Games News! 14/10/13

fluffy rice, baby vampires, lost tourists, breathtaking bias, rejection
Spirits of the Rice Paddy

Quinns: Morning, everbody! Are you well? You will be after reading this week’s instalment of the news, featuring no less than SIX games, every one of which sets my table-gaming soul quivering like a jelly. As always, our news is hand-stolen mostly from the excellent BGG News blog, as well as Meople’s Magazine. A fine internet periodical.

Let’s kick off with the story that Quantum (above) will be arriving in shops very, very soon. What we have here is an elegant-sounding sci-fi game where every die is one player’s ship, and the number of pips it shows is its speed, power and building ability. Very slick! And Fun Forge have draped the thing in lip-smacking artwork.

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Kotaku Article: Top 5 Friendships-Ruiners

beetle roleplay, vengeful ghosts, grumpy pirates, well-used airlocks
Kotaku Article: Top 5 Friendships-Ruiners

Quinns: This month I gave Kotaku a powerful gift. The top 5 board games to play if you want to leave your friendships as cold and laced with poison as old scorpion shells. It starts like this…

“One piece of trivia orbits modern board gaming like a dark, sexy star. Someone who doesn’t really play them will always have heard from their friend, who heard it from another friend, that something like Game of Thrones or Battlestar Galactica is mean it ruins friendships.

“But Game of Thrones? Battlestar Galactica? These are games where the backstabbing and twists of the knife are expected. If you really want to test your friendships, these are the games you should be playing.”

…and rapidly moves on to the five games I think should be handled with care. I’d recommend you all go and peruse my warnings, before it’s too late.

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The Opener: Ultimate Werewolf & Chilli Con Carne

repulsive yet capable liars, chilli, spooky times, wheely chairs
The Opener: Ultimate Werewolf & Chilli Con Carne

With Halloween just around the corner (or, as we call it here in England, “All Hallow’s Ween”), we’re very proud to present part 1 of our spooktacular gaming suggestions! Neatly reviewed in time for you to place and receive your order in time for the sexiest night of the year. Or was that Pancake Tuesday?

Anyway, to begin with, what could be simpler, safer or spookier than an evening of Ultimate Werewolf? Just you, a big pot of chilli, and between 4 and 60 of your closest friends.

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Pip Escapes A Room

traps, adrenaline, suspicion, death, toilets
Pip Escapes A Room

[Is everyone aware of the swelling “escape the room” genre of videogames? When we heard about a London-based installation offering the opportunity to escape a real-life room, we were intrigued. So much so we activated Pip, freshly-internet famous from our Let’s Plays of The Resistance, Memoir ’44 and Twilight Imperium, to go and see if it was any good.]

“What if someone needed the toilet?”

My friend Simon has been on the receiving end of a “what I would have done differently” monologue for the last few minutes and has decided to leap in with a question. The monologue revolves around HintHunt — a real-life room escape game in the vein of Crimson Room.

Except is it a room escape game, Simon? IS IT A ROOM ESCAPE GAME?

HintHunt gives you exactly one hour to get out of the locked room in which you find yourself. The solution can only be found by discovering clues scattered hither and yon and using them to solve a chain of puzzles. You could also just break the door down and leave but they ask you not to do that before you start. There is backstory for the scenario but it’s just there to offer an excuse for you clambering around a room shouting words and numbers at each other and glaring suspiciously at all surfaces within reach.

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Podcast #9: Reigning Supreme

the twist of the knife, the tap of the axe, the nibble of the ferret

The NINTH EVER Shut Up & Sit Down podcast has arrived like a beautiful steam train! It’s impressive, quite long and harnesses only rudimentary technology. Several days after recording it, we’ve arbitrarily decided that this one has the theme of reigning! We’ve got detailed impressions of new, absurdly tricky card game Reignaissance Man, we discuss … Read more

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Games News! 07/10/13

mice, Batman: South Seas, horrible owls, sausage rolls, mystics, business models
Carcassonne South Seas

Quinns: Happy Monday, everybody! How was your weekend? Team SU&SD spent ours road-testing Ultimate Werewolf, and after six hours of heavy drinking and heavier lynching, I’m proud to say all our friendships survived intact. A minor miracle, really. Expect a video of our exploits this Friday.

Lots of news this week, so let’s get cracking! And let’s kick off with the Kickstarter for Marrying Mr. Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Card Game. Which is… well, it’s a Pride & Prejudice card game.

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Review: Trains

normal trains, male trains, beautiful trains, ovulating, roadhouse, ur
Review: Trains

It’s come to this. After a phenomenally successful first year, in which the British press described us as “the sound of the summer” and “London’s two most eligible bachelors”, team SU&SD are now cold, alone, and reviewing a board game about trains. It’s called Trains. This is us at our lowest, surely.

On frosty Autumn nights like these, we’re glad for the company of the SU&SD supercomputer. She’s our one true friend. …Right?

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Review: Twilight Struggle

humourless burgs, warheads, war heads, The Spirit of Communism, PartyMember9231
Review: Twilight Struggle

[Last month saw an argument between Quinns and Matt Thrower, our resident wargamer, over Here I Stand, a game of reformation-era revolution. It might be the nerdiest thing we’ve ever published. This month, we present the debate’s thrilling conclusion! All images in this article are courtesy of BoardGameGeek.]

Quinns: Matt, slow down! I’d never have guessed that a militaristic, paranoid, survivalist maniac would have a house riddled with secret passageways!

Thrower: Don’t forget the booby traps. Have you been treading where I tread?

Quinns: What?

Thrower: Ah, here we are! The heart of my house.

Quinns: It looks like a panic room. Except with a map of the world and… a big, red button?

Thrower: Naturally! It’s a room dedicated to my favourite game. Doesn’t every gamer have one? In my case, the game is Twilight Struggle, a card-driven recreation of the cold war and nuclear Armageddon. And, much as I hate to stand with the mainstream, it’s not just me that feels that way. It’s currently the number one ranked game on the global graveyard of game statistics, BoardGameGeek.

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Games News! 30/09/13

Blood Bound

Quinns: Forget the new game announcements from famous designers! Let’s start with the big news, which is, of course, GAME BOARD.

The last-ever episode of excellent UK sitcom The IT Crowd aired on Friday, and you can watch it online right here. It was a brilliant double-length special, but much more importantly, it featured a scene making fun of online board game review shows.

It’s the best thing we’ve seen all month, and not just because we’ve heard from the writer himself that he likes Shut Up & Sit Down, and is explicitly not making fun of us. Which is at once a relief and kind of a shame?

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Review: Mage Wars

flying leeches, flaming unicorns, terror ferrets, beast masting, staff meetings
Review: Mage Wars

Mage Wars, the entirely straight-faced “Customisable Game of Dueling Mages”, was one of the most exciting releases of last year. We were never going to be finished with it following our quick impressions article. Quinns has done the right thing and published a full, red-blooded review over on Eurogamer, and it goes like this:

“Make no mistake. This isn’t just a great card game. It’s one of the best two-player games I’ve ever played. It’s at once a puzzle strong enough to leave you thinking about it when you go to sleep, and also profoundly human. Mage Wars gets the most out of the human opponent, because of its emphasis on surprise, countering and predicting.”

It also features a very good joke about a staff meeting. Go read! WIZARD! Ahem.

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