Podcast #207 – Facing Total SpaceDeath in Stationfall

Mister Pringles’ Bad Deals, A Monkey With A Gun, A Rat Who Tells You What To Do

In this rapidly plummeting episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt are talking about Stationfall and Deal with the Devil – two games that we didn’t quite love, but really enjoyed thinking about!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: Rummikub

A Critical Crisis, Rude Shapes, Brass Bottom Text

It’s the first video of the year, and Tom is blowing off the cobwebs with a quick ramble about Rummikub – the classic family tile-laying game that he’s been playing for years! Sorry about the crisis at the start. It happens this time of year.


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Podcast #206 – Three Exciting Ways To Say ‘Ginkgopolis’

Quintin Smith: The Muhammed Ali of Boardgames, Dying A Dweeb, Lupine Accountants

In this peppy and positive episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns are talking about the first set of games they’ve played this year; a triple-bill of Ginkgopolis, The Wolves, and The Search For Lost Species! Our intrepid hosts struggle to pronounce the name of the first game, struggle to comprehend the strategy of the second, and just plain struggle with the third. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This January in Shut Up & Sit Down!

I didn't know what image to use as the header can you tell, look at that grain tho !!

Tom: Happy new year folks! The team has had a little rest, played some little games, and are generally emerging from hibernation ready to make content… and a few changes. You may have noticed the title of this post is a little different than usual, because we’re going to try swapping out our weekly ‘This Week On’ posts for ‘This Month On’ posts in the first half of 2023. 

So, why the change? Mostly this comes from me sitting down to write the weekly posts and realising that the format was increasingly becoming either ‘we are posting a video and a podcast’ or ‘we are not posting a video but there will be a podcast’ for most weeks in 2022. This wasn’t terrible, of course – but it was a weird little job that didn’t feel all that useful! Now we want these posts to be more substantial, and to give folks who are interested more of a peek behind the curtain as to what we’re getting up to, as well as affording us a little more flexibility in how we approach things. Video reviews can get changed, pushed back, shuffled around and entirely canned for all manner of reasons, and we want to reflect that reality in our scheduling updates.

However! We still want to be updating the community and sharing the ins and outs of being living human beings working on things – so, to that end, we’re going to loosely start the Twitch Channel up again for some much needed chill and chat time. We’ll probably keep these very casual to begin with, and be guided by you lot on what you want to see next! The first of these will likely be next week where I’ll be playing a splash of the new Firaxis game: Marvel’s Midnight Suns, and I’ll be open for questions and rambling about SU&SD in 2023! We’ll post a date for that over on the SU&SD Twitter account once I’ve got things in order.

So! With that change out the way, what’s going on in January?

First up, you can expect a really lovely raft of podcasts. We just released our 2023 predictions episode last week, and we’ll follow that up this week with a chat about the first few games we played this year – The Wolves, The Search for Lost Species, and Ginkgopolis! After that, we’ve got a few more episodes lined up in the hopper – a CCG Special talking about Flesh & Blood and Solforge: Fusion, as well as a lengthy chat about Stationfall and some of the games we’d played after PAXU. Good times!

Over in videoville, a couple things are in the cooker. We’ll soon have a video on classic family game Rummikub, in which I have a complete critical breakdown. Why am I making it? I don’t really know. On top of that, myself and Quinns are sketching out the borders of a ‘Top 10 Small Games’ feature, but that might end up being a February project – such is the way when we’re trying to feature a whole bunch of games at once. There’s a few other scripts that are in the ‘maybe’ pile for turning into full-fat videofilms – but I think our January and February will likely be a little quieter on the video side of things whilst Matt continues to assemble the video studio for new features, and I navigate the absolute state that is Brighton’s rental market.

Thanks all! See you next week for a stream, and next month for another this month on Shut Up & Sit Down  

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Podcast #205 – Our 2023 Board Game Predictions!

Too Much Marvel, Why Would We Show Ourselves To Be Such Fools, Dominos

In this new paradigm in Shut Up & Sit Down Podcasting history, Tom and Quinns are chatting about what they think the board game industry holds for us all… in 2023! Expect a series of 5 completely uninformed opinions laced with ‘reckons’ and ‘guesses’ – all with a competitive twist. We’re hoping to circle back on this episode in 2024 and be overjoyed by quite how wrong we are.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Podcast #204 – Undaunted: Stalingrad and HEAT: Pedal to the Metal are Just Great Games

Quinns is a Creep Teacher, Tom is Just Having A Good Time, [REDACTED] was so very [REDACTED]

On this surprisingly colonic episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns tackle two fantastic games… that one of us wishes were just a smidge better. That’s right, it’s the Undaunted: Stalingrad Spoilercast, and the HEAT: Pedal to the Metal… praisecast? These are two games we’ve reviewed recently and both think are just peachy. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for Timestamps and more info!

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Review: Heat – Pedal to the Metal

More Shotgun SFX Than You'd Think, Vincent's Cramped Cockpit, Getting Heat In Here

This week’s review is a very special game indeed. Heat: Pedal to the Metal is one of those rare boxes that just sings from the moment you open it – a snappy, kinetic racing game that I am just absolutely in love with. I hope the motion of this video does a lot to sell the speed of the game, and doesn’t just make you feel violently ill. Enjoy!

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The Shut Up & Sit Down Emotional Xmas Advert!

Thank You ♥

Tom: Happy Holidays, Humans! It’s that time of year again, where we thank you for your donations, let you know where the site is at, and rally a little more support to keep us going in the new year.

This is the first time I’ve done one of these, and I wanted to speak earnestly about what I want the site to be, and what the site has been for me. I feel so much about this odd cardboard endeavor, and want to keep it in good shape in the years to come. I know we’ve had a slippery year, but I’m convinced that we can find new ways to get people into the hobby in 2023, and I’m excited. Not just for that, but to also push new features and videos that’ll complete our transition out of the ‘cursed years’ so we’re back on fighting form. It’ll be quite something, I’m sure.

We need your support. And if you already support the channel – thank you so, so much. I have this job because of you, and it’s vitally important to me that I make a bountiful return on that investment of not just finances, but trust. Thank you. Here’s to an even better year of Shut Up & Sit Down.

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Podcast #203 – Our First Impressions of Frosthaven!

A Little Man Who Packs Away All The Monster, Tom Does Not Care for Futureproofing, The New And Improved Attic Recording Studio

In this slightly early episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt have sat themselves down for a lengthy, lively chat about the game everyone is eagerly awaiting; FROSTHAVEN.

This is a mostly spoiler-free episode, focusing on what you’re going to see upon opening the box and little more than that. We start by chatting about some of our first impressions, before talking characters, story, and future coverage.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for more info!

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