GAMES NEWS! 20/07/20

Kemet: Tory Edition, Stefan Feld’s Euro-Teasing, Mincemeat Geodude, The Newscopter has Landed

Tom: I’m doing it! I’m finally piloting the newscopter! I can see so many games from my perch in the sky! I’ve dialed down the whimsy-ometer, and the daftosphere has been calibrated. All the news is trickling out the newspipes – I can see my NEWS from here!

Matt: OK Tom, gosh. Fine – you can keep flying the newscopter for a COUPLE OF MINUTES, but for heaven’s sake – crank the Reprint-Rotor before we have a terrible accident?

Tom: Yessir!

Queen Games’ delirious Twitter teasing has finally led us to its natural conclusion. The cities have been revealed, the mystery is gone, you can all go home now thank you very much that’s quite enough. The first of the City Collection is Hamburg, a reimplementation of 2013’s Bruges – which, as you can tell, is not Hamburg. It’s Bruges.

Matt: Yeah, switching from Bruges to Hamburg isn’t exactly the most enthralling re-theme?

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Podcast #114: The Ocean Grasps a Van

the domain of vans, the superior bake-off, nuclear fission, and a crying cat

It’s a full house, baby! In this episode of the podcast Ava and Quinns discuss FIVE games, each and every one of which they are IMPRESSED BY. Has that ever happened on the podcast before? We’re not going back to check. That could take *minutes*.

Quinns can offer some early impressions of Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 (04:15), Ava’s been dueling a stranger in Innovation (19:36) (and you can read Ava’s splendid roundup of Chudyk’s games here), there’s a lovely drawing game called Geometric Art (34:12), a revisit of Spirit Island (41:12) and we close the show with some impressions of the hot new card game Spicy (57:35).

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GAMES NEWS! 13/07/20

Optimised Digital Betrayal, Head Empty: Brain Smooth, A Not-So-Secret Pandemic, Tired of the Tweets

Tom: Fictional scenario with humorous implications!

Ava: Harmless pre-amble with light twists of jokery!

Tom: Slight pun, sensible query?

Ava: Query resolved, questionable segue into the news!

Ava: I can’t not talk about that teaser trailer for Pandemic Legacy Season 0. My understanding is that if I’d tuned into the stream last tuesday, I would’ve been able to watch Matt complete a teaser jigsaw with a secret code on the back. I’m really hoping Tom was watching and knows if we’ve gleaned any exciting spoilers.

Tom: I was not present for the assembly, though I did pop in to quickly clip Matt looking his daftest.

Matt: In my defence, I am incredibly daft. It turns out I’d vastly underestimated both the time and energy required to ‘Do A Jigsaw’ – five hours of live-streaming a muddy brown puzzle left me shamefully too wiped out to actually solve the mystery behind the clues I’d uncovered. I still don’t know exactly what I missed, but I gather I missed *something* quite vital – the next day I even went so far as to heat up the accompanying note in a wok in the hope that a heat-sensitive message would reveal itself. You can’t mark me down for effort, I guess?

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CHESS MONTH – Ice Team Review

Bear Chess, terrible mystica, hashtag scarf goals

July 8, 2020 Reviews Ice Team, chess month It’s the 8th of July baby, you know what THAT means! It’s time for Shut Up & Sit Down’s inaugural Chess Month – a season dedicated to the joy of fantastic two-player games, literally none of which are going to be chess. To kick us off with … Read more

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GAMES NEWS! 06/07/20

Disintegrate After Reading, Moose-and-Write, Horrible Horrible Time, There was an ‘R’ i swear officer


Ava: No. Today’s news will be presented in a bland monotone with absolutely no musical interludes whatsoever.

Tom: Sad.

Ava:. Don’t be sad Tom, I’m obviously lying. Have you met Shut Up and Sit Down? Pretty much everything we say ends up sung to the tune of some soft rock classic or another.

Tom: We did a musical count in last week too, didn’t we.

Ava: There’s a pandemic and a climate crisis going on, we’re allowed to recycle. One! Two! Many! Lots!

Stonemaier games haven’t quite landed a perfect hit with the review squad here at Shut Up and Sit Down, but they’ve knocked out some beautiful shots, and it’s hard to ignore when they announce something new. Their latest game evolved out of one of their open design days, apparently their highest ever rating prototype, and is now getting the full Stonemaier treatment.

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Podcast #113: The Double-Monster Solo-Roleplay Small-Box TeamBuilder 8000

Small-And-Dense-Haven, Kenneth’s Bistro Bed & Breakfast, The Shirt Off and Sit Down Podcast, DisserSPACEions (eugh)

In this positively 113th episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns have a totally normal conversation between two dudes in their houses with NEARLY all of their clothes on their respective bodies. Contained therein are discussions of everything from Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion to Team3, as well as a … Read more

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Review – Thousand Year Old Vampire

Kenneth The Vampire, Sorry Kids, I'm really sorry for dropping the 'Old' from the name of the game like 8 times

After talking about it on the podcast a bunch, Tom decided to make himself a nice little video review of Thousand Year Old Vampire, as a treat. Along the way, he learned the challenges of Adobe After Effects (never again) and filming a compelling outro in a room with no discernible features.

Sit back, relax, and be dazzled once again by the tale of Kenneth – a vampire who gives the sound of boiling mud horrifying connotations.

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GAMES NEWS! 22/06/20

you literally cannot escape star wars, Too much box, enticing pipes

Tom: Tickets are now available to purchase for the first Games News Gig. Our genre is cardboard and our instruments are words. Join us for a little ditty we like to call ‘The Games News This Week, On The 22nd of June 2020’. It’s going to be OUT THERE.

Ava: Give me a second, I need to look up a very, very, very, niche reference.

Tom: I’ll do a sound check. Let’s play that old classic – ‘The Stream Schedule For The Next Two Weeks Starting On The 22nd of June 2020, Also’.

And a one, and a two, and a one two three four TUUUUESDAY!! PLAYIN’ GLOOMHAYyYY(ven jaws of the lion) THEN THURSDAYYYY!! PLAYIN’ (an rpg called Mothership episode two, catch up on the first episode live on youtube today) TAKE IT AWAY, AVA!

Ava: I’ve lost the words!!

Tom: Huh. I guess we’ll just have to improvise when we get there.

Ava: This one’s for Brian Jones and all the other dinosaurs that got kicked out of the band! 1-2-3-4!


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