This week on Shut Up & Sit Down…

hefty dolars, progeny of daddy eklund, rats: layout in a bout (boat)

Quinns: We have awoken from the post-AwSHUX slumber! Well, I’ve awoken. Well, I’m half-awake. Well, my right eyelid is gummed shut and I’m still wearing my pyjamas- the point is that I’m here, and I’m ready to tell you what’s coming up Shut Up & Sit Down.

On Tuesday we’re streaming Keystone: North America, a game of developing an ecosystem and the first release from hot new publisher Rose Gauntlet! Then on Friday you can look forward to episode #139 of the podcast, which will be (get ready) a special episode all about manuals. Basically, Matt had a near-death experience laying out the manual for RATS: High Tea at Sea, and will be telling us what he learned as a springboard to discuss manuals in general.

No video review this week, although we do have our next five(!) reviews planned. You can look forward to our video reviews starting up again from Wednesday the 12th of May.

Finally, let’s have a little peek at the games topping the BGG Hotness and see what we think, eh?

  1. Evil scientist simulator My Father’s Work tops the hotness this week, with its Kickstarter campaign at a hefty $445,000 and counting! For a closer look you should absolutely check out Tom explaining the game in our AwSHUX preview videos. We’re learning to expect zesty games like this from Renegade Game Studios, who often pair innovative games with very strong art design.
  2. Matt Eklund’s Stationfall takes the #2 spot. It’s my first time seeing it and it reminds me of a tabletop Space Station 13? A highly thematic, highly chaotic game of hidden objectives and strong theming. Or maybe you could describe it as Nemesis without the aliens and with more of a sense of humour?
  3. Next up is Lost Ruins of Arnak by CGE. Released last year, this game is turning out to have some real staying power! Not only is it still in the hotness, it’s currently listed as BGG’s 7th best family game and 103rd best game of all time.
  4. Fourth is Dune: Imperium. Our team was broadly pretty cool on this box, and you can hear why in podcast #127. Like Arnak, this game combines deckbuilding with worker placement, and we felt it was no more and no less than the sum of its parts. (Except Matt, who thought it was not “Bad” but “Good”.)
  5. And riding unexpectedly high in the hotness is Vivid Memories by Floodgate Games! Could this be a result of Tom explaining it so masterfully in his AwSHUX preview, and then again on podcast #138? Probably, yes.
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Podcast #138 – Live from AwSHUX 2021!

A Million Boxes, An Architectural Disaster, Stabbing Your Pals, Time 2 Snooze

Live and scary from AwSHUX 2021, it’s Quinns, Tom and Ava! Apologies for the incredibly unhinged energy on this one, it was powered by nerves and I’m also editing it at 1 in the morning! What a combination!

We’ve got an absolutely brutal lineup of games on this one, folks. We’re talking plants, gardens and sheds in Three Sisters, we’re slapping down a bunch of little wooden towers in Medina, and we’re serving up hot hot murder on our pals in Night of the Ninja.

BUT WAIT! There’s more! At the tail-end of this pod, embark on an odyssey of AwSHUX previews! Tom and Quinns will battle it out in an arena of hyperbole – armed with 26 separate previews that they’ve ruthlessly whittled into the silliest segment around!

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AwSHUX Spring is HERE!

here we go, oh snap, oh my goodness, it's happening again

Quinns: Hello! Is everybody ready for a five day board game extravaganzboard? The second ever AwSHUX, our free online edition of the SU&SD convention, starts today. There’s no time to waste – hurry over to the official site and start poking around! It is TEEMING with games, THROBBING with features, and GLISTENS with giveaways. But here are some toplines of what you won’t want to miss:

