This week on Shut Up & Sit Down…

Time is subjective, hemispherical cows, the start of something new

Ava: Everybody ready for a happy new week? Well, for those of you who eagerly follow my absurd calendar antics, it’s not just that, it’s time for a Happy new year!! That’s right, the pre-Julian Roman year starts in March, which starts tomorrow, which means I can stop banging on about ‘the void period’ and start enjoying life! Well done folks, you made it through the hardest bit of the orbit. And we’re celebrating in style.

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Podcast #172 – The Great Unmatched Showdown

Jump Scares, Buffy the Greek Slayer, Raptor High

In this UNMATCHED episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns have decided to pursue the strange little feature that Quinns has been dwelling on for a while – seeking to ask and answer the question: ‘how good is all this Unmatched… really?’.

Through three ferocious bouts of slippery copyright law, our heroes put their heroes to the test in a battle of wits, strategy, and pointing out how ridiculous it is that Bloody Mary just dropkicked Bigfoot.

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

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Review: Ark Nova

In this week’s video review, Tom and Matt are taking a look at Ark Nova – a game rammed to the gills with elephants, stuffed with porcupines and just barely containing a kangaroo. We had a lot of fun playing the game and making the video – and I hope that energy translates well into a ‘nice experience for you; the viewer’.

But listen; I know what isn’t a ‘nice experience for you; the viewer’ and it’s the noise. It was too gross not to include – and if I’ve had to listen to it basically on loop during the editing process, you can probably manage one little slurp, right?

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Matt: I can’t believe it’s almost the end of February! The passage of time in 2022 is truly UNHINGED. This week on the website we’ve got a video this Wednesday from myself and Tom – wrestling with a hot hot game that’s huge, hyped, and fiddlier than a big box of things that look like…

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Podcast #171 – The Great Wall o’ Wise Guys

A very old podcast, Caveman Deals, GoldenWalls, Triple Jump Into Podtown

In this vaguely threatening episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt are chatting about a ‘whole buncha guys’! Some of them are on, in, and around a big ‘ol wall in Awaken Realms’ The Great Wall; and others are skulking around the streets of Chicago in Gale Force 9’s Wise Guys! We’re also having a brief chat about all the spoilers that Matt unearthed in The Initiative – so plug up your ears at the end if you want to make sure you remain unspoiled.

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Plumbing Disasters, Good Walls, Sons of Guys

MONDAY! Descend into the bowels of the week with merely this meagre post as your guiding light. What lies inside? Uhm.*checks notes* Not much, unfortunately.

We were intending to have a hot hot video review up on the site this week – the very first solo outing from Ava Foxfort! But, due to a generally horrifying plumbing accident (the likes of which cannot be repeated in ANY MEDIUM) we have had to postpone. Look forward to that in the future, and look forward to a review from myself and Matt next week! I’ve just realised that this sounds like myself and Matt have sabotaged Ava’s plumbing to get our review out earlier; and I promise that has not been proven yet.

What can you look forward to this week, then? Matt and I have taken a peek at Kickstarter behemoth The Great Wall as well as Wise Guys – the funky new version of the Sons of Anarchy board game from Gale Force 9! We’ve also loaded that podcast with a giant spoilery bullet for The Initiative, if you do want to dabble in secrets on a Friday evening. Other than that, it’s a quiet week as we gear up for a very exciting slate of content to come in the next few weeks! Oh, and I’m thinking about streaming some video games… anything people reckon would make good viewing for board game fans? 

Take it easy folks! And, as always, what have you been up to recently?

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Podcast #170 – Environments and How Not To Die In Them

A ‘Rules’ Dispute, Forget About The Turtles, Desert Gems, DADLands

In this arid 170th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast Tom, Ava, and Quinns are chatting about a bunch of games featuring HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS. It’s like the Shut Up & Sit Down Annual Company Retreat after Quinns threw a War Sun at Ava. We’ll never be the same again.

In this podcast, the gang are saving tigers in Endangered and planting gardens in Ishtar; before settling down to a nice bit of post-apocalyptic bickering in Radlands. Enjoy!

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

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Review: The Initiative

This week’s video features Matt and Tom wrestling with a co-operative campaign of cyphers and code-cracking with The Initiative. Well, it’s mostly Matt reviewing this one if we’re honest, although Tom does a stellar job of wearing a coat and behaving like an idiot. We’re starting to creep our way back out of isolation, and you’ll be seeing more two-human videos in the future! Have a lovely week.

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This Week on Shut Up & Sit Down

Agonising Aunt more like, sorry about the weird ball, enthusiastic distancing

Ava: February: Why bother? Well, because it’s nearly the end of the voidperiod. February is shorter than January and by the end you can actually feel the days getting longer. Unless you’re in the other half of this big weird ball, in which case you must hate me for always banging on about the seasons. SORRY!

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Podcast #169 – Welcome To… Coevorden?

The Child Labour Special, Mary Berry's Bricklaying Years, Writing A Review: LIVE!

In this picturesque episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast Matt, Ava, and Tom are absolutely chomping at the bit to tell you all about three games that are all PRETTY GOOD! We’ve got the scintillating urban planning of Townbuilder: Coevorden – the scintillatingy-er LUNAR planning of Welcome To The Moon and… what was the last game? I don’t know if I can quite… remember…

Have a lovely weekend, folks!
Tap below for full timestamps and more info!
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