Review: Living Forest

tiny sacred and on fire, woods got the goods, property is theft, how to have a bad party, do talk about dance club numbers are down

Ava: What’s that hiding in the undergrowth? Why it’s another Ava review! She’s been working on this so long that Living Forest has gone from under-rated gem to Kennerspiel Des Jahres, and I’m so miffed I didn’t beat the German jury to the punch. This lovely deckbuilding push your luck ecosystem has magic, woods, cute art and an appealing pricetag. Do you want to get lost in the woods with me? Don’t answer that, just watch the video.

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: Back at it again with yet another week in Shut Up & Sit Down! What’s on the tabletop-table over the next few days?

We’ve got a video! Maybe. Technical difficulties (as per usual) have meant that it may or may not make its way to you this Wednesday or Thursday! Stay tuned for that one, or just let it slide over when it fancies.

One thing that is a certainty is the podcast – where myself, Ava, and Quinns will be chatting about three games! We’re talkin’ trains in The Transcontinental, revisiting the Court of Miracles after it drowned its way out of the last podcast, and I will be letting loose some choice words about Draftosaurus.

That’s this week! What have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #191 – ‘The Final Boys’

An Intimidating Losing Streak, Liv Tyler Fanclub, Lightning Strikes About Eight Times Actually

In this spooooooky episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns are talking about just one game! The successor-sequel to Hostage Negotiator; FINAL GIRL! Will they get away from the killer? Will they be ‘stabbed a bit’? Find out NOW.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: It’s stopped being quite so aggressively warm in the UK, for the time being – and you know what that means…. IT’S GETTING HUMID, BABY! The air is the consistency of custard and everyone gets it piped straight into their lungs. Wahoo! It’s a good time to be made of flesh and blood in England. Let’s talk about some content.

For Wednesday’s video, I’m taking another swing at what may become an annual tradition; a tier list of every expansion for a game! I’m putting the finishing touches on ‘The Freaky Little Morsel’ tier, so you can be assured that all opinions will be entirely rigorous.

At the end of the week, you can feast your ears on a podcast all about Van Ryder Games’ latest schlock-em’-up; Final Girl! There’s a time honoured tradition within the company of Quinns getting very hyped about a solo game, and then dumping all of it onto me just so that he can have someone to talk to about it. The result of that process; on Friday.  

That’s this week! Hope everyone is doing fine and dandy! What have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #190 – Flick of Twelve

Heistes Blitz, A Double Introduction, We Are Not Going To Do Anything Bad To You I Promise

In this dextrous episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Ava are talking about a quadrilogy of games that they have been playing recently! We’ve got the daft-n-pacy King of 12, the even dafter Flickfleet, the not-quite-great Museum: Suspects… and to round it all off, a little chat about Caper: Europe.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: Spirit Island

Racist Jelly Babies, Nobody Likes Drowning, Tom Hates Spirit Island!!!

It’s taken us SO LONG to make a Spirit Island video that it’s only appropriate that somebody is PUNISHED. It’s true that back in the day we covered it a bit, but it’s fair to say that this co-op classic had yet to get the love from us that it deserved. But is all well on our precious little island, or do we detect the vile tendrils of HATRED? Does someone HATE this game?? Oh my!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: Hoooo boy it’s warm out today folks. Team Shut Up & Sit Down are doing their very best to stay hydrated and happy so that we can still chip away at some soft-serve content for you to enjoy (preferably in a cool room with a damp towel on the head).

We had some technical difficulties at the back end of last week that have pushed that review into this week! Expect to see it on Wednesday or Thursday whilst we polish it up for delivery.

Friday is, as always, ‘the pod-day’. Ava and I are talking about a bouquet of games we’ve been playing recently – FlickFleet, King of 12, Museum: Suspects and Caper: Europe! You can hear us begin to get loopy in the heat on that one.

That’s all for this week! I’m chugging a big glass of ice water and setting up Shinkansen: Zero-Kei (is it any good? I’m about to find out!) What have you been up to, everybody?  

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Tom: Hello all! How’s things? I’ve had an eventful weekend of not doing much – though on Sunday I nipped to the beach and took part in the great British tradition of “having some cans”. I returned home to make pasta, and only when my housemate saw the “recipe” I’d hastily scrawled with a felt-tip pen did I realise that maybe I was just a touch too wobbly to be near any sharps. I settled on the other great British tradition of “crisps for dinner”. That’s all for this new edition of “Tom’s Mundane Weekend News”. Tune in next week for hair-raising tales of shower unblocking.

But enough about me, what about us? What are we making for you, hot off the backs of our summer donation drive? This week brings two spicy gems. Thursday bears a review of a modern classic – a game that hasn’t yet been given the review treatment but is near and dear to plenty of people; one that Matt is a new fan of and I’m a touch more sceptical about. How exciting!

Then, on Friday, we’ve got the delayed Undaunted: Stalingrad podcast. I promise we’ll talk about it this week after pushing it back a touch – it’s an enticing box.

That’s this week! What have you been up to, everybody?  

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