Review: Tash-Kalar

william shatner, the points protractor, the church of vlaada, unicorns
Review: Tash-Kalar

If you’re driving a car, pull over. If you’re holding a baby, please place it on the nearest flat surface. There’s a new game from our favourite designer, Vlaada Chvátil, and it’s time to put it to the test.

Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends looks nothing like anything Vlaada’s made before. No surprise there. But it also looks a bit rubbish. Will SU&SD have to liquidise the Church of Vlaada once and for all?

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SU&SD Play… L.H.S. Bikeshed

tactical panicking, space skype, the white one, not the white one, google maps
SU&SD Play... L.H.S. Bikeshed

Last year we posted a video of us playing co-op board game Space Cadets, and it was an amazing disaster. But what happens when team SU&SD pretend to go into space… for real?

The L.H.S. Bikeshed is a roleplaying game, in a spaceship, in a caravan, built by a team of industrious men working out of the London Hackspace. Naturally, it was our duty to show these guys what their ship could do in the hands of a real crew.

As you might guess, the above video contains a lot of swearing, comprehensively beeped.

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Games News! 27/01/14

shame, ships, acrylics, jolly ranchers, Johnny Mnemonic, Volko Ruhnke

Quinns: Morning, everyone! Are you WELL? Is your soul a-thrum with jazz and song? If not, have another coffee, we’ll get you there.

Our news begins with a Washington Post article, “In the world of war games, Volko Ruhnke has become a hero”. Mr. Ruhnke is a national security analyst for the CIA, as well as the gunpowder mind behind GMT’s fascinating COIN series (COunter INsurgency). It’s great to see table gaming treated with such glimmering professionalism. It’s even greater to see the conversation around the hobby elevated. Then you’ve got lines like this:

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Review: Eldritch Horror

ghisguth, xoth, yaksh, cxaxukluth, hziulquoigmnzhah, tea
Review: Eldritch Horror

It is written, and so it came to pass. The house of Fantasy Flight hath released Eldritch Horror, a sequel to their venerable “gaime” Arkham Horror, and we have… opened the box.

And guess what! It’s pretty good! Anyone expecting us to give this a bad review might be pleasantly surprised.

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Quinns’ Top 3 Games of 2013

such puff and bluff, YOU'RE BURNING MY PINEAPPLES, laugh or breathe?
Quinns' Top 3 Games of 2013

Quinns: At the end of last year Kotaku asked me for my top table games of the year, and I pulled this article from my bottom with the grace of a magician plucking a dove from his jacket. It starts like this…

As I’ve talked about before, board games aren’t simply enjoying a resurgence right now. They’re in a glittering golden age with fabulous releases every single week, the entire hobby evolving and adapting with Borg-like ease. There’s no easier way to prove it than with my favourite releases from 2013.

Included on this list are a real-time Star Trek simulator, a uniquely dark game of managing a sunny colony, and a card game… with just 15 cards. But each one of these is a classic.

And proceeds to list my three favourite releases from 2013, plus one runner up. Does that sound like something that might interest you guys? If so, please, go read!

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Gold Club bags are now shipping!

joy, it's over, papercuts, tears, we did it, creme eggs
Gold Club bags are now shipping!

After slipping more than 20,000 things into 2,500 envelopes, our first donation season’s Gold Club bags are assembled, and will be shipped to you guys this very week. Hooray!

Since none of us died in the process, we’ve just opened donations for the 2nd season’s Gold Club, which will be shipped on April 15th. We’ll do a proper video preview of the new season in a bit, but for now, we just want to give last season’s donors a huge, huge thanks for keeping Shut Up & Sit Down on its feet, to the tune of a preposterous $83,073. This is going to be our best year ever, and we’re so glad we can keep growing and improving together with the table gaming hobby.

Thank you. We love you. And if you want to want to get in on this hot Gold Club action, you’ll find everything you need on our donations page.

— Team SU&SD

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Games News! 20/01/14

limes, coconuts, Grenzstreitigkeiten, breathing machines, unenviable insomnia
Breathing Machine

Quinns: I’ll just pre-empt this one before you all start shouting. Wretchedly-named German publisher ABACUSSPIELE has announced Limes! And it’s limes, but not as we know it.

A limes is actually the singular form of the Latin “limites”- a line deliniating the boundary of the Roman empire. The actual game of Limes will be a reimplementation of Cities, and that’s probably all you need to know about a game that looks monumentally mediocre!

Look at me, coaxed into an oxymoron not six hours into the week. Awful!

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The Shouting Game Special

Panic on Dice Duel, Space Cadets: Wall Street, moneying, panicking, bunking
The Shouting Game Special

SHOUTING! It’s one of the best things in life. Imagine! you, some friends, a few drinks and SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER FOR HOURS.

iF YOU’RE LIKE– oops, excuse me. If you’re like Paul and didn’t get your fix of shouting from Escape The Curse of the Temple, we’ve got you covered! This mini-special reviews not only the mighty, shouty Space Cadets: Dice Duel, but the still-shoutier Panic on Wall Street!.

What are your favourite shouty games, viewers?

Failing that, what are your favourite shouts?

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Podcast #13: The Tale of Elfblow Whistleknife

change your mind, kidnap the merchant, kill the tanner, blacken the flange

It’s the very first ever podcast of 2014, and we’re celebrating with never before seen audio quality! Not that you can see sound. Unless you’re a bat! Do any bats listen to the podcast? We just don’t know. If they WERE listening, they’d hear Paul and Quinns are talking about new year’s resolutions, and all … Read more

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Games News! 13/01/14

keith block, collection collections, ffffffff, heroes, gerbils, ben rubenstein
Talisman Island

Quinns: Small announcement, everybody. Last week, a Mr. Keith Block saw fit to make fun of me in the comments of Games News, pointing out that some of the stories I was running were from 2013.

Now, I love jokes. I can take a joke. But Keith, I’d like to suggest you be a bit more like Ben Rubenstein, who in the same comments thread pointed me toward some news and didn’t feel the need to be a disrespectful twerp who also smells.

One such story was the Kickstarter for Fief, which looks absolutely fantastic. Most Kickstarters set off my internal effluvium klaxon, but this? This is a classic French board game, being updated and translated by the enormously talented Academy Games, who made 1812 and Freedom.

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