Review – Undaunted: Normandy

the boy shop, the final bun, and one badass baghat

Do you like GUNS? Do you like CARDS? Do you like GRIEF?

If the answer to any of those questions is “Kind of?”, you’ve got to check out Undaunted: Normandy. Not only is it the greatest World War 2 game to come out in forever, it’s deliciously cheap.

What else is there to say? Except, of course, that we could not be more excited for Undaunted: North Africa later this year.

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GAMES NEWS! 13/01/20

here's jomnhy, excuse me i don't think limbs work like that, the brewsterdome, bring your own blood

Ava: Welcome… to the Newsdome! And welcome our latest challenger, Tom Brewster, despoiler of news.


Ava: Okay Tom, calm down a second, this is just what we call a riff.


Ava: *pinches nose* That’s not how this works! Not to mention I’m definitely Tina Turner in this situation. Let’s just write about some games.


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Matt Walks You Through His Board Game Collection

Put it in a bin: season 2, landstation confusion, neoprene crimes

We’re kicking off the year with a much-requested video! Today Matt will be talking you through his relatively trimmed-down collection of board games, taking you by the hand and walking you through a mental corridor of joy, shame, and occasional warmth. We actually recorded this after PAX Unplugged this year, which explains a handful of references that don’t quite make sense, and why Matt looks a bit like a semi-retired yeti. If you missed Quinns’ collection video from last year, go and take a peek! We’ll be back soon with some exciting new reviews. 2020 is already shaping up to be a stonker!


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GAMES NEWS! 06/01/20

2020, longer johner silverer, Forbidden dice, still recovering from the willenium

Ava: Oh my word, would you look at that, a whole fresh new year, hot out of the oven, gently cooling on the windowsill. The year is 2020, and I’m still hungry for news. Let’s cut a slice off the still-warm year, and spread some tasty melted news all over it.

Fort, coming soon from Leder Games, is an update to fellow four-lettered card game SPQF, with cuddly classical empires swapped for rival neighbourhood tree-forts. I skipped over this when it first got announced, but artist Kyle Ferrin has been posting some really lovely pieces of art and it gives me an opportunity to right that wrong.

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And that’s it for 2019!

there's a freeze frame in this video where quinns gives you the finger, it's real bad

Quinns: And with that donation video, Shut Up & Sit Down is closing its doors for the winter break. We’d like to offer a gigantic, Christmassy “Thank you!” to everyone who watched, supported and shared our content in 2019. But since we can’t do that, we’re going to settle down with our families to eat 9999 brussel sprouts.

I’ll just add that we’re going to be talking a lot about the future of SU&SD in the coming donor newsletter. So if you want to hear about the SU&SD internship program, the future of our board game streaming, the (ridiculous!) pile of games that we plan to shine a light on in the new year and a lot more besides, make a donation of any amount before Christmas day and we’ll slingshot that over-stuffed newsletter into your inbox.

What I will say publicly is that while it’s been a while since we’ve released a podcast, we’re be back to our regular schedule of “About two podcasts a month maybe?” as soon as the new year begins.

We wish you all the best, everybody. See you soon!

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GAMES NEWS! 16/12/19

Ava: Twas the news before Christmas, and all through the office,
Not a creature was newsworthy, not even the…..boffice????

I should’ve thought more carefully before I started that. But it’s the end of the year, the UK election last week was horrible, and I’m pretty sure British culture is entirely built up on the principle of phoning it in on the last day at work (and failing to own up to the horrors of our colonial past).

Quinns: Ava, don’t talk about phoning it in at work while I’m here! I didn’t get you a Christmas present, but if I *had* I would now pitch it out of my window, in anger.

Ava: Let’s get this news down this chimney, and hope someone’s left us a mince pie and a carrot.

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Review: Cthulhu Wars

Gawd bless us every one! Quinns has cracked the lid from Cthulhu Wars‘ enormous box, and he’s stunned at what he’s found.

This is the sort of game that SU&SD usually steers people away from. It’s too big, too expensive, and much too silly. And yet Quinns is here today to rave about it. It’s a Christmas miracle!

And don’t forget to help us out on our 2019 Christmas Donation Drive!

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GAMES NEWS! 09/12/19

Dweller of the Game, good job seattle, Nice egg!

Ava: The rest of the team is in something called ‘Philadelphia’, so they left me to sweep up the last crumbs of pre-Christmas news. Only it’s not crumbs at all, there’s big news, weird news, premature news, barely news, local news and even some bad news. Pull up a chair and settle yourself down, let’s tuck into a big old roast news, stuffed with newslings and with all the greasiest news-trimmings.

Oh my word would you look at that. The biggest game in games is getting a frosty full-fat follow-up. Gloomhaven is heading north and getting a lot colder (which I can relate to, as I moved to Yorkshire three years ago).

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