This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…
Quinns: The next AWSHUX, our weekend-long board game extravaboardza, is happening on the weekend of the 22nd of October. That means it’s almost time for our team to take a couple of weeks away to prepare… almost, but not quite! Our content pipes are going to remain warm and lubricated for another week yet, and they’re going to squirt a whole bunch of exciting board games into your figurative lap.
After my lukewarm review of Descent: Legends in the Dark last week, on Thursday you can look forward to a review from Tom over on our YouTube channel that’s very positive indeed. What game is he looking at? Alas, I know this is criminal behaviour, but I simply can’t tell you.
And then on Friday we’ve got a podcast where we’ll be talking about a few new games, and among them will be Hadrian’s Wall (pictured above). That’s gonna be an exciting discussion for me because actually, Hadrian’s Wall is a game that I’ve been asking for for years- namely, a game that asks the question “What if a roll’n’write but MORE? More rules, more decisions, more considerations?” So I got my wish, but did I actually enjoy myself? Find out on Friday.
But honestly, mostly this week I’ll be knuckling down to start filming my share of the preview videos which will all flop onto our YouTube channel on the first day of AWSHUX. And oh my goodness, you folks can look forward to some stone-cold corkers this time around. I expect at least one or two of these will go on to become SU&SD reviews.
Ah, but I don’t want to tease you! I’ll keep quiet and just get on with my work.
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