GAMES NEWS! 12/07/16

a carnival of crap, digestive enzymes, dragonlance, bouncy missiles

Paul: Oh God! It’s Games News! Surfacing from the incalculable depths of the most primeval ocean of our aged and weary world, Games News thrusts forth, it’s horrid, gnarled body made entirely from board game stories. It reaches toward a tiny fishing tug, crushing the terrified sailors within with a single blow from a throbbing tentacle ten fathoms long…

But let’s just take a closer look at that tentacle. It’s made entirely out of an announcement for the forthcoming 4 Gods, a new game from the designer of the excellent Archipelago! Hooray!

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SU&SD Play… Mysterium: Hidden Signs!

Katherine F. Tynderflail-Crustington, he's the worst, who invited that guy

Following on from our early review of Mysterium and our video that teaches you the rules, today we’re rounding off our coverage with something a bit special. It’s our most ambitious Let’s Play EVER, featuring both more cameras and more dressing up than ever before. We’re also playing exclusively with the new characters, locations and weapons found in the new expansion, Mysterium: Hidden Signs!

Huge thanks to T.D. for the set-dressing on this one, and to Leigh and Jessi for being thoroughly excellent 1920s psychics.

Everyone else, have a great weekend!

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Review: The Bloody Inn

the corpse annex, police conventions, stinky pootling, NOBCON

Pip: Chris! I have a brilliant idea for a new business.

Chris: Who do we have to kill.

Pip: No-one! That’s the beauty of it. It’s more about who we choose to kill. It’s a STRATEGIC business plan.

Chris: Sounds great! I choose to variously kill/hire/build houses for a string of 19th century rural Frenchmen in the hopes of defeating you (and our friends) in the great game of capitalism. It’s a fine thing that this is what I have chosen to do, because it turns out that The Bloody Inn is a game about exactly this.

Pip: That sounds like useful practice for my business venture. What do we need to do in The Bloody Inn?

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Announcing the SU&SD T-Shirt Design Contest!

shirts, who doesn't love shirts, ooh, soft lovely shirts, mm, stop someone might see us

Quinns: Good news, everyone! This summer’s going to be SU&SD’s 5th anniversary and as part of the festivities we’re FINALLY going to be offering merchandise. I know! You’d be forgiven for thinking this was literally never going to happen.

Anyway, to make our initial offering a little more special we’ll be letting you guys choose the shirts that you want the most. After all, we have almost five years of catch-phrases, stupid jokes and board games to pull from. Nobody knows what you guys want better than you!

The details are all in this forum thread, but very simply any one of you can (and should!) link a design of your very own in that thread, then at the start of August we’re going to run a poll featuring every single design, and the three that get the highest votes will (a) be made available for sale, and (b) the creators will all receive one of each shirt AND a board game of their choice, purchased from a retailer of their choice.

(Unless Matt’s designs win! If they win then we’ll send the prize to fourth place. Sorry, Matt.)

It’s as simple as that! And if you don’t have a lick of artistic talent, why not drop your idea for a shirt in the comment thread in this post, or better yet in the forum thread itself. Help artists help us to help you to your dream design.

Good luck, everyone!

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How to Play Imperial Assault’s Campaign!

basically you can dance, you can stress, you can rest, and you can die

Today we’re teaching one of the big boys! Imperial Assault (see our review here) is an epic box containing your very own Star Wars adventure. One person plays the dastardly forces of the Imperium and is given control of a never-ending hosepipe of henchmen, while up to four more players steer a pack of heroes through a fantastic campaign.

It’s not the simplest thing to play, though, so we put together this primer video for the hero team. Step one, invite heroes over. Step two, tell them to watch this. Step three, sit ’em down and start playing!

(Oh, and if anyone want’s to replace the Bothan Sniper with something a little more Matt Lees-y, they can do so using this fan art from game designer Jonathan Ying!)

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Review: Loony Quest & The Lost City

gorgeous pegs, banana skins, lawsuit world, it's family time

We can only apologise. After five years of assuming we didn’t know anything about reviewing kids games, it turns out that we’re amazing at it. How embarrassing!

But Libellud’s Loony Quest is more than just a great kid’s game. This is the a drawing game that’s up there with Pictomania and A Fake Artist Goes to New York. Think you can snipe a eight rocket penguins in under 30 seconds? Then it’s time to put your tiny child’s felt-tip pen where your mouth is.

Oh god don’t actually do it now you’ve got pen on your teeth jesus we can’t take you ANYWHERE

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Podcast #43: Deciding Where The Bullets Go

pip's family, dressage, penguin punishment, an actual pandemic, a shit egg

Long and spicy like a hot dog, the 43rd EVER SU&SD podcast is HERE! Quickly, consume the whole thing before it starts disintegrating and leaking board game mustard into your lap. In this cast Matt, Paul, Pip and Quinns met up with 300 fans in a sweaty room at the UK Games Expo to discuss what they’d been playing. That meant The Ravens of Thri Sahashri, Ice Cool, Treasure Hunter, the Horses & Stagecoach expansion for Colt Express, Codenames: Pictures, Czech Games’ new game Adrenaline and more besides! Finally, we end with an electrifying game of Question Wood Toy Folds High. Can Matt fix his losing streak? If you’d prefer to watch this podcast as a video (and to be fair, the bit where the audience boos Quinns is priceless), you can do so right here. But the comments are separate on each post, so CHOOSE WISELY. Are you team podcast, or team video?

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Podcast #43: The video!

dressage, penguin punishment, an actual pandemic, a shit egg

Long and spicy like a hot dog, the 43rd EVER SU&SD podcast is HERE! Quickly, consume the whole thing before it starts disintegrating and leaking board game mustard into your lap.

In this cast Matt, Paul, Pip and Quinns met up with 300 fans in a sweaty room at the UK Games Expo to discuss what they’d been playing. That meant The Ravens of Thri Sahashri, Ice Cool, Treasure Hunter, the Horses & Stagecoach expansion for Colt Express, Codenames: Pictures, Czech Games’ new game Adrenaline and more besides! Finally, we end with an electrifying game of Question Wood Toy Folds High. Can Matt fix his losing streak?

If you’d prefer to enjoy this video on the move, it’s available as a humble podcast right here. The comments are separate on each post, though, so CHOOSE WISELY. Are you team podcast, or team video?

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GAMES NEWS! 27/06/16

magnets, quimbles, rude robots, the worst musical

Quinns: Paul, you’re just in time! I was about to test my state-of-the-art news flying machine. Climb aboard! We’ll see the whole board game hobby at a glance.

Paul: Oh god what is that it looks like an egg carton had sex with a ceiling fan


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Review: Dice City

honestly how many times can paul say tableau, aspansions, wings

Did you find the excellent Imperial Settlers a little cold and unforgiving? Do you trust them bones? Would you risk your city’s fate on a the roll of the dice!? Paul seems pretty happy to, over and over, as he looks at cute newcomer Dice City. It’s got cemeteries and catapults, mines and militia, which is just about everything an ambitious mayor could need, right?

Take a seat and break out the popcorn for a video that’s both a review and… a little something extra, courtesy of a very special guest. Have a terrific weekend!

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