Our Favourite 8 Games From Gen Con 2014!

two cheese inna bag, foggy bogs, beefcakes, appaphants, the cold north wind
XCOM: The Board Game

Paul: OK. That title isn’t accurate at all.

Quinns: Yes, but “Our Favourite 7 Games From Gen Con ’14 and One Game We Were Disappointed By” sounds silly and doesn’t fit.

Paul: Fair enough. Wait, which game were we disappointed by? I thought everything was pretty great.

Quinns: You’ll have to click through and FIND OUT!

Paul: But I work here

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Podcast #20: The Livecast!

false dwarves, a hot pocketful of wands, tired scientists, broken formats

At Gen Con 2014 we hosted a special, live podcast for 300 of our closest fans. It was unbelievable. If you were there, thank you. If you weren’t there, contained within is us yammering about the new XCOM board game, Ca$h ‘n Guns and one huge game of Two Rooms and a Boom, before running … Read more

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Games News! 18/08/14

wild cats, innovative wind, tourism boards of madness, chemise of shimmying

Quinns: My goodness! 18 hours of travelling to Indianapolis, 4 jam-packed days of Gen Con, I’ve just this second arrived home after another 18 hours of travelling and now it’s time to do the Games News again. Don’t feel sorry for me, friends! If I wasn’t working I’d probably be asleep on all fours, with my face (and only my face) on the bed. This way I’ll get to sleep at a more sensible hour.

Gen Con was astonishing, by the way. We’re going to try and salvage the audio of our live podcast first, then post a huge preview article, and finally release our Gen Con special episode. It’s going to be a superb couple of weeks.

SO! Hot on the heels of Fantasy Flight announcing Star Wars: Armada, they’ve come out with the biggest X-Wing news of the year. We’re getting a third faction, to go with the Rebels and Imperials! Scum and Villainy will arrive in a big box full of cards to convert some existing ships to Team Scum, and a suite of old ships with new paint-jobs and brand-new ships will be arriving too.

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SU&SD Play… Archipelago: War & Peace

brendan's rock business, hot pineapples, is now a good time for slavery, pirate butlins
SU&SD Play... Archipelago: War & Peace

Sun! Sea! Sand! And the growing threat of murder from an indigenous populace. Before we jetted off for the Lake Geneva Gen Con Convention we snuck in a cheeky game of Archipelago with the War & Peace expansion.

If you haven’t heard of this one, definitely think about watching our review, even if it’s just for the reference pineapple. This is a magnificent, strange, colourful game, but not an easy one. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Oh, and we know about the many and varied rules we got wrong. But it wouldn’t be a SU&SD Let’s Play without it, eh? Enjoy, everybody!

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Amazing Star Wars Adventures! Pt. 3

can you scat for me, thanks, phpbpp hphp hpppgpgpp ppprrrbt

Yes, we’re still playing the Star Wars: Edge of Empire roleplaying game! No, our intrepid gang of sob stories and space-wastrels hasn’t been arrested yet. In session #3 the gang stretch their luck to the very limits by attempting a heist at the height of a terrible electric storm. And… oh, no. Are they really … Read more

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Going to Gen Con? Meet SU&SD this Friday!

hugs and kisses, skull and roses, drink and jetlag, powerful regret
Going to Gen Con? Meet SU&SD this Friday!

Quinns: Above is one of the many, many confusing Google Image Search results for Gen Con. Gamers who’ve given up on the concept of hotels and are just sleeping in halls. This will truly be our team’s most noble adventure.

Alas, our live podcast on Saturday is now sold out. But if you’d still like to meet us, we’ll be at the Tomlinson Tap Room this Friday from 8pm onwards as part of the Pretend Money collective, a group of amazing people (and also us) who want to make board gaming better through technology.

Come along! Drink a beer. Bring a game. Teach a game! Make Paul sign your copy of Fluxx. We very much hope to see you there.

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Amazing Star Wars Adventures! Pt. 3

can you scat for me, phpbpp hphp hpppgpgpp pprrrbt, thanks
Amazing Star Wars Adventures! Pt. 3

Yes, we’re still playing the Star Wars: Edge of Empire roleplaying game! No, our intrepid gang of sob stories and space-wastrels hasn’t been arrested yet, and they await you in our podcast section. Or you can go here for all the sessions so far in one place. Do disinfect yourself after you visit with them, won’t you?

In session #3 the gang stretch their luck to the very limits by attempting a heist at the height of a terrible electric storm. And… oh, no. Are they really pretending to be musicians as a cover story? With no knowledge of music, and no musical paraphernalia at all?

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Games News! 11/08/14

pretend princesses, shameful dice, curmudgeonly spaceships, confused spies
Star Wars: Armada

Quinns: Hold onto your unmentionables! Fantasy Flight have apparently decided they had too much to announce at Gen Con later this week, and have revealed a couple of massive new games early. Very wise of them. The SU&SD supercomputer warns us that a press conference of sufficient magnitude might just reduce Indianapolis to a smouldering, game-shaped crater.

Appearing one miserable month after our glowing re-review of the X-Wing Miniatures Game, Star Wars: Armada will offer some strikingly similar 2 player space battles, but EMBIGGENED. The profoundly personal pilot management of X-Wing replaced with cumbersome capital ships and whole, abstracted squads of fighter craft.

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Podcast #19: The Watercast

leaky pistols, sodden panic, terrible guilt, hiding in bins

In June, Paul, Leigh and Quinns took part in a month-long, city-wide, entirely ludicrous watergun assassination game. In podcast #19 they cast off their disguises, holster their leaky weapons and assemble for the official SU&SD review. A downloadable .pdf of Killer by Steve Jackson is available right here, the official Streetwars site is here and … Read more

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