GAMES NEWS! 31/08/20

Quinns’ Quick Quince Wince, unexpectedly fancy, Rats-in-a-blanket, The Naughty Doctor

Quinns: Morning Ava! I am wearing my Tom suit and Tom hat and am happy to help you with the news today

Ava: Quinns, have you just glued a rat to your face and stapled bacon to your clothes? I don’t even understand why you would think that was a Tom Suit.

Quinns: Wait, no. The suit and hat was just a bit of the theatre of the mind. You would just pretend I was dressed like Tom and we could start the news after some light banter.

Ava: So what’s the deal with the bacon and the rat?

Quinns: Let’s roast us some news!

Ava: Sit Down games just never shut up with their constant weird ideas, and I’m into it.

Dive features an unusual blend of see-through cards and diving for treasure. Players build a stack of these clear plastic cards, then peer down into them and try to judge how far down certain obstacles and treasures are. You’ll use oxygen to program a safe route down, hoarding valuable tokens on the levels where they think there’s something particularly tasty. Once everyone’s built their route, you’ll be removing cards to see how far everybody got. Get the furthest with the most treasure and you’ve won the dive. I can think of several ways this might be really boring or awful, but if it works, it could be a really lovely unique game.

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Podcast #117: Live from the UKGE!

Micro(wave) Chef, Twisty Brain-Numbers, The Five Queen Jamboree, Nighty Night Listeners xoxo

In this preposterously 117th episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast Quinns, Ava and Tom are going absolutely LIVE to the UK Games Expo, threatening to snarf endless pizza in Fort, crunch the numbers in 18Chesapeake, and do ‘Good Japanese Business’ in Yokohama. Then, in a secret less-than-live twist, they’ll yoko-yammer-on-about 5D Chess … Read more

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Review – Anomia

bonsai beach, introducing your bad brain, mmmmmmmmmaryland

Following last week’s review of Decrypto, this week we’re revisiting another brilliant game that had previously been wasting away in the dungeons of Shut Up & Sit Down in a written review.

Anomia might not be the funniest game we’ve ever covered if you were to judge it in terms of decibels, but it is the game we’ve reviewed that gets the most people laughing the hardest the fastest.

Does that sentence make sense? We’re not sure. We just know that this game is ace.

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GAMES NEWS! 24/08/20

Actually maybe that’s too much digression, Contiguous Hops, Vapes’n’Japes

Ava: Welcome to Board Game Celebrity Squares! The quiz where all the biggest names in board games have games coming out soon, and they’ll probably mostly be coming out in boxes that are square shaped. Hence the squares.

Tom: Ava, I don’t think that sounds much like a game show.

Ava: What’s a game show?

Ava: There’s a fair bit of buzz around Alexander Pfister’s next big box game, as the designer of Great Western Trail, Oh My Goods and Maracaibo reaches for the future, and the skies.

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Review – Decrypto

They say the past is a foreign country, but this week we’ve popped on the ferry regardless, going back to revisit a game we’ve already reviewed and recommended – on the sole basis that Matt didn’t feel like we’d recommended it strongly enough? Find out why we’ve come to feel that Decrypto is a modern classic – with a special report on the Laser Drive expansion from Tom, who isn’t actually here.

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GAMES NEWS! 17/08/20

disappointed clouds, Earmoths, love me with meteors

Matt: Monday humans! Hello! I am temporarily kidnapping the news with a little SU&SD Official Announcement: famously shuffling around like a dad on a wedding dancefloor, our Twitch streaming has now settling on “Tuesday Evenings”. Starting tomorrow – where you can tune in to see me dabble with Warp’s Edge – a solo space adventure! As we mentioned super-briefly in our recent video about how people can support Shut Up & Sit Down, the easiest way by far for those who have Amazon Prime is to link their account with Twitch Prime, and press a button once a month that creates *free money*. It’s a faff, though so we really appreciate it! Either way, we’ve been having a lot of fun hanging out with some of you on the internet – in a year without conventions, it fills a fun space! Anyway, I hope to see some of you tomorrow…. IN SPACE.

Ava: Oh dear. Aside from that pre-baked chunk of text from the bosses, it seems that this week I’ve been left on my own for the news. That means there’s nobody to stop me from shoehorning increasingly tenuous musical references into, well, everything.

I mean, there is. Matt’s the editor, and he gets to delete whatever the hell he likes. But if I leave him with an intro that directly references it, he’s stuck with it, right? That’s how this works? Right?

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Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 Review – A Phenomenal Finale

Oh my goodness! It’s time for our review of what Quinns is calling “The best game in perhaps the most entertaining series in board games.” It’s Pandemic Legacy: Season 0.

You might also be interested in our reviews of Season 1 and Season 2, as well as our review of base Pandemic. That is, of course, unless you’ve had enough of pandemics. But why could that possibly be the case?

Have a great weekend, everybody.

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Podcast #116: …Reset to Hokey Pokey

The HotCast, I am become Lonely; Haver of Sad, Flicking Foxes Made of Numbers, Return to Africa, The Warm War

Three sentient puddles have gathered to sit in rooms made of hot to talk about board games made of card. That’s right, it’s become quite warm all of a sudden and the company has been liquidated to cope, but not in that way, in the other way. Look at what you made us do. In … Read more

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SU&SD Play Mothership Episode 2: 11 Secret Herbs and Space

Intellectual Juice, I’m Sorry My Beautiful Boy, Sorbet Delivery Service, Mr Dreadful’s Dog Tip Avalanche

My oh my oh my. We made it episode 2 of Mothership, and it’s only just over one month late! Apologies for the delay on getting this one to YouTube, Tom got a little too into character as ol’ juiceboy – chugging endless amounts of “medicine” instead of doing his job.

In this episode, the gang explore the ship they’ve found themselves on, teeth themselves on green orbs and faff around a lot before reaching a dramatic conclusion. You can find part one here. Enjoy!

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