Quinns: I’m going to go ahead and stick my fork-like opinion into your ribeye reality, here-
Paul: That’s disgusting.
Quinns: Dixit is a multi-award winning game that everyone should know about. An honest-to-god revelation. That’s because where most board games test your logic, wit, or even dexterity, Dixit tests your ability
to toy with the imagination of your friends.
Imagine you were reading some beautiful, surrealist children’s novel and the rag-tag band of loveable protagonists wander into a smoky tavern for
a drink of… apple ale, or something. Dixit is the card game they would start playing that would get you whispering “Man, why doesn’t that exist in real life.”
But Dixit is as real as it gets, and you should have a good long think about buying it.
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