Playing Games With Elizabeth

a vengeance, a voyage, a meaning to what we have made

[Eric Tonjes is Shut Up & Sit Down’s miniatures gaming correspondent. This week, we’re publishing an article from Eric of a rather different nature. Content warning: This piece contains terminal disease and the loss of a loved one.]

Eric: As I write this, I’m looking at a copy of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 sitting on my bookshelf. I am smiling. I am crying. It is a game I will always love, and I will never know how it ends.

Elizabeth and I got married almost a decade and a half ago. I was already firmly entrenched in my hobbies, painting miniatures and running a weekly D&D campaign. Initially it was “my thing,” and I never tried to make her love games. However, over our early years, she slowly eased into them. We played some Ticket to Ride, some Catan, and soon she was hooked. I remember the first time we finished playing Caverna, which became an enduring favorite. She told me she really liked it, probably in part because she won. I pointed out that she couldn’t say she wasn’t a board gamer anymore. She gave me her little half-smile and said she didn’t know what I was talking about.

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GAMES NEWS! 26/10/20

Honestly it’s a potato. So many ways to parse a pig, Undermining the fundamental nature of the games news

Tom: Welcome to the news, this just in: Ava is the best and Tom smells. Hey, That’s rude – get back in your own voice!

Ava: How’s that? Better?

Tom: YES. Now please never do that again. You’ll confuse the readers and unsettle my breakfast.

Ava: I promise. Only if it’s convenient for the purposes of a joke, or I don’t want to be held responsible for one of my opinions.

Tom: Fine. Wait, what?

Ava: I didn’t manage to spend much time at Spiel Digital, it taking place while I was still hungover from our very own online convention. But I’ll be spending the coming weeks poring through what I can to see if I can dig out any exciting announcements. Please drop by the comments if there’s anything you saw that you’re excited about that we haven’t yet newsed-up. The one thing I did catch was a little bit of a preview of the previously teased new Descent box, and it looks like we finally have enough details to give it a news item.

Descent: Legends in the Dark, aims to mark a break from its predecessor, with Fantasy Flight keen to state that this isn’t Descent: Journeys in the Dark: Third edition, but instead the start of a new line within the same universe. The new Descent will be a fully co-operative, app-addled experience of dungeon crawling adventure, boasting an utter boatload of fancy toys to play with. There’s a 16 episode campaign called Blood and Flame, and multilayered 3D terrain and even miniature furniture: clearly attempting (and succeeding, I think) to out-do Heroquest’s recently announced adventure-dollhouse.

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Podcast #120: James Bond’s Sexy Racist Kneecap…. LIVE!

Daniel Wideman’s Infinite Bondiverse, Queen of Mean Spiders, Mud Modelling, A Big Bin Full of Flamingo Steaks

In this politely 120th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast Tom, Quinns and Ava grab themselves three microphones, one twitch chat, and a whole month of preparation to best beam podrays into your brain… LIVE! Broadcast live and silly from AwSHUX 2020, this episode sees Ava and Tom delve into Mottainai and A Game of Thrones: The Board Game – the two very different boxes chosen for their respective application videos. Betwixt these two discussions we ramble about the infinite flowcharts of Combat Commander and Dominant Species, before settling on lighter fare with Legendary: A James Bond Deck Building Game – a box that asks the question: ‘what if bond(s)’? We then wrap up with brief, punchy chats about putting your friends into a bind in Oriflamme, and putting your kangaroos into buns in New York Zoo Have a lovely weekend, everybody Tap below for full timestamps and more info! Timestamps 06:45 – Combat Commander 10:11 – Mottainai 16:04 – Dominant Species 31:32 – A Game of Thrones: The Board Game 39:30 – Legendary: A James Bond Deck Building Game 48:02 – Oriflamme 52:51 – New York Zoo Thanks to our amazing community, podcast transcripts are available here, and are usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release.

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GAMES NEWS! 20/10/20

a lump of history, a reverse turing test, a lick of locality

Ava: Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom.

