This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

SecretStreamin', Potential Podcastin', Very... Video... in'?

Tom: Monday! Monday! Monday! Don’t let anyone tell you differently, it sure is Monday today. What a day it is to tell you all about what’s going on “This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down”.

On Wednesday, which is another day, Quinns is going to be catapulting a video over your castle walls and slap-bang in the middle of your donjon. You might think that the game in question has a medieval theme but no! I’ve just got castles on the brain and a dictionary at my fingertips.

After missing a TUNIC last week, I should be able to slice off a little time to partake once more, hopefully finishing it sans-secrets. I might do a secret-hunting stream at some point too! Though I’m thinking about switching the combat off after not enjoying that particular part of the game that much, especially whilst streaming.

Aaaand on Friday you can expect some kind of podbeast with myself and Ava, or maybe no podcast at all? Ava has been experiencing turbo-illness, but signs are pointing to hopefully everything being right as rain come Thursday – but if not, you know why!

That’s all this week! If you’ve any questions they will go unanswered! What have you been up to, everybody?  

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Podcast #178 – Voices in the Walls

Rich Tea Boardgames, Rodney Smith Simulator, Comfy Carpets

In this semi-cooperative episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom and Matt are talking about two very unusual games! First up is Voices In My Head’s handsome-man-sentencing, followed by a small course of Decorum; a passive-aggressive living simulator. We also chat a few nice words about SHUX (and the carpets within) as well as Matt’s review of the Quacks expansion.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

 Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Get down with the shuxness, 'Video Games', Twitch and Signal

Tom: SHUX! It’s back, it’s real, it’s in October (and a little bit of September). Matt’s got all the details in this video, but I think I’ve really summarised the event in my handy header image above. You’re welcome.

If you’re into board games and fancy a trip to the astonishing city of Vancouver then do consider getting a ticket to one of the best places to play boardgames ON THE PLANET! Multiple days of great games and great people; I highly recommend it.

But that’s AGES away! You’re dang right it is. You’re here to hear about what’s happening RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW ON THIS WEEK ON SHUT UP & SIT DOWN!! LET’S GO!!!

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Podcast #177 – Asymmetrical Arguing

Place your bets, Nobody Cares, Elon Musk’s Turd Handkerchief

In this electric episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast Tom and Quinns are going toe-to-toe in a battle for the ages, fighting the corner of the game that they like, and the other person… likes too… but less…

On this podcast we’re chatting about our lengthy first impressions of Crescent Moon and our much snappier first impressions of Bear Raid, as well as literally about 20 seconds of talking about the Mind MGMT app – so little, in fact, that I haven’t even timestamped it!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Ava’s Mean Time, cosy tunic, hair pixie

Ava: It’s Monday I’m in love! That’s the song, right? Because it’s about the fact that my pal’s been visiting and it means I spent an entire day playing my favourite game, and only just remembered I have a job to do. Just another magic monday? That’s another song. I’m sure of it.

But that’s enough about me, let’s find out what Shut Up & Sit Down is doing to keep the magic alive this week.

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Podcast #176 – Illuminate the Dogs of War

Argh, Grargh, Oooargh, Bllarrrggh

In this furious episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Quinns, Ava, and Tom are talking about three games that couldn’t be more different. First up we’ve got a chat about Illumination – a game all about scrawling doodles in the margins of MonkBooks, before pivoting hard into playing (?) with (?) dogs in Good Puppers – a set collection game with a sinister backstory. Finally, we’re talking about our not-too-positive experience with Memoir ‘44 Flight Plan, and Quinns asks everyone a difficult question.

PS: I’m really sorry about the stings.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This Week On…

Mysterious, Mystery Zone, Mystery Kevin

Matt: Hello! I’m crawling my way out of the Covid mines and am Technically Ready™ to do stuff again! This week on the website we’ve got another collection tour video. Ooh, very exciting! I’d offer further details, but I’m enjoying the mystery of it all too much. Will it be a collection of board games, or hedges, or eggs? Who will be the owner of the collection? Will it be Mystery Kevin, from Mystransylvania?

The mysteries continue: We’ve also got, potentially, another Tunic stream with Tom this week – You can watch the last bits as VODs on Twitch: give the channel a follow if you want to be notified if and when he’s logging on for more chill times.

Finally, Friday’s podcast features Memoir 44: New Flight Plan, Illumination and possibly more?! Who can truly know what lies within the heart of pod?

I must depart the mystery zone now, as there are too many mysteries and I am getting scared. What are you getting up to this week, and how scared are you about that on a scale of 1 to 10?

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