two-player game simulating the 45 year dance of intrigue, prestige, and occasional flares of warfare between the USSR and the USA. The entire world is the stage on which these two titans fight. The game begins amidst the ruins of Europe as the two new superpowers scramble over the wreckage of WWII and ends in 1989, when only the United States remained standing.

Twilight Struggle inherits its fundamental systems from the card-driven classics We the People and Hannibal. It is a quick-playing, low-complexity game in that same tradition. The game map is a world map of the period, whereon players move units and exert influence in attempts to gain allies and control for their superpower.

Twilight Struggle’s Event cards add detail and flavor to the game. They cover a vast array of historical happenings: the Arab-Israeli conflicts, Vietnam, the peace movement, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and other such incidents that brought the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. Subsystems capture the prestige-laden Space Race as well as nuclear tensions, with the possibility of game-ending nuclear war. Can you, as the U.S. President or Soviet Premier, lead your nation to victory? Play Twilight Struggle and find out.

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Cube Quest

Cube Quest

Mobilize your fingers for the ultimate six-sided skirmish! Field an army of cubes and then place them strategically on the board. Each cube has special powers: Strikers and Skulks are strong on the attack, while Grunts are better for defense. Once your cubes are in position, sound the trumpets and let the flicking begin! Try to knock your opponent’s king off the board, aiming carefully not to get caught behind enemy lines. Triumph in your quest and crown yourself the Cube King!

We love finding games that are easy to teach, different every time you play and challenging to master. Brothers Oliver and Gary Sibthorpe created just that type of mix with Cube Quest – a game that perfectly meshes strategy with skill. You can tell that they put many hours into perfecting this balance evidence by the unique group of cubes included within. Be sure to experiment with different mixes of cubes as well as formations. Send us pictures of your favorite formations, along with stories of thrilling moves and victories!

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Goblins, Inc.

Goblins, Inc.

Goblins, Inc. is a corporation dedicated to building unstoppable giant doomsday robots, and it’s looking for a new Boss. Do you have what it takes?

Team up with your greed-driven fellow goblins and build the ultimate doomsday robot. Meet other teams in epic battles and blow them up, but always remember, only one goblin can win because there is no “G” in team work!

The game plays over two rounds in which you partner up with each of your fellow players to try to build the ultimate giant doomsday robot – but the other players don’t know which hidden agendas you must complete to impress the Boss! During the four phases of the round, the teams take turns designing, building and piloting their robots in order to destroy the other team and get one step closer to becoming the next Boss of Goblins, Inc.

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Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso

Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso

In 1894, farmers from the small village of Malpaso face the prospect of again losing their livelihood to a band of roving thieves, led by the self-styled General Mapache – himself wanted by the Mexican National Defense Army. Their solution is to go to the much admired, but fallen from grace, ‘Padre’ Esteban, and see if he can hire gunfighters to protect them.

Revolver 2 is a two-player card game set in the Old West, in which one player takes the role of General Mapache and his band of thieving outlaws, and the other player is controlling the villagers and guardians hired to protect the town of Malpaso, led by the infamous Padre Esteban.

Successor to the highly successful 2 player game Revolver, and again beautifully designed.

Unique and new perspectives in the world of Revolver: first you play the poker tournament, which determines in which areas the firefights occur.

Each player has their own unique deck of cards with unique possibilities.

Several winning conditions for each player: requires different tactics and different methods of play.

Short texts and clear symbols on the cards make the game easy and clear to play.

A lot of direct player interaction and high replayability.

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Star Wars: The Card Game

Star Wars: The Card Game

“This station is now the ultimate power in the universe.” –Admiral Motti, Star Wars: A New Hope.

The Imperial fleet sifts through the galaxy for signs of the Rebel Alliance’s hidden base, hoping to obliterate it with one powerful blast from their newly constructed Death Star. As the Empire’s imposing Star Destroyers draw near, the Rebels realize there is no time to spare, so they mobilize for a desperate attack. Squadrons of starfighters launch into space. Their pilots know that many of them may soon make the ultimate sacrifice for galactic freedom…

The characters, starships, and situations of the original Star Wars trilogy come to life in Star Wars: The Card Game™. A game by award-winning designer Eric M. Lang, Star Wars: The Card Game is a head-to-head Living Card Game® of tactical combat, and strategic planning that allows two players to wage cinematic battles between the light and dark sides of the Force.

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The Last King of Scotland

The Last King of Scotland

The modern wars in Africa provide a rich arena of different and unique gaming situations beyond WWII in North Africa (where most wargames have concentrated their examination of wars in Africa). Some of these wars were short affairs of a few months, while others raged for twenty years or more. Each of these modern African wars shaped the political and military future of the continent and they are still finding their way into today’s headlines.

The African Wars series provides a means for understanding these wars that shaped modern Africa and current world opinion.

The Last King of Scotland, the first in the African Wars series by designer Dennis Bishop, simulates the Uganda-Tanzania War of 1978 – 1979 that ousted Uganda’s President for Life, Idi Amin Dada. With a seeming fascination for all things Scottish, Idi Amin referred to himself as the “uncrowned king of Scotland”. When Amin fled Uganda, in a sense he truly became “The Last King of Scotland.”