  • Over on our YouTube channel we’ve just this moment released a whole heap of previews of upcoming games, presented by Tom, Matt and myself. These videos represent a whole month of work and we’re releasing them all in one go, because you’re worth it.
  • More than 30 hours’ worth of programming will soon start on our Twitch channel- we’ve got panels, gameshows, special guests, presentations galore! You can see the schedule in the above header image.
  • But SHUX isn’t just about looking at games, pawing at your monitor like a kitten at a window. This weekend you can play games free on Tabletopia – use the code SHUX2021 to get 7 days of free Gold Access! Here’s how to apply your coupon code.
  • Can’t find the game you want on Tabletopia? Try these other options: BGA (free), Sovranti (Gold access free during AwSHUX with code SHUX21), Yucata (free), Boîte à Jeux (free), TTS (buy on steam).
  • Can’t find people to play with? We won’t hear of it. You can find friendly folks on the official AwSHUX Discord server!
  • Finally (and you can expect to hear a lot more about this on the site in the coming days), we’ve only gone and published a game in collaboration with two friends of the show. RATS: High Tea at Sea is a roll’n’write that you can pay whatever you want for, and is 100% playable over a webcam.

The last time this much board game love and tabletop talent was in one place was… probably the last AwSHUX? And this time the show is even bigger and better? Goodness me. I’m going to stop typing right now and get stuck in.

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A worm named desire, spicy worms

April 8, 2021 AwSHUX Spring Well, that’s a wrap on “fun”, I hope you all ate enough of it while it was still warm. The team will return sooner than you know it for a weekend splurge of Lots of Content. We hope you’re having a good week – see you soon!

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Podcast #137 – Nidavelladia!

The International PodZone, Dwerg it Baby, Polite Elks, Quintin Smith: Date Rememberer

In this indubitably 137th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns are producing decibels about two games that they are both a bit excited about! First off we’ll ramble about Nidavellir’s moody dwarves and chunky coins before taking a break in the wilderness of Cascadia; a land of solitary bears … Read more

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Review – Stardew Valley: The Board Game

matthew trees, the family spouse, are you a soil-sampler?

After the year we’ve had, who among us isn’t dreaming of moving to the country? Well, now you can give the rural life a test-drive with Stardew Valley: The Board Game, a board game adapation of the wildly successful videogame.

It’s fair to say that SU&SD hasn’t had the easiest time recommending video game adapations, but hey! There’s a first time for everything, right?


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This week on Shut Up & Sit Down…

muffindream mondays, top 10 lost ruins, hot cloaks in your area

Greetings, humans! I’ve been lovingly treated with some blue skies today, as I dive into the exciting world of pre-planning and tech for AwSHUX Spring! I’ve got less than a month to ensure that Technically Difficult moments don’t spoil three days of live broadcast – a stretch of time that is simultaneously CLEARLY ENOUGH whilst also: ARRGH. But this week on the website, things trundle on as usual! Tomorrow we’ll be live-streaming Oriflamme: a game of cunning, malice, and people wearing cloaks. On Wednesday you’ll be graced with a review from Mr Quintin Smith that I cannot personally wait to have a peek at – I suspect it may be a real hot potato! What does that mean, exactly? Honestly I’ve got no idea, but it certainly feels right. This Friday’s podcast features Tom and Quinns chatting about two games: Cascadia and Nidavellir, and over the weekend I’ve plans to help remove rubble from a garden and potentially bake a dozen chocolate muffins. 2021: it is all go.

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Podcast #136 – Beef StrogAnnov

Salt and Vinegar investors, The right sort of wolverines, Please no Top Gear

In this imperceptibly 136th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Ava, Tom and Quinns chat about two chunky pieces of cardboard chicanery about people in history going places and taking what they find. Anno 1800 and Stroganov are up for discussion and traveling in opposite directions in more ways than one.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: Cubitos

Oh Dear It’s Cube Boy, The Laziest Susan, Nothing Like Yahtzee, DICE DICE DICE!

Cubes! Everyone’s favourite three dimensional solid. Tom incorrectly refers to the components in this game as ‘dice’ over and over again, when in reality the game makes it explicitly clear that these are in fact Cubitos; borne of the mother cube, emissaries to the world of… other… shapes…

Listen, Cubitos is a game so full of wackiness that it becomes hard to write jokes about, which is why I outsourced all the humour in this video to a tub of green face paint. Watch at your peril, the J-cuts are all wrong and the green still hasn’t quite come out of my beard!

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