More Fun Stuff for SHUX 2019 announced!

big box secrets, big game mania, and an english minute

Quinns: Have you got your ticket for SHUX 2019 yet? Because the big show is just six weeks away, and our team is up to our elbows in SHUX prep, stuffing it full of games, shows and special features.

Matt’s packed our very best announcements into the above 2 minute video, but here are some high points…

  • Pandemic designer Matt Leacock and Gloomhaven designer Isaac Childres are going to be on our stage, talking about their games!
  • I’ve signed up to do a terrifying, high-octane stage show compressing the history of board games in 60 minutes!
  • You’ll be able to play one of the intense social games from hit Korean show The Genius!
  • Our free library now has in excess of 1,000 games!
  • You get a free game and a limited-edition pin upon arrival!
  • Kids under 10 get in free!
  • Fully wheelchair accessible!
  • Exclamation marks!!!

My anticipation for SHUX ’19 is reaching boiling point. How much more excited can a man get? I intend to find out.

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Card Games That Don’t Suck: Eleusis

possibly the only crossover we'll ever have with scientific american

This week, our series on the best games that you can play with a 52 card deck gets EPIC.

Eleusis (rules reference here, tips here) might end up being the most thematic game in this series. This game has God, scientists, experiments, prophets, even false prophets. Bizarre setting aside, it’s also a pretty great game that asks 4-8 players how much they’re willing to stake on their own deductive powers.

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Behind the Scenes at SHUX, by No Pun Included!

pip is crying, matt is pretending to be human, quinns is arrested, and more!

Quinns: Here’s a fun little extra for you folks! The 2019 SU&SD Convention is just around the corner, but did you know that last year, fabulous board game review show No Pun Included came to SHUX and filmed a whole lot of it? Today, we’re thrilled to present their behind the scenes look at our con.

That also means that this is a No Pun Included video that we’re hosting on our channel. I know! We’re crossing the streams! Will anything be the same again?! It probably will, yes.

If you haven’t watched NPI recently, they’ve been on an absolute tear. Be sure to check out their review of the be-hyped Pax Pamir 2nd Edition, heavyweight roll’n’write Welcome to Dino World, or their favourite game of 2018, Now Boarding. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- Efka and Elaine are treasures.

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GAMES NEWS! 19/08/19

one frankenstein, many colons

Ava: Look at that, this week’s games news is mostly about travels! I’m on pseudo-holiday in sunny Glasgow. All the sequels are moving to Las Vegas, and other games are jumping onto tin boats and seaplanes. Not to mention what Quinns wants to get up to in San Francisco.

Quinns: Let’s hop on board the news travelator and send back some postcards.

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SU&SD Play… Concordia: Venus!

all hail the immortal nubbin, the nubbin is truth

Our team is taking a break from streaming on Twitch as we go roaring into convention season, but we’ve finally uploaded our very last stream to YouTube!

In a clash of two titans (and two troublesome assistants), Kylie and Matt took on Ava and Quinns at Concordia: Venus, the team-based expansion for SU&SD favourite Concordia.

“A team-based management game?” you might be asking. “How does that work?” Well, as we found out, in some ways it doesn’t work, but that’s precisely the point.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Podcast #99: Sea Football

how small is sand?, which sheeps are you?, and how do i anxiety?

Matt, Quinns and Ben are circling podcast #100 like talkative nerds circling a numerical drain. Quickly! Before they slip away, why not listen to them talk about the games? On this podcast there’s chat about party game We’re Doomed! (02:23), classic card game For Sale (10:00), 2010 smash hit Alien Frontiers (15:40), the enigmatic Wooly Wars (23:26), hot new box Air, Land & Sea (30:03) and Kickstarter behemoth Cerebria: The Inside World (40:11). There’s also a lovely reader mail this week asking which games have the best Endgame Energy. In news that continues to blow our minds, podcast transcripts are available here courtesy of our fabulous community, and are usually completed within a week of the podcast’s release. Also, if you’re a geologist who would like to contribute to our discussion of sand, please do leave a comment. We’re clearly idiots, and we need all the facts that we can get.

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Tactics and Tactility #1 – On going with your gut

numerical tentacles, agonising mistakes, and switching off the targeting computer

[Introducing a new bi-weekly column! In Tactics & Tactility, Ava Foxfort will be exploring the culture and magic of tabletop, accompanied by fabulous illustrator Tom Humberstone. The series began its life on this blog, and we feel privileged to offer it a new home.]

Ava: I can see all the numbers in front of me. Power Grid lays out every variable incredibly clearly. So many numbers, spread out in stout cables across the board, paper money rustling in my hand, and adorable little power stations. Every number is ready for taking, and there’s just no way I can get them all into my head.

Good evening, folks, it’s time to watch my brain slowly crumble.

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GAMES NEWS! 12/08/19

damaged dungarees, pseudo-wizards, Sneezing diamonds, zero player games

Ava: Quinns, you’re looking a bit peaky today?

Ben (he/him): Erm…

Ava: Wait a second, you’re not Quinns! You’re three interns standing on each other’s shoulders in a long jacket!

Ben: We tried that, and we still weren’t tall enough to pass as the real Quinns. As a fresh new intern I’m contractually obliged to replace Quinns where required, whether that is providing irreverent board game news commentary or tasting any food he eats to check for poison.

Ava: Well then, unQuinns, let’s get you a past sell-by-date sandwich, a mop and a big bucket of news. There’s work to be done!

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Announcing our Summer Donation Drive!

keeping the lights on, not all the time though, that would be bad for the planet

Quinns: Hello, everybody. It’s that time again!

Twice a year, our team here at Shut Up & Sit Down requests donations for all of the heartfelt stuff that we’ve made over the last six months. You can donate using this very link.

We don’t like to bother our audience about it, but the fact is, Shut Up & Sit Down runs almost entirely on donations. It sounds improbable, but it does work. If you’ve not gotten involved yet, and you can afford it, perhaps this could be the Summer that you make a pledge?

If you’ve supported us at some point over the last eight years(!), I can’t tell you what a difference it’s made to us. This is the best job that any of us have ever made, and we hope that we’ve shown our dedication to paying it forward.

Have a great weekend, everybody. And thank you.

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Review: Le Havre

scream-induction, a medium-sized war, the grand ham, fugly rangin'

Ava: Le Havre could be the perfect resource shuffling game. It’s a tightly wound knot of decisions and possibilities, that unfurls and unwraps as you play.

An elaborate and ever-increasing roster of buildings offers ways to process, use, acquire and sell as many goods as you can. Tiny, square, double-sided tokens flood the board, spilling out of warehouses that heave with potential, begging for you to grab them before someone else does.

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