Review – Detective: City of Angels

slicing the egg, tripping for biscuits, and introducing "the police"

CRIMES! Where do they come from? What are they made of? Scientists still don’t know, but one thing’s for sure. If you like solving crimes, Detective: City of Angels might find refuge in your board game collection.

In this video review Quinns says the difference between Detective and games like Consulting Detective and Watson & Holmes is that Detective is “actually fun”. He can’t mean that, can he?

Click play, and find out.

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

hot buttered inappropriate workplace metaphors, ebullient is a good word even if I sound a bit ridiculous, all your lede are buried to us

Ava: Well hello Monday! Welcome to an entirely new week at Shut Up and Sit Down, a whole seven days that has never, ever been done before. Totally unprecedented. Might look a lot like other weeks, but we promise every second is going to be different in at least one way. Cast iron guarantee, that.

So what are we filling those seconds with? Well, we’ll play some games, we’re all doing admin to get us to Pax Unplugged in December, various videos will be carefully carved into different stages of existence and we’ll be chatting and planning and podding and sustaining our fragile physical forms so we can keep on telling you about ledes we have buried.

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Podcast #160 – The Cyberhand Special

Dino Violence, Wobblin’ Ninjas, Lovely Cheese

In this “Truly Cyberpunk” 160th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast Tom, Ava and Matt are talking about a number of weird games played semidigital-style with the wonders of the internet and Matt’s hands! In this episode we have a sequence of little rambles about Dinosaur World, Floating Floors and echoes: The Cocktail!

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review – Kabuto Sumo

Pier Scams, Bug Murder, Let Me Show You "THE DUNGE"

This week’s review was assembled so rapidly that I thought I’d burned my fingers from yanking out that hot hot SD card straight from the camera mere seconds after stopping the record. Mmmm… the smell of burned data. Speaking of hot things – Kabuto Sumo is piquing everyone’s interest now as a real corker of a dexterity game. Is it good? Is it great? Find out here in this Shut Up & Sit Down Video Review™.

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Podcast #159 – Unfathomable Calendars (Live from AwSHUX October 2021!)

Thomas Brewster is Impatient and Stupid and Lazy: The Podcast

In this juicy 159th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava, Tom and Quinns are living it up at AwSHUX 2021! Enjoy an appetiser of the Exit Advent Calendar, followed by a mouth-watering main of Unfathomable, before finally settling down to the biggest pile of desserts your relenting stomach can muster. That’s right, we’re going to be rambling about the six previews that we’re most excited for at this year’s AwSHUX: Winter Edition. Stick around to hear brief snippets of Picture Perfect, Steam Up: A Feast of Dim Sum, Brick & Mortar, Beast, Mythic Mischief and Super Team.

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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The Next Two Weeks On Shut Up & Sit Down…

matt has gone "full goblin", tom's in a whole new world, quinns has piles

Ava: Happy new Monday everybody! Welcome to another new week on Shut Up & Sit Down, but also, sorry, it might be a quiet one. The whole team is already absolutely piled up with preparation for AwSHUX, the incredible free online convention that we’re running from the 22-24 October. A whole host of previews, panels, games and joy is just around the corner, but we’ve got to assemble the whole lot of it. Matt’s reverted to tech-goblin mode, Tom is figuring out how to film previews in a whole new place and Quinns has a pile of games bigger than I’ve ever seen. They’re even making ME do some actual work. Unfair. But it’ll all be worth it, because AwSHUX is, frankly, amazing. Loads of streaming with a huge range of special guests, a digital convention hall with more streams, previews and general showing-off, a discord server full of people playing and demoing games, and our live podcast and late night Q&A. It’s just so much stuff, all celebrating games and supporting the publishers that have struggled through a hugely challenging time. So while we’re doing that, we’re pausing our video and podcast production. Does that mean you won’t get anything to watch and listen to? No! We’re going to be uploading some of our favourite panels and shows from the last AwSHUX to keep you company. Right. I’ve got a puzzle to solve and some editing to do. Have a lovely week and I hope we see you at AwSHUX!

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Podcast #158 – Roll ‘n Bug

Quality Does Not Matter, Wolfgang’s Furry Eggs, The DIY Special

In this chaotic 158th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava, Tom and Quinns are slamming bugs into walls! We’re talking about the expansive box-ticker Hadrian’s Wall alongside the entomologically-inclined wrasslin’ of Kabuto Sumo! We also have some brief chats about our recent video reviews of Descent: Legends of the Dark and Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers – two be-coloned sequels of varying quality!

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Review – Burgle Bros 2: The Casino Capers

A Hasty Introduction, One Shovel Too Many, Lobbing The Potato

In my head, I can’t help but call this game ‘Burger Bros’, and then have a little fantasy about a co-operative boardgame where you play as two incredibly buff burger chefs as they blaze across a post-apocalyptic world, making absolutely ripping burgers for the survivors. I don’t know how it’d work, I just have the box art crystal-clear in my head.

Anyway, here’s a review of Burgle Bros 2 – a game that actually exists and is fantastic. Enjoy!

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