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Android: Netrunner

Android: Netrunner

Welcome to New Angeles, home of the Beanstalk. From our branch offices in this monument of human achievement, NBN proudly broadcasts all your favorite media programming. We offer fully comprehensive streaming in music and threedee, news and sitcoms, classic movies and sensies. We cover it all. Ours is a brave new age, and as humanity hurtles into space and the future with an astonishing series of new advances every day, NBN and our affiliates are keeping pace, bringing you all the vid that’s fit to view.

Android: Netrunner is an asymmetrical Living Card Game for two players. Set in the cyberpunk future of Android and Infiltration, the game pits a megacorporation and its massive resources against the subversive talents of lone runners.

Corporations seek to score agendas by advancing them. Doing so takes time and credits. To buy the time and earn the credits they need, they must secure their servers and data forts with “ice”. These security programs come in different varieties, from simple barriers, to code gates and aggressive sentries. They serve as the corporation’s virtual eyes, ears, and machine guns on the sprawling information superhighways of the network.

In turn, runners need to spend their time and credits acquiring a sufficient wealth of resources, purchasing the necessary hardware, and developing suitably powerful ice-breaker programs to hack past corporate security measures. Their jobs are always a little desperate, driven by tight timelines, and shrouded in mystery. When a runner jacks-in and starts a run at a corporate server, he risks having his best programs trashed or being caught by a trace program and left vulnerable to corporate countermeasures. It’s not uncommon for an unprepared runner to fail to bypass a nasty sentry and suffer massive brain damage as a result. Even if a runner gets through a data fort’s defenses, there’s no telling what it holds. Sometimes, the runner finds something of value. Sometimes, the best he can do is work to trash whatever the corporation was developing.

The first player to seven points wins the game, but not likely before he suffers some brain damage or bad publicity.

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Mage Wars

Mage Wars

Mage Wars is the customizable strategy game of dueling mages. Players take on the role of powerful mages, stepping into the arena to battle for supremacy. Mage Wars is a unique genre-breaking concept, combining the best elements of customizable card games and tactical miniature games.

Players can play as a Wizard, Warlock, Beastmaster or Priestess; each with their own unique strategies and style of play. The game is fast-paced and exciting, with tough tactical decisions every turn.

Players build their own custom spellbook, with over 300 spells to choose from! The game is not collectible – players have equal access to the same spells. There is no random card drawing – players choose exactly which spells to cast, when they want to cast them! This allows for an unprecedented level of rich strategy and tactics.

Summon powerful creatures into the battle, hurl lightning bolts and fireballs, adorn yourself with mighty weapons and armor, or lay a network of hidden enchantments to take your foe by surprise. All of this and more awaits you in the arena of Mage Wars! With subtle strategies and diabolical surprises, the balance of power can shift each round, keeping the game exciting and victory unpredictable.

Future expansions will offer new mages, spells, and strategies! Very important: Mage Wars is customizable, but not collectible. Everything you need to play is in the box, and players can carefully choose just the expansions they want.

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Labyrinth: The War on Terror

Labyrinth: The War on Terror

2001: The “American Century” had closed with a single Cold War superpower standing and a pause in conflict that some at the time dubbed “The End of History”. It wasn’t.

Labyrinth takes 1 or 2 players inside the Islamist jihad and the global war on terror. With broad scope, ease of play, and a never-ending variety of event combinations similar to GMT’s highly popular Twilight Struggle, Labyrinth portrays not only the US efforts to counter extremists’ use of terrorist tactics but the wider ideological struggle — guerrilla warfare, regime change, democratization, and much more.

From the award-winning designer of Wilderness War and later Andean Abyss, Cuba Libre, and A Distant Plain, Labyrinth combines an emphasis on game play with multifaceted simulation spanning recent history and near future. In the 2-player game, one player takes the role of jihadists seeking to exploit world events and Islamic donations to spread fundamentalist rule over the Muslim world. The other player as the United States must neutralize terrorist cells while encouraging Muslim democratic reform to cut off extremism at its roots. With the game’s solitaire system, a single player as the US takes on ascending levels of challenge in defeating al-Qaeda and its allies.

The jihadists must operate in a hostile environment — staying below the authorities’ radar while plotting terrorist attacks and building for the Muslim revolution. Will Iran’s Shia mullahs help or hinder the Sunni jihadists? Will the gradual spread of Islamist rule bring final victory — or will it be a sudden strike at the United States with an Islamic weapon of mass destruction?

The United States has the full weight of its military force and diplomacy at the ready — but it can’t be everywhere: will technological and material superiority be enough? US forces can invade and topple Islamist regimes, but how will the Muslim “street” react? And if quagmire results, how will the US find its way out?

Labyrinth features distinct operational options for each side that capture the asymmetrical nature of the conflict, while the event cards that drive its action pose a maze of political, religious, military, and economic issues. In the parallel wars of bombs and ideas, coordinated international effort is key — but terrorist opportunities to disrupt Western unity are many. The Towers have fallen, but the global struggle has only just begun.

“Let’s roll!”

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Memoir ’44

Memoir '44

Memoir ’44 is a unique historical game where players command a horde of little plastic Army men facing-off in dozens of WWII battles on an oversize hex game board.

Each battle scenario mimics the historical terrain, troop placements and objectives of each army. Deploying forces through a variety of Command cards, the smart commander uses the unique skills of his units – infantry, paratroopers, tanks, artillery, commandos and resistance fighters – to its greatest strength.

Easy to learn and fast-paced, Memoir ’44 requires strategic card play, timely dice rolling and an aggressive, yet flexible battle plan to achieve victory!

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