In this deeply sponsored episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt are talking about two ferociously dry games. First up is the pastoral human-collector Villagers, and second up is the vertical build-em-up Akropolis. We also take some time to defibrillate the podcast back to life by talking a little bit about Rush Out, our favourite Shut Up & Sit Down video review that came out this week. Enjoy!
Podcast #188 – How Do You Pitch a Game? (w/Tim Clare)
Ava: Well look at that! It’s an interview. Well something like that. I spent the evenings of the ‘United’ Kingdom’s Game Exposition chatting with my favourite podcaster-poet-editor-writer Tim Clare, then convinced him to get together to have a chat about a thing. We’re offering tips and thoughts on how to ‘pitch a game’, both at a convention, and in your very own home. Do we stay on topic? Occasionally! But hopefully it’s a fun listen.
Go find Tim on twitter or his very own website I genuinely think Death of a Thousand Cuts, and particularly the couch to 80k bootcamp/100 day writing challenge are the absolute best ways to get stuck into creative writing, and his first page critiques (the reason I thought he’d be a great person to speak to about this) are the absolute best writing advice you can get! Check him out, he’s lovely.
I’m hoping to put together a few more interviews and other ‘special’ podcasts over the coming months, so do let us know what you think. Opinions and suggestions welcome to [email protected] or on our website. If it doesn’t sound up your street, do feel free to skip it! It’ll probably be a normal pod with more familiar voices next time you visit!
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