Tom: Aaaah. Stop poking me. I’m awake, I’m awake. I thought it was meant to be worm month??

Ava: Tom. It’s TUESDAY. We SLEPT THROUGH THE NEWS. And anyway, worm month was a lie sold to you by the greedy greeting card companies after they accidentally acquired thirty tonnes of sentimental worms after a spelling mistake on their annual words order.

Tom: I’m feel betrayed! But I sympathise. We’ve had similar issues with the Games Newts. Onwards!

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AwSHUX?! It’s Sunday’s Schedule!

Dawn of the final day, Quinns and Mercy Do Not Get Along, There Were Literally Hundreds of Horses

It’s the final day of AwSHUX, the world’s finest digital boardgame convention! Here’s Tom to give you an update on all the fun stuff that’s happening today! Take a look at the ‘read more’ section if you want a quick rundown of how to get in on this lovely little section of the internet…

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AwShux!? It’s Saturday’s Schedule!

Latersoon Boardgames, The Place To Be!, Powerful Merchandise, What's A Convemtion

Oh my, there’s a whole second day of AwSHUX, the world’s finest digital boardgame convention? And it’s happening today?! Where can I sign up?! Let me walk you through what’s occurin’…

Well, first off, you can mosey on down by going to – and while you’re at it, why not grab yourself a collection of pals new and old to hit the tables with? We’ve set up a delicious discord server that’ll help you find a group – whether you want to demo something new or have a go at something old.

What if you wanted… To BUY those games? Don’t you worry none, my sweet summer child – we’ve got a whole store set up for all kinds of excellent adventures of the cardboard variety! And what about some duds to cover yourself in whilst you play those games? We’ve got you covered there, too, with a most excellent garment factory.

Lastly, but by no means leastly, we’ve also got a bunch of giveaways over the weekend that you can sign up for here!

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!

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GAMES NEWS! 12/10/20

Good heavens we’re doing a convention, The Esoteric Feld Klaxon, Herby Berby’s Garden Journey, The Sequel to Plastic

Ava: Worms, worms, worms! We’re looking for a good worms!

Tom: Are we really just going to make the intro about worms again? Is worm month just an excuse for lazy news introductions?

Ava: Not at all. It’s also a way to devalue the literally phenomenal amount of work going on behind the scenes to make an actual online convention happen, by pretending that we’re not putting out videos because we’re worms, rather than because Matt is now surrounded by so much tech that he’s starting to look like the robot lady from Metropolis.

Tom: Ah…. Worms.

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GAMES NEWS! 06/10/20

combopolo, too many stage directions, worms, a generous box

Ava: Tom, why are there worms everywhere?

Tom shovelling worms: Worm month.

Ava: Right. Do we still do the news in worm month?

Tom hurling worms into a barrel: News for worms.

Ava, grabbing a worm spatula: Makes sense. Let’s get to it. Buffy! Coming soon to Restoration Games’ Unmatched is the slayingest vampire slayer. I would like to formally recognise I am marking myself out as a very particular age by the fact that I consider this news, and had to edit out a Spaced reference.

Tom: I saw that Spaced reference first hand, and let me tell you kids; it wasn’t pretty.

Ava: Too orangey for crows. I guess.

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Our 5(6?) Favourite New Roll’n’Write Games

backglass, hugin', copin', the destruction of doncaster

Don’t call it a comeback! Hot on the heels of our 5 Favourite New Card Games video, today we’re covering 5 (nearly new) roll’n’write games that could (loosely) be described as our favourites (kind of).

In order of appearance, this video stars the excellent Copenhagen: Roll’n’Write, Super Skill Pinball 4Cade, Rome & Roll, Cartographers, Kingdomino Duel and Metro X, as well as a cheeky little cameo from Qwinto (not to be confused with Quintin).

The video is also MASSIVE. A real five course meal of probability management. Loosen your belts, everybody!

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