Review: Blitzkrieg! & Caesar!

east south aslet, pompey's secret weapon, the pear's learning new tricks

Quinns and Paolo Mori / Sittin’ in a tree / E-N-J-O-Y-I-N-G-D-E-SI-G-N

The man behind Libertalia, Dogs of War, Ethnos and one of the most well-received Pandemic spinoffs is back again with two new releases. Blitzkrieg! and Caesar! are both fabulously quick games, and to do their speediness justice we’ve reviewed them both at the same time. What will we think of next?

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Chaotic energy, wonderful face, Tim Curry in Red Alert

Ava: Just another manic Monday? I don’t know about anyone else, but my week has started with a deep chaotic energy that I was not expecting. Let’s get that sorted by making a plan for this week, starting right now on the Shut Up & Sit Down’s very own website.

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Podcast #153 – Sleeping Negotiators

Ghostfriends, highly specific bell instructions, genuinely concerned how quickly Tom took to using a euphemism for murder

In this considerably 153rd episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava, Tom and Quinns are talking all about stories. First Ava and Tom dive deep into the watery archipelago of Sleeping Gods, and then Tom and Quinns trade water-cooler gossip about their ridiculous times with Hostage Negotiator: Career. There’s bells and swamps and influencers and ghosts. It’s truly the podcast that has everything!

Have a lovely weekend, folks!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review – Our 5 Favourite New Card Games In 2021

Female Friends, Sad Stories For Frowning Men, Crotchgoblin!, Thrice Maxed

Go on then, what’s yer favourite card? I’m partial to a 4 of diamonds myself – but I’m also partial to the hundreds of individual cards featured in this very video. That’s right, we’re once again counting down the very best that cards have to offer right now, covering a dizzying array of games big and small!

In this video, you can catch Tom and Quinns reviewing The Crew again, creating a Fantasy Realm in Fantasy Realms, moseying over to a monarch in Royal Visit, and enjoying what sounds like a big french dessert in Oriflamme. We also make time to talk about the crown prince of cards; Regicide – as well as dipping our critical toes into a bunch of different boxes in a not-quite-review-roundup. It’s a big one, and you’re invited!

Also? Huge thanks to the owner of Brighton’s excellent Artisan Deli Market for being such a good sport.

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Snoozin' Gods, 67 Hours of Editing, Two whole heads of hot hot treats

Tom: Wahey! Monday! It’s been a minute, eh? A whole week since I last gave you the skinny on what (wasn’t) going down on the website – but let me tell you;  this week we’ve got a couple of hot hot treats.

On Thursday, we’ll be publishing a searing hot review of lots of games at once. We’re filming it in approximately 13 hours, and we’ll have it delivered into your waiting palms within around… 67? Depends entirely on how fast I can edit and how fast Quinns can shoot B-Roll… Wait… does that mean? YEAH IT DOES! That’s right, it’s the year’s first two-head review! We’re slowly clambering back to normal after some year(s) of sitting alone and going slowly strange.

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

a rapid relax, a speedy slow, a lightning-fast lie-down

Tom: It’s Monday-o-clock! My alarm is bleeping but my eyes are closed! That’s right; it’s time for Shut Up & Sit Down’s twice-yearly nap.

After collectively admitting to being ‘a bit knackered’ in the company Slack, we’re sliding our schedule around like a knob of butter in a hot pan. We figured a little breathing room would recharge some creative batteries and let us come out swinging with our next batch of reviews, podcasts, and streams; or to continue this strained and unhelpful metaphor – cook you all up some premium egg.

That’s it! That’s the Monday post! No video, stream or pod this week, but some fun stuff to look forward to very soon. We’ve got our first collaborative videos of 2021 on the docket, we’ve got reviews of games new ‘n old, and we’ve got bags of stuff to pod about! I’ve been particularly fortunate in my recent plays, sitting down to the daunting Sleeping Gods, the bureaucratic North Berkeley, and the twisty little trick-taker Shamans. I’ve also played an avalanche of Brass: Birmingham. Games are so good! Who knew?

But that’s enough from me, for now! What have you been up to, everybody?

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Podcast #152 – Bashing The Reggies

The ‘Animal Collective’ Year, A tense tiebreaker, One hasty ending, No Envelopes This Week

In this nastily 152nd episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns get shonky while talking about two games against the clock! We ramble for far too long about Egizia, a game of rivers and building monuments – before then chatting about Regicide, the hot new card game that’s got everyone a-bubblin’. We also talk a tiny bit about The Crew, and Tom does a bad joke twice!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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This Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…

Monday Post!, Nomad Typos!, Dynamo Pots!, Adopt My Son!

Tom: Monday! The start of the week, or the second day of the week if you’re getting wild with it! Let me, Thomas Brewster – a boy made of board – tell you about all the exciting things that we’ve got in store for you in the next 120 hours…

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Podcast #151 – Sloth Trek: The Twelfth Generation

The Envelope Party, I hate it when Quinns is right, disappointing unicorn

In this rapidly 151st episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava and Quinns are climbing mountains and swinging from trees to tell you about some board games about climbing mountains and swinging from trees.

Quinns introduces us to Trek 12, a game of mapping out mountains, roping numbers together and some clever envelopes. Then Ava wants to be a bit over-familiar with Fast Sloths, a game of hitch-hiking sloth racing.

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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