GAMES NEWS! 06/08/19

chewy deets, Av-Ra, keyforge meets love island, a grand slurry

Ava: Quinns, is it getting hot in here, or have I just taken off all my clothes.

Quinns: Hopefully neither, it’s just that the site has been redesigned! And not unlike a person who’s taken off their clothes, the site is now smoother, sexier, and (most importantly) faster.

Ava: Ooh. It’s like you’ve snuck into my bedroom and tidied everything up. But not in a creepy way!

Quinns: I’m glad you’re feeling good, because it’s time for us to jump into the grand slurry of news which came out of GenCon. Hold your nose!

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Review: Kemet: Seth and Kemet: Ta-Seti

grey baby quinns, putting the khonsu into khonsu see that's a terrible idea

What’s great? Killing your friends in the desert. What’s better? Doing it with robust publisher support.

In this review Matt tackles not one, but TWO expansions for magical wargame Kemet. There’s Kemet: Ta-Seti, which adds a range of exotic Egyptian modules, and Kemet: Seth, which transforms Kemet into an imbalanced, all-versus-one tale of Evil vs. Much Bigger Evil.

For more coverage of this amazing series, be sure to check out our review of Inis as well as the two best Cyclades expansions- Cyclades: Hades and Cyclades: Titans.

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GAMES NEWS! 29/07/19

trdvng, t r u d v a n g, trud vang, trudvang, troodvank

Ava: It’s Gencon this week, and do you know what that means? We’ve got to get in the news-canoe, sail to the heart of a newsicane, going right by a violent newscano. I’m all on my ownsome, without a Quinns to cling to. Wish me luck, and good news to you all.

This is the news, be careful out there, there’s a lot of it about.

First up we’re taking a trip to Cooper Island, a game that finally answers the question: ‘what if a eurogame, but taller?’

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Card Games That Don’t Suck: Cribbage

Our series on the best games that you can play with a 52 card deck has dealt out a wild card!

Cribbage is a great game for 2 players (though you can enjoy it with 3 or 4) that people are still playing after four hundred yearsAnd yes, that means it’s a profoundly weird thing to learn, but it also means that there’s an undeniable magic to it.

For help internalising the rules of Cribbage, we thoroughly recommend Cribbage With Grandpas, which is better than a phone game about Cribbage has any right to be.

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GAMES NEWS! 22/07/19

that's one small turn for man, a solvents festival, the funkopocalypse has begun

Ava: Quinns, Quinns, there’s a news emergency! The news pumps are overflowing.

Quinns: Don’t worry, Ava! That’s what they’re supposed to do.

Ava: But no, Quinns, you don’t understand, my cynicism valve has got wedged to ‘can only be excited about cats, Queen and civil disobedience’.

Quinns: Oh dear.

Ava: I’m even a bit surly about the moon!

Quinns: Well, that’s no good. Let me see what you’ve written, then you can report to Decontamination Chamber B for De-Grumping.

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Review: Too Many Bones

convivial conveyors, big booms, and some light reading

If you’re in the mood for some Fantasy adventure, Too Many Bones is big, beautiful and… waterproof?

But don’t let a little plastic scare you away! Not since Matt’s Gloomhaven review have we been so enamoured of a co-op game of monster-thwomping. This game is brave, bizarre, and absolutely worth your attention.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Podcast #98: Seize My Silky Rails

essenquakes, expansion schnapps, sleepy engineers, and big ol' worms

Having just arrived back from Belgium’s fantastic Zomerspel tabletop convention, Matt and Quinns were inspired by Belgian chips to create this episode of our award-winning podcast. It’s long, crunchy, filling and if you eat nothing except this podcast then you will probably die? Games discussed in this episode include the fascinating Taverns of Tiefan Thal (01:51), the taut little Feld game Carpe Diem (13:48), the simple-yet-delightful Luxor (26:47), the gross-yet-charming Silk (33:13) and the simply superb Rail Pass (49:37). Matt and Quinns also discuss some of the video reviews they’ve been working on, including Pipeline (1:00:58) and Too Many Bones (1:06:54). Enjoy, everybody!

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GAMES NEWS! 15/07/19

scenic Nyhavn neighbourhoods, one tenth of a war, Woody Harreldon, Germany under duress

Ava: It was a busy weekend for ‘sports’ or as I like to call them ‘meat-games’, but that doesn’t mean the news wheel has stopped turning. Games gonna game and news is gonna news.

Quinns: Oh, you watched the Cricket World Cup final?

Ava: And something called ‘wombledown’ happened? I was drowning in crickets yesterday and it was a treat for rules-lawyers and fans of obscure tiebreakers everywhere.

Quinns: Ever on-brand, I was too busy playing board games this weekend to watch “sports”! I got to introduce four entire people to El Grande. I understand that the winner of Wimbledon was Woody Harrelson?

Ava: Sounds believable to me. Having had to research ‘Woody Harrelson’s face’ for the Monikers box, I doubt I’ll ever be able to escape his sturdy, well-cleft visage. Truly his countenance is a caballero hidden in the castillo of our hearts.

Welcome, everybody, to the excessively digressive games news.

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Review: Pipeline

rude oil, there will be love, peter piper

Today we’re very proud to present our review of Capstone Games’ Pipeline. A game of pipes, lines, and… erm… the stuff that goes inside of pipes?

You mustn’t let Pipeline’s lack of theme bother you. Where we’re going we don’t need theme. Playing Pipeline, you’re going to feel the rush of seed money, the thrill of turning a profit, the rollercoaster of handling each new round at greater and greater speeds. In fact, this could be the year’s single best economic board game.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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