Tom: It’s still Monday! What happens on Mondays? The MONDAY POST! It’s absolutely sagging with letters and parcels and maybe just a little birthday card or two! Whose birthday is it? BOARDGAMES! They’re twelve.
Podcast #145 – In Space, No One Can Hear You Freeze
In this chilly 145th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Matt, Ava, and Tom are popping off into space! Do you want anything? We’ll be back in 5 minutes – but I’ve not got my keys so you’ll need to let me in thanks x First we’re getting cold with Cryo – … Read more
Read MoreReview: Dream Crush
“It’s time to GUSH… about your CRUSH!”
It’s challenging to imagine a more nauseating line of marketing copy, and yet that’s exactly what Dream Crush expects you to do. I won’t stand for it.
Wait, Quinns thinks this game is good? He thinks this game is good? He thinks this game is good? I’m uncertain about all of this, but I’m going to press play all the same.
Read MoreThis Week On Shut Up & Sit Down…
Tom: Today’s the day, and that day is Monday – and on this particular Monday, there’s been an absolutely chunky spread of errors; a peanut butter of wrongdoing!
Quinns is on review duty this week, but due to a large time accident the game we planned coverage of doesn’t come out until… next year? WHOOPS.
Read MorePodcast #144 – Oxford’s Delight
In this hungrily 144th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Quinns, Tom and Ava are locked in a room together! A week long gathering of your verifiably rowdy hosts kicked off with three cracking reprints of lovely older games, and then we all did a podcast about them! We start with Big … Read more
Read MoreReview – MicroMacro: Crime City
Knock knock, who is there, it is crime – and it has come to take all of your things away from you and use them to buy other, different things. So it goes.
In this week’s video review, Tom takes a look at the ‘very large detective’ simulator MicroMacro: Crime City. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it somewhere in-between?! Hopefully this video review will do the detective work for you! Expect ‘at least one joke’, some seriously dry b-roll, and one rare instance of good timekeeping.
Read MoreThis week on Shut Up & Sit Down…
Ava: Hey there Monday! The whole team is fresh back from a week of actually seeing each other in person, and playing as many board games as we could squeeze into four entire suitcases. I actually met Tom’s face. We sat around a table and passed physical cards to each other, making drafting games bearable for the first time in over a year. I believe I narrowly won the weekend’s victory spreadsheet, despite a full day of my brain being completely unable to wrap it’s head around maths, rules, and the concept of time. Also I had the worst single turn I’ve had in any game ever. It was fun.
This away week gave us a chance to playtest so many games that we’re all excessively hyped about how many games, opinions and gags we’ve got to stream, podcast and review right into your lovely faces.
So let’s get started!
Podcast #143 – The One With All The Adventures
In this willingly 143rd episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Quinns and Tom are going on an adventure(s)! Keep your hands and feet inside the box at all times – especially as we lower the lid over the top of your head and slide you into a Kallax. It’s where we keep … Read more
Read MoreReview – Summoner Wars 2nd Edition
When was the last time you had a good summon? It’s been too long, hasn’t it?
In that case, may we recommend the brand-spanking new edition of Summoner Wars, which is also now playable online? It’s got goblins. It’s got magic spells. It’s got plenty of charming fantasy art. And most importantly, it has a swanky, simple little ruleset that’s easy to learn and hard to master.
In fact, we like this game so much we’ve now reviewed it twice. I’m not going to go back and watch our original 2011 review because I would die instantly, but if you want to do so then that is a choice that you can make.
Read MoreThis week on Shut Up & Sit Down…
Quinns: A wise fellow once said “Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.” Recently this has been especially true of the SU&SD weekly plan, which “life” has been chasing all over the shop with a big stick. Thwack! goes life. Ow! says team SU&SD. My new video review scheduled for last week will now be published this Wednesday. As Tom teased, you should expect plenty of cards, dice and violence, as well as a big ol’ SU&SD Recommends seal.
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