This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

shut up & sit down is not liable for the cost of dry-cleaning your lap

Quinns: The next AWSHUX, our weekend-long board game extravaboardza, is happening on the weekend of the 22nd of October. That means it’s almost time for our team to take a couple of weeks away to prepare… almost, but not quite! Our content pipes are going to remain warm and lubricated for another week yet, and they’re going to squirt a whole bunch of exciting board games into your figurative lap.

After my lukewarm review of Descent: Legends in the Dark last week, on Thursday you can look forward to a review from Tom over on our YouTube channel that’s very positive indeed. What game is he looking at? Alas, I know this is criminal behaviour, but I simply can’t tell you.

And then on Friday we’ve got a podcast where we’ll be talking about a few new games, and among them will be Hadrian’s Wall (pictured above). That’s gonna be an exciting discussion for me because actually, Hadrian’s Wall is a game that I’ve been asking for for years- namely, a game that asks the question “What if a roll’n’write but MORE? More rules, more decisions, more considerations?” So I got my wish, but did I actually enjoy myself? Find out on Friday.

But honestly, mostly this week I’ll be knuckling down to start filming my share of the preview videos which will all flop onto our YouTube channel on the first day of AWSHUX. And oh my goodness, you folks can look forward to some stone-cold corkers this time around. I expect at least one or two of these will go on to become SU&SD reviews.

Ah, but I don’t want to tease you! I’ll keep quiet and just get on with my work.

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Podcast #157 – Parking Ankhs on Ganymede

ONK, Tigris and Euphrates: Xtreme, So fast it never ends

In this numerically 157th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava and Tom are visiting Egypt, Ganymede and *checks notes* some parks. That’s right, we’re chatting about the sandy box of miniatures and angst that is Ankh: Gods of Egypt, the love letter to parks that is Parks, and the last shuttle to Ganymede in Ganymede. Have a lovely weekend, folks! Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review – Descent: Legends of the Dark

Also announcing descent: the road to becoming a legend in the dark

Descent is BACK, BABY! The game that inspired Shut Up & Sit Down’s second ever episode has returned in an eye-popping new edition with a wallet-clutching pricetag.

In the new Descent: Legends of the Dark, gone is the opportunity to play a callous and maleficent (and frequently out-gunned) dungeon master. This time around, every player at the table will control a hero, and you’ll all be steered through the campaign using an app.

It’s a bracing innovation, but what will Quinns make of it? Click play, and find out.

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

movin on up, Picking Bits for Bits, Hot Mini Or Not

Tom: Hello boardgames!  We’ve got a cracking week of videofilms and audioforms for you lot to treat yourselves to this week – with a double-bill of engaging C O N T E N T.

Quinns is taking a big look at a literally massive game over on the YouTube channel this week, in a review that he’s currently ‘picking beard hairs out of [his] nose and mouth’ for! Such commitment to ‘the bit’, we do love to see it.

Over in pod-town, you’ve got myself and Ava doing a bit of a roundup of some games that have been sat on shelves, patiently awaiting coverage. We’re going to be talking about Ganymede and PARKS – two nice games about visiting places – but also finding a chunk of time to natter about the big hot miniatures game doing the rounds right now – Ankh: Gods of Egypt! Is it good? Ankhs me that on Friday. I’m so sorry.

Still no stream this week, as Matt pours all of his spare hours into AwSHUX – a colossal engine that only accepts time and sweat as fuel.

But that’s all in the future and therefore I cannot possibly think about it! I’ve got to get back of packing all my cardboard boxes into smaller cardboard boxes so I can put them in a metal box on wheels to be shipped down South – focusing all my energy into the chunky endeavour of moving house! See you next week! But until then… what have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #156 – Spirit Tracks

Sludge Depositor, Empire Abolisher, Bringer of Floods and Surprises

In this deliberately 156th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom and Matt are poring through the back-catalogue after a lovely afternoon of playing nice games together. We’re chugging along in Empyreal: Spells & Steam before literally obliterating hundreds of invaders in Spirit Island. It’s a tonal soufflé! I will not elaborate further.

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

The Mystery Pod, Cracking Open A Sequel With The Boys, Quinns Will Never Retire

Tom: We’re scarce on the content-sphere this week, with no stream and no video for you to treat yourselves to! The slow spooling back up into being real people again is taking a peculiar toll.

Ava and I are both trying to find houses! Matt’s holed-up in an AwSHUX tech-cave! Quinns is sipping margaritas in the Shut Up & Sit Down company retirement jazz lounge. It is how it is.

Next week though, we’ve got one of this year’s biggest reviews for you to delve into – and the week after that? I’ll be breaking open a sublime sequel. Watch this space!

But what about the podcast? This week, Matt and myself will be talking about whatever we end up playing this week – the ‘Matt’s ShelfCast’, if you will. Normally we think these things through, but this time you’re getting a podcast of undiluted mystery! That’s the week, and a bit of next! But what have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #155 – We Built Witch City

Number-go-up juice games, The Worst Cities, Too many witches

In this constructively 155th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Quinns and Tom are absolutely going to build you two cities and then bury you in witches. Today we’re talking about Magnate: The First City and North Berkeley, two very different takes on the property market with at least some political undercurrents, and we’ve got Witchstone, which switches to witches. Plus a little bonus micro-chat about Tom’s recent review of The Adventures of Robin Hood.

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Rules of Robin, A Humble Shell, Guy Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

The choice of a green morphsuit was a mistake, I know. I’ve thought about this many times during the editing process, and ‘tight green’ is certainly not the look for me. The game however? It’s… probably not for me either. But that’s okay! Let me explain…

Today on the site, feast your eyes on a video review of The Adventures of Robin Hood – another review that you have my family to thank for – who swarmed around this box like wasps to a jar. This isn’t a game that’ll receive the oldest-young-brewster seal of approval, but it does get it from every other size of Brewster you can think of. Enjoy!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

maybe it's a game about a man called brian who wants to bore u

Quinns: Is it gauche to say that I’m having one of those weeks where I just love my job? The sky outside is bruised and moist (perfect weather for staying indoors with a game), I’ve got TWO big, great games that I’m playing exhaustively for my next great big reviews, and just minutes ago I received a package containing Brian Boru from Osprey Games*. Tabletop publishers around the world might still be struggling with punishing shipping problems, but I can at least promise that my advocacy on SU&SD will be as honest as ever. This week on the site we’ve got a video and a podcast for you. At some point in the middle of the week Tom will be going green in the week’s video review, and then on Friday you can look forward to a podcast where Tom and I talk about Magnate: The First City, North Berkeley and Witchstone. Two games about property development and one game about witches who are only tangentially interested in property. How are you doing, everybody? Have you been affected by publishing woes? Or have you, like me, just been having a great time playing games? * I don’t even know what Brian (Mr. Boru?) is yet, but I feel like I can rely on Osprey to deliver something polished and deliciously unexpected.

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Podcast #154 – Mighty Morphin’ Boardgames

Punchboard Gossip, Play Area Patter, A Mid-Pod Turnaround

In this resplendent 154th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava and Tom are going to be talking about a whole bouquet of different games! Tune in for some thoughts on the gently charming LUNA Capital, and Ava’s segment on ‘games what were one thing but are now a different thing’ – where we’ll be talking about Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition and Lost Cities: Roll and Write, as well as their respective parents. Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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