Podcast #151 – Sloth Trek: The Twelfth Generation

The Envelope Party, I hate it when Quinns is right, disappointing unicorn

In this rapidly 151st episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava and Quinns are climbing mountains and swinging from trees to tell you about some board games about climbing mountains and swinging from trees.

Quinns introduces us to Trek 12, a game of mapping out mountains, roping numbers together and some clever envelopes. Then Ava wants to be a bit over-familiar with Fast Sloths, a game of hitch-hiking sloth racing.

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: The Crew (and Mission Deep Sea!)

4 Terrible Boys, Reusing Jokes, Not as many space goofs as you might think

Badabing Badacrew! It’s a review of The Crew, 1 and 2!

In this video, Tom spends far too long burying the lede before chomping down on what makes The Crew: The Quest For Planet Nine and The Crew: Mission Deep Sea some of the best card games on the market, and maybe even some of the best co-op games of all time. Have fun and stay safe, in the sea and in space!

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This week on shut up & sit down…

little shop of podcast, smoked paprika changed my life, a little bit of jealousy

Ava: Hot off the heels of a podcast record, it’s time for me to tell you about this week on Shut Up & Sit Down, the exact website you are looking at right now. SPOOKY! I’m really excited for this week’s output, because it’s got some stonking great games in it. First up, on Tuesday, we’ll be jumping into the stream on Twitch and playing a whole game of Iberian Gauge, the third (and most interesting?) installment of Capstone Games’ Iron Rails series. This one offers a simplified stonks and shares train game with a lot of Spanish spice in it. It’s like an 18xx game that won’t make me cry with stress. Or will it? Let’s find out on Tuesday evening with me, Tom and Matt. Then in the middle of the week, it’s Tom’s turn for a review, and it’s probably the game I’m most jealous of Tom for getting to review, because for me, it’s potentially my favourite game to come out in the last three years. Definitely make sure you’re ready to tune in as soon as it washes up. Finally Friday, suddenly Seymour, perpetually podcast? I’m getting carried away with myself. Friday is the day when the podcasts come out, and this one should be a little treat. Me and Quinns found ourselves in a slightly odd mood and still managed to talk about two cute games that we kinda liked a bit? Fast Sloths makes us think about Friedmann Friese, and Trek 12 gets our tongues twisted. Lovely stuff. So tell me lovelies, what have you been up to this weekend and what are you excited for this week?

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Podcast #150 – A Space, A Siege, A Christmas Surprise!

MEGA Damage, The Crosstalk Special, Matt likes Wargames now, Tom’s UKGE adventure, 4-5 Days of Bad Pork

In this wobbly 150th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, a freshly-jabbed Tom and perfectly off-kilter Matt are ready to tell YOU about SOME GAMES!

Matt regales us with the story of him crushing my space station in Star Scrappers:Orbital! We pretend to know all about wargames with Freedom! Tom rambles about his UKGE adventures in a smushed up-special! And before you listen to this most excellent podcast, dear listener; a fun tidbit. We were going to do a big chunky roundup of all the exciting things Tom saw at UKGE, but so much of it was sufficiently interesting or strange that we’re going to save it for future, more in-depth coverage. Stay tuned for some opinions, and some hot, hot games!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review – Hostage Negotiator: Career

talkin' bout mastu--, the touch by stan bush, a breakfast cereal sponsored by the cops

This month Quinns was afraid to restart his regular board game nights until he’d been double-vaccinated, so not for the first time this year, he broke out a solo game. Hostage Negotiator by Van Ryder Games. And OH BABY! What a FIND!

The base games of Hostage Negotiator and Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave are plenty of fun, but it’s Hostage Negotiator: Career that inspired this video.

Have you ever wanted to star in your own questionable series of airport novels? Then this is the game for you.

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This week on shut up & sit down…

pasta construction, star scrumping, the adventures of covidboy

Matt: It’s Monday Night, the stars are out, and I’ve just baked enough lasagne to feed a whale. But what else is going on this week, huh? HUH?

Our Tuesday streams got a bit de-railed over the last few weeks, but we’re back on track with the stuff that we missed: tomorrow we’ll be streaming Star Scrappers: Orbital over on our Twitch channel! It’s by the designer of Terraforming Mars – should be an interesting one! This week’s review is a game that had Quinns appear in the company Slack not too long ago saying: “I just had one of my gaming experiences of the year” – so you’ll not want to miss that one, either…

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Podcast #149 – The Great Big Earthy Interview

did you know cards aren't recycleable, that seems bad

It’s a very special episode of the SU&SD podcast! Are you gonna learn about drugs? NO. Instead, Matt done a big ol’ interview with tabletop veteran and fabulous man Andrew Navaro. Andrew used to be the head of the legendary design studio Fantasy Flight Games, then became the director of Chip Theory Games, and now he represents Earthborne Games, a brand new publisher with a focus on sustainability. Enjoy, everybody!

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Podcast #148 – The Cost of Forks

Asbesdon’t, Forkwright, Arkwright: The Arkwright Game, Stop saying every game is like Quarto

In this industrious 148th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Quinns and Tom are jumping into two varyingly bleak economic games. The Cost is an asbestos-mining infrastruct-em-up with a beige board and some bleak commentary, while Arkwright: The Card Game takes Arkwright’s cutlery manufacturing to a more compact place.

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: All 28 Railroad Ink Expansions

Shedding some Tiers, Too Many Expansions, The Sweatiest Video of the Year

The person who actually received the review copy for Railroad Ink: Deluxe Edition (Railroad Ink Challenge: Lush Green, Railroad Ink Challenge: Shining Yellow and all the dice expansions) was Quinns. I (Tom) had to persuade Mr Quintin to relinquish his grasp on the box because, of course, I was the bigger, better fan of Railroad Ink – I play it on my own, for goodness sake.

Little did I know that the box was a Monkey’s Paw. Little did I know that within a few short months, I would be rattling on about ‘The Rainbow Die’, ‘The Eldritch Expansion’ and drawing up the tier list from (and starring) hell. The words and behaviour of the utterly deranged. Enjoy!

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