GAMES NEWS! 30/11/20

Origin of the (Dominant) Species, The Nap Strat, Screaming Donkeys, P-ZONE 2005 WORLD TOUR

Tom: G! A! M E S! This games news – is the best! Tom and Ava write some words! Something else that rhymes with words! GOOooOOOoo GAMES NEWS!

Ava: If you read that in any other way than exactly how it sounds in your head then it all just falls apart.

Tom: K-I-L-L-J-O-Y! Ava you’re so nasty, why? I just want to make a rhyme! Something else that rhymes with rhyme! GoOOoOoo A WAY!

Ava, frowning and ignoring Tom: Oh my word look at the donkeys!

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Review: Under Falling Skies

Big willy style, welcome to erf, personal space invaders

November 25, 2020 Reviews Under Falling Skies And now we’re back! In outer space! This game with aliens might put a smile upon your face. Delving into the dusty mines of Serious Alone-Time, Matt reviews Under Falling Skies – the Print’n’Play Star turned fully-boxed product. Is it worth selling your Deskjet 3720 for the purposes … Read more

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GAMES NEWS! 23/11/20

a game enters the sun, a guest ribbing, an in-depth buff-dude

Ava: I don’t think you’re ready, for this jelly.

Tom: I don’t think i can handle this.

Ava: It’s just jelly Tom. It’s all just jelly.

Tom: And news, right?

Ava: Yeah, sure, you can call it that if you want!

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Podcast #122 – Marry My Migrating Metro

McDonalds’ Shrimper Menu, The Mid-Podcast OpinionAround, Duck-Duck-Going a Tiger, Graphs You Can Hear

On this week’s BUMPER BOX podcast we’ve got SIX entire GameBoards for you to picture in your head as we loosely describe them with words and, quite frankly, a lot of noises? This podcast is really great if you’re a young child and want to hear a bunch of cool new ways you can make … Read more

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GAMES NEWS! 16/11/20

Queen’s Famous Burncycle, Health and SPACEty, Board Game Beats, ‘Za-Man Games

Tom: I need to kick-back, relax, play on some slide guitar, drink a bit too much too cheap whiskey and sing a song about my problems.

Ava: It’s 11am on a Monday. Where is this going?

Tom: We’ve done the heavy lifting here, they can put the pieces together this time. Let’s crack on-


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Review: Renature

Fuzzy Little Dominoes, The GameFeel, What Kinda Bird Says ‘Argh’, Spot the Double Badger

Crikey! It’s a review! At this hour? On a WEDNESDAY?

For this scintillating mixture of performance art and review, Tom got lost in the woods for an entire week reviewing Renature – only bringing a camera and some boardgame pieces into the ordeal. On the 7th day, he emerges from amidst the leaves, and bestows upon us his completed work. Oh no.

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GAMES NEWS! 09/11/20

Morally Ambiguous Storage Solutions, Wonky Press Hats, Aluminium Pringles

Tom: …and with a flourish of scarlet ‘twixt the layers of briny blue, a beautiful painting I shall perform into existence: With palette in hand, brush outstretched – and a open expanse of canvas still to tame, all that is left is for me to fetch…

Ava: No. Tom. Don’t do it.

Tom: … The Games… Hues?

Ava: There aren’t enough sighs in the world. There’s a short report on Digital Spiel, the un-physical version of what would normally be Europe’s biggest games convention/market/noisy-warehouse. The headline figures are Tabletopia doubling its user base, 148,000 people checking out the website, and 400 companies from 41 different countries showing off their bits.

Matt: ALTHOUGH I feel I’d be remiss not to mention that little old AwSHUX was just a week before Essen, and considering it was a tiny thing we’ve heard Behind The Scenes that it had a pretty remarkable impact across the board! Some of those Essen Kudos-Coins are ours, basically, Ava – and I’ll fight to the death for a handful of those beauties. Quick, say something positive about somebody else before I crush us all beneath the weight of my ego.

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Podcast #121: The Stingless Spectacular

rear admiral fiddle, mister dumpster, and daddy quimbles

It’s podcast time, and you’re all invited! Does our generosity know no bounds? In this ghoulishly 121st episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast, Quinns, Ava and Tom once again settle into the lavishly upholstered podchairs to scream words about boardgames into a wall. NEW YORK ZOO (04:02)! MARIA (19:38)! LITTLE TOWN (40:06)! THE KING IS DEAD (55:41)! These are all words bellowed in an order that one would assume makes them titles for games – and we will run with that assumption to save everyone the embarrassment. We promise they are real and we didn’t just madlibs this podcast’s games into existence. We’re not on that level just yet. Have a lovely weekend, everybody.

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Review: The Search for Planet X & Stellar

SPACE. Where did it come from? What’s it doing? And why is it so MUCH?

We have no idea, but board game publisher Renegade Game Studios is here to help, offering two great games that will teach us all about outer space- The Search for Planet X and a cute card game called Stellar.

On the one hand, we’re not sure what space did to deserve such generous treatment. On the other hand, space seems awfully dangerous, so perhaps it’s wise for people to stay on it’s good side.

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