GAMES NEWS! 10/08/20

The Last Ever Games News, Thoughtmop 5000, Avalots and lots, Dice Deliveries, Blame It On The Blaseball

Ava: Expelled? From board game school? But I played by all the rules! And you’re not even the head of board game school, you’re just a janitor! Surely you can’t have expulsion privileges?!

Tom: Ava, everyone has expulsion privileges at board game school. It’s a loophole in the rules – the only way to get back in is to write a compelling 2,000 word essay on this week’s hot games news. Either that, or eat a whole copy of Roads and Boats.

Ava: Hmm, I had Bus for breakfast. I guess it’ll have to be the news.

Ava: Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn took quite a few by storm back in 2015, and wrapped up with a big finale after a successful run of expansions. Now it’s all happening again, like a groundhog-flavoured phoenix.

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SU&SD Play… Wingspan with designer Elizabeth Hargrave!

The very good list of great birds, The Great Pavillion In The Sky, Cool Birds That You Know, Matt's Terrible Mod

We played some Wingspan! So that we could impress designer Elizabeth Hargrave with all of our cool bird knowledge, Tom and Matt spent WEEKS in a bird blind; method-acting as birds. Things got ‘not-very-social-distancey’ awful quickly, what with all the regurgitative feeding.

Sorry, that was disgusting. Matt shouldn’t have trusted me to write actual copy for the website – especially when it’s relatively low-stakes content and I’ve had several strong coffees – each one propelling my tiny bird self through the day’s workload like a bird that has had several strong coffees. Enjoy!

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SU&SD Play… Oceans!

Sneaky German Swearing, Bong Joon Ho's Paradise [RIP], TrashFish, The Magic of TTS

Let me tell you a bit of a story behind this stream. When team SU&SD was out on our annual fishing trip last year, bobbing around on the Great British Lakes just outside Upton Snodsbury, Matt caught himself half a dozen beautiful fish. As he packed his catch into the cooler to take home and microwave, one particular fish caught his eye – a fish with a pencil tucked behind its gills and game design in its heart. That fish was Dominic Crapuchettes.

Fast forward a year, and Dominic has fully matured into a real human male, capable of making rather comprehensive board game designs. We sat down on Twitch to play his latest, Oceans, a game about being your truest, fishiest self in an ocean full of haters.

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GAMES NEWS! 03/08/2020

Santorini: New York: York, Everybody in the club getting newsy, A 2mm Greyboard Coffin

Ava: It’s getting news in here, so take off all your news. I am, getting so news, I’m gonna take my news off.

Tom: Whoa, nelly! Cool your news boots. That’s just a bit too news.

Ava: I know Tom, I know. But GenCon Online has given us so much news, that I think we are literally going to take our news off, saving some for next week. As is semi traditional, this week focuses mostly on the big players (who get their details online the quickest), as it takes a week or so for the more interesting oddities to start shining through. And oh my word, the biggest game is getting bigger. I nearly put my hype-drive into ludicrous mode for this one.

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What’s the future of Shut Up & Sit Down?

This might come as a surprise due to the time-warping effects of Covid-19, but it’s that time of year again! Today, we’d like to give you a quick behind-the-scenes message from Shut Up & Sit Down.

If you’re new to this community, you might not yet know that Shut Up & Sit Down is kept alive by donations from people who love what we do. So if you think you can afford it, please consider giving us a dollar or two this summer.

That’s all! We promise to only bother you about this in another six months. Have a great weekend, everybody.

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Podcast #115: Score the Boogie Bonus

“These are a few of my favourite sins”, The Rosenburg’s Parental Polycule, QueenTeen Smeeth, Widening To A Point Of Horror

Picture it now; you’re sitting in a lovely english garden in the midst of summertime. You’ve got a delicious cup of iced Bovril in your hand, and the sun is warming the grass under your feet. Life is bliss. Suddenly, a tall sweaty man and a short sweaty boy leap the fence – cracking open warm cans in mid-air – fistfuls of board game bits clutched in their four greasy hands. It’s time to podcast, baby. In this undeniably very 115th episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns resume the age-old tradition of shirtless podcasting – kicking off with a chat about The Deadlies, before pinging over to Super Skill Pinball: 4Cade. Then, Quinns gets wistful about his foray into Fields of Arle, and we end on a highly controversial chat about Undaunted: North Africa. Strap in. Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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two cool originals, a forest full of snares, what's wrong with pearls

Oh dear. SU&SD is trying to review a 4,000 year old cultural institution? There are days where we struggle to review dexterity games aimed at drunks. This can’t end well.

In all seriousness, Go is easily among the most magnificent works of design that we’ve ever review. The only question that remains is… is it fun?

Huge thanks to online shop Masters of Games for lending us some of their Go stuff for this video. Quinns says he’ll mail it back shortly, and “Sorry for the Dorito dust.”

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GAMES NEWS! 27/07/20

Natty News, Warsch-kisser, Terrible Toad Tiles, Sonic De Jahres, carbs gone wild

Tom: Hello Ava! How is your day so far? I indulged in having a rare THREE slices of toast this morning, 33% more than my usual breakfast.

Ava: Oh dear. Returning to the homestead has lowered your standards for excitement?

Tom: I’m gearing up to film a review in a garage, Ava. It’s all downhill from here.

Ava: I got a bit dazzled last Monday when I found myself accidentally watching Reiner Knizia wearing a hard hat and matching bow tie. He was there to not win the biggest award in board games, the Spiel Des Jahres. I’m a bit sad he dressed up for nothing, but he also looked like he was having a whale of a time.

Tom: He also looks like a rogue trader pretending to be a magician.

Ava: The winners were in fact Daniela and Christian Stöhr designers of Pictures, a game of drawing things without pens. Instead you’re recreating photos using building blocks, pixelated cubes and bits of shoelace. I’ve not found myself particularly intrigued, if I’m honest, but often the details are what makes a party game sing and I’d like to give it a pop.

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Wrestling A shrubbery, bad times with twigs

Our celebration of head-to-head games continues! This week Matt stacks up his opinions about the fabulous Cairn. Blue druids in hats versus brown druids with sticks – it’s a tale as old as time, but what new magic have they cooked up with this natty new formula?

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