Our 5(6?) Favourite New Roll’n’Write Games

backglass, hugin', copin', the destruction of doncaster

Don’t call it a comeback! Hot on the heels of our 5 Favourite New Card Games video, today we’re covering 5 (nearly new) roll’n’write games that could (loosely) be described as our favourites (kind of).

In order of appearance, this video stars the excellent Copenhagen: Roll’n’Write, Super Skill Pinball 4Cade, Rome & Roll, Cartographers, Kingdomino Duel and Metro X, as well as a cheeky little cameo from Qwinto (not to be confused with Quintin).

The video is also MASSIVE. A real five course meal of probability management. Loosen your belts, everybody!

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GAMES NEWS! 29/09/20

Cynicism Overdrive, One Amiga No amigos, Is that not enough continents already?, Octopodes rhymes with antipodes

Ava: Tom, Tom, What’s a good two-syllable word to come after ‘wet news…’ in a song pun for today’s intro?


Ava: Oh dear. I’ve been left on my own and we may never find out what happened to my “wet news quizzy”, which is what I call questions now. I guess it’s time to leap atop of the tremendous pile of crowdfunders that are clogging up the news-pipes. Give me a sec, I’ll need a run up.

Kicking off outside of Kickstarter, we’ve got literally the biggest name in board games purporting to need a crowdfunding pre-order system in order to be able to publish one of the biggest nostalgia kicks in the world. Yes. It’s Heroquest.

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Podcast #119: The Big Reiner Beefcast


In this venomously 119th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast Ava, Quinns and Tom gather around the podfire to burn every game they own in a ritual that can be traced hundreds of years into the past. It’s to keep it at bay. This week we politely disagree about Village Green (01:51), tut about Glasgow (10:43), and aggressively grumble about Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Crypt Hunters (23:05). Then, the gloves come fully off for an all out argie-bargie over a load of Kniz’ – Through the Desert and Blue Lagoon (31:20)! Tigris & Euphrates and Yellow and Yangtze (48:42)! They’re all here, and they’re all loudly shouting each other and I want to go home now please, Quinns did a swear.

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The Best Ways to Make Chess Fun

chessticles, dr. games mctavish, did that queen just shoot somebody

Like backaches and questionable political opinions, Chess sets seem to be one of those things that people just acquire as they get older. But is it possible to have fun with them?

We put our top board game scientists on the case, and they said “Yes. Yes. We think so.” In this video we’d like to present the games of Peasants’ Revolt, Horde Chess, Monster Chess, Atomic Chess, Alice Chess, Demi Chess, Bughouse ChessSynchronistic Chess and much, much more.

Were there any particularly spicy, simple Chess variants that we missed? Please leave us a comment. And enjoy the video, everybody.

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GAMES NEWS! 21/09/20

Don’t look at your fingers, It’s a beef sandwich, I love disco so much and I’m still annoyed about Matt Damon in The Martian

Ava: Tom, Tom, wake up, I’m really sad about disco again.

Tom: Whabuhhuh?

Ava: Turns out the first line of that song is ‘do you remember the twenty first night of september’, but we already used that joke already earlier this month even though we were due to do the games news on the actual 21st of September. We wasted the joke! It wasn’t the right time!

Tom: At least you aren’t calling me Ronald, like last week.

Ava: Go back to bed Ronald. It’s time for a games news disco.

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Quinns vs. Tom Vasel: Who is more wrong?

bit on the benis, odious contract-fulfillers, a rattling carnival ride

Quinns: Morning everybody! We can’t offer you a new video this week, but we can offer you something significantly more stupid.

This week BoardGameGeek user ThunderCat23 sent me quite the gift! ThunderCat23 wanted to chart the BGG game ratings of Tom Vasel, pater familias of popular board game content network The Dice Tower, against the ratings of the Dice Tower’s Mike Dilisio.

Entirely by accident, ThunderCat23 ended up charting Tom’s BGG ratings against my BGG ratings. Not wanting to waste their work, they then sent me this data, letting me write an article listing all the games Tom and I disagree on the most.

Strap in, folks! The opinions are gonna fly hard and fast. Someone could lose an arm.

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GAMES NEWS! 14/09/20

Troyes wasn’t in Byzantium either, Stop doing that Ronald, Das Dice

Tom: Ahhhh. Don’t you love the fresh air, the rolling hills, the dry stone walls, the tiny paddocks? The babbling brook, the adorable bleats, the bark of the collie hard at work? ‘Tis a fine day to work the fields.

Ava: I don’t know why you’ve brought me here, but I’m pretty sure there’s a terrible joke coming.

Tom: It’s time to round up the Games Ewes.

Ava: Yup. There we go.

Ava: I wasn’t particularly gripped by the pitch for Disney Shadowed Kingdom in the press release, but at the last minute it said that this was going to be followed up by new bits for Unmatched, and realising Mondo was the same publisher almost made me curious. After all, Quinns recently gave Unmatched a pretty glowing review.

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Podcast #118: Stuck Holding Double Badgers

how big is a stick, how evil is a crystal, how rude is tom, how good is eclipse

Hark! Tom, Matt and Quinns have eaten the sacred pod-beans and soon opinions will grow from their open mouths. Please remain calm, the procedure is perfectly natural. Specifically, these potent, home-grown opinions will relate to the board games of Renature (01:41), Pictures (17:33), The Search for Planet X (34:12) and Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy (49:50). There’s also some organic chat about Ride the Rails, Paranormal Detectives and Decrypto

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Review: War Chest

Scalding Hot Trouble, Real Science Diagrams, Delicious Poker Chips, A Big Box of Battles

War! HUH!? What is it good for!? According to David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin, it’s good for business. They literally said that. I promise.

Live from a bedroom, Tom tackles this square brown box of War Chest in just under 10 square brown minutes, with each one more salient than the last. Marvel at the hastily-strung-together introduction! Guffaw at the complete lack of pacing! Be thrilled by the knowledge that yes, he did have to clean up that dirt/those poker chips/this whole edit with only a handful of hours to spare! He even makes time to (not) review the Nobility expansion!

For SU&SD website denizens, there’s also a secret treasure. Check out this fantastic online implementation from web character SpruceGoose. I had a tonne of fun testing the game on this site, as well as having a fab little 4 player game with him and his lovely friends (thanks guys!). Check that out here: https://warchestonline.com/login

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Games News! 07/09/20

Monk Evisceration VIII - This Time it’s For Love, Naughty Rolling, No Dice No Masters Only Space

Tom: Do you re-mem-ber!

Ava: No.

Tom: The fact that it is now September!

Ava: No.

Tom: Onwards to Newsville!

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