SHUX Previews: Deeply Thematic

Well it’s not quite SHUX time yet, but we’re going to get things rolling early and make sure all you AwSHUXers are included as well! Here’s our first batch of exciting new games – let us know what you think of the new format we’re trying, and what games you’re most excited to try!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: Folks, I am bogeyed up. I am one sneezy lad. I am a gloopy goblin who has been playing Railroad Ink in bed and doing very little else.

This state is, unfortunately, not that conducive to making ‘hot new content’ – so we’ve not got a video going up this week and have taken the opportunity, as a team, to have a bit of a rest on the content-schedule before SHUX. Of course, just like ol’ Worm Month – that doesn’t mean we’ve taken our feet off the gas, far from it! We’re working on some stuff that’ll be fresh out the oven when we’re back; and, of course, we’re putting together ‘the actual show’, where Matt has concocted some fab ideas for live stuff if you are making your way over to Vancouver in… TWO WEEKS?! Oh blimey.

However! That doesn’t mean we’ve got nothing for you, now! Podcasts will still be sliding out as per usual (sorry for skipping last week – technical difficulties!) – but more excitingly, we’re going to start rolling out our preview videos just a little early. 

Over the next couple of weeks you can look forward to a series of videos going over a whole bunch of new releases from a huge array of publishers. I am just really excited for everyone to see these! Not only do we have some really rather exciting games available to have a peek at, but we’ve also got multiple team members in one room! Together! Doing previews! What a concept.

That’s all for this week! What have you been up to, everybody?

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SHUX’22 is in a month!

Tom: “SHUX! HUH?! What does it stand for?!” We don’t really know. But we do know that it’s Canada’s biggest (and best!) board game convention. It’s happening in less than a month, and you should absolutely come along!

As Matt (who is in your garden, right now) attests in the video above, SHUX is our annual board game get-together in the beautiful city of Vancouver. This year we’ve got GAMES, GUESTS, AND RIGOROUS COVID PRECAUTIONS! That last one is less exciting, but it’s certainly important – for your whole bod! We take pride in SHUX being a safe space – and not just in a covid-cautious sense – we truly do want everyone to feel as welcome as possible to sit themselves down at any table they like, and start playing some molten hot board games.

We’ve got a great set of special guests running all kinds of shows, a fabulously stocked library of games, and the whole team running around trying to say hello to literally everyone. I can’t wait. Tickets are available right here, as well as everything you need to know about the show.

But what’s happening in the land of YouTube? Nothing this week, I’m afraid! After the absolutely shocking revelation that a card game (with tokens!) does in fact exist, the whole team have gone into hibernation… by which I mean ‘squirrelling away on preparations for SHUX’. We’ll have a fresh video for you next week, instead!

But don’t fret too much, because we’ve got a truly fabulous feature over in pod-town; Quinns and Ava are going to be talking all about their favourite RPGs! I’m just about to edit it, and I’m quite excited.

That’s all for this week! What have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #195 – Llamas of Atlantis (2!)

Psyducks of the World Rejoice, Make Your Own Cards!, Llama Lees

In this highly addictive episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt are talking about Guards of Atlantis 2 and Llama Land! The former is a MOBA in a box and the latter involves llamas in flocks! It’s been a long week.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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