Podcast #195 – Llamas of Atlantis (2!)

Psyducks of the World Rejoice, Make Your Own Cards!, Llama Lees

In this highly addictive episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt are talking about Guards of Atlantis 2 and Llama Land! The former is a MOBA in a box and the latter involves llamas in flocks! It’s been a long week.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: SCOUT

HyperActivity Who?, The Negativity Zone, A Delicious Snack

What’s up YouTube – Thomas Boardgames has made another video! It’s about SCOUT – a card game! (with tokens!). Excuse the extremely hungover energy in this one; I was, in fact, hungover.


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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: Triple-crumbs! I’ve continued to get the schedule all muddled! Last week, we were meant to be publishing a review, from me, of a card game (with tokens!) and once again I’ve failed you all. We instead got a video review from Quinns about How To Get Into RPGs – that’s about as far from a card game (with tokens!) as you can get! I guess the only good and proper thing to do is deliver unto thee the proper website copy had that video come out last week:

This Wednesday, expect a video from Quinns about how to get into tabletop roleplaying games! Also, apologies for the perennially sluggish ‘Tom Brewster’ – a worthless grub of a man with no respect for himself. He’ll even sink so low as to call himself a ‘Worthless Grub’ using his own narrative voice! At least get Ava to do it!

Ava: Tom, you’re a worthless grub.

Tom: Hey, that’s me too!

Phew. Glad we got that one sorted. Also this week, you can expect a podcast from myself and Matt all about a few of the games we played recently – including a first impressions of Guards of Atlantis II *two-eyes-doing-the-sideways-look-emoji*

That’s all for this week! Hope you’re all peachy – I went for a big walk in a big valley!! What have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #194 – We ACTUALLY Played Cosmic Frog

Quantum Choc-Box, We Are The Baddies, Ava Is A Professional Podcaster

In this cosmically historical episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Ava are talking about two very different games. First up is 1941: Race to Moscow, where you get to roleplay as your very favourite war criminals – and then we’ll talk about Cosmic Frog, where you get to roleplay as your very favourite cosmic war criminals.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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How to Get Into the World of Tabletop RPGs!

Well, here’s a first! The first ever Shut Up & Sit Down segment inspired by a letter from a medical doctor.

Huge thanks to Chicago’s “Dr. Randall” for giving Quinns the nudge to create this video, which is a lengthy guide to getting into RPGs. Are you intimidated? Lost? Confused? We’re here to make you marginally less of all of those things.

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: Oh no, oh crumbs, I got the schedule all muddled. Last week we were meant to be publishing a review from me about a card game (with tokens!) but instead, this usually reputable Monday Post News failed you. Instead, we all got a video from Matt about spreadsheet-’em-up Khora: Rise of an Empire – so I suppose I’ll Monday-Post in a way that suggests that video is coming out this week.

This Wednesday, expect a video from Matt about a game packed with tracks, brimming with digits, and overflowing with decisions! Wowee! Isn’t that just so exciting – and entirely different to a ‘regular card game’ that you might play with your hands and brain!

Hope that addresses the balance neatly. This week there will surely be a video about that card game folks, don’t you miss it. Podcast-wise? It’s all a bit of a mystery! Myself and Matt have been so deep in the SHUX-Preview videomines that we’ve neglected to play any games – with two members of the team completely gameless, we’ll have to speedily scrounge something up! Maybe myself and Quinns will talk about Arkham and Paris: La Cite de la Lumiere as promised last episode? Who, indeed, is to say.

That’s all for this week! What have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #193 – A Big Chat About Obsession

Tall Blue Boy, The Worst Man In England, Two Knees Touching, Two Sexy Siblings

In this aristocratic episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns are talking about just one game – Obsession! We’re chatting about the second edition of this cult hit alongside its Upstairs, Downstairs and Wessex expansions. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Review: Khôra: Rise of an Empire

Khorfu: Rise of a Hangover, Matt Would Like You To Leave, Pot Appraiser

This week on Shut Up & Sit Down, Matt is providing everyone with a public service – reviewing maybe the driest game we have received this year. An absolutely delirious mix of currency, tracks, and ‘playing cards’, Khora: Rise of an Empire seems a typical eurogame on the surface, but what lies… underneath?! Enjoy!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: HELLO! I’m back from my holiday (in Italy!) and ready to be your trusty Monday-Poster. I have fattened myself on pasta (large), gelato (cold), and bread (bread). I reliably vinoboarded myself, nightly. I have seen so many domes, basilicas, and towers. From this wined and dined vantage point I shall deliver you: the words.

Wednesday, Thursday, OR Friday will contain within itself a video review that I am scripting now. It will probably be quite short and quite silly! I can give away that it’s a card game, and it also has tokens – never has a more exciting combination been concocted.

Friday is, as always, pod-day. Myself and Quinns will be rambling about Obsession and it’s expansions – a cult-favourite Victorian Living Room Simulator. We have some thoughts about it, and recorded the episode in a most unconventional way. I think It’ll be rather fun.

That’s all for this week! If you’re getting a bit sick of ‘just me’ at the moment, sorry! We’re in the midst of SHUX preparation, so the whole team is busy burying themselves in ‘all that’ – please be kind if the content-train slows down as we approach Vancouver! I know you will be, you’re all lovely. If you want more info about SHUX, we just clarified our covid policy and tickets are still available! Come check it out if you… like board games I guess? Nerd.

What have you been up to, everybody?  

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down….

Hi all! We’re off for the week getting a bunch of SHUX stuff nailed down and a couple team members are off on holiday, but have an awesome week, and enjoy exploring all the new GenCon releases, we’ll be dipping our toe in ourselves over the next couple weeks.

We also have SHUX previews coming next month for a bunch that we’re super excited to get hands on with, including Starship Captains, Turing Machine, Septima, Evergreen, Gutenberg, and Fit to Print!

If you missed it, make sure to also go give Ava some love on her awesome video last week on this year’s Kennerspiel winner, Living Forest!

See you next week!

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