It’s the Final 24 Hours on our second Monikers Kickstarter!

it's the final countdown, pretty sure that's a card in the set actually

Quinns: If you own the party game Monikers, then this is an emergency! There are just 24 hours left to back our Serious Nonsense Box on Kickstarter. Packing a whopping 330 new cards, all of them hewn from tiny fragments of our funny bones, it’s a massive expansion and we’re tremendously proud of it.

But guess what? If you don’t own Monikers, the good news is that the Serious Nonsense Box is a completely standalone game. The bad news is, that makes this an emergency for you as well.

There’s no time to waste! Well, actually, there are about 22 hours to waste. But absolutely no more than that.

Thanks so much, everybody.

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Review: Fuji

and you, a pretty hellscape, interesting injuries, oozing magma

Kylie: Wolfgang Warsch’ gorgeous new game, Fuji, pits players as mismatched adventurers who find themselves on top of Japan’s most famous volcano. But it was poor planning on the part of the travel agent, because right as you reach the top, Mount Fuji begins to erupt. You and your companions will have to race against the flow of lava, back to the safety of the village.

Did I mention that this is a co-operative game? Together, players will either scramble to safety, or burn to a crisp.

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GAMES NEWS! 08/07/19

wandering germans, loveable golems, eager invertebrates, bendy friends

Ava: Happy news-time, my greedy fact-fiends. Quinns is busy with the business of podcasting, so only has time for a deep dive into a single plunge pool of news. That means you’ve got me taking you on a tour of Germany, a mission to Mars, a ride on a golem, to an archaeological dig, a meeting with some Prussian generals, for a poke under the games-bonnet and into the dark heart of Mordor.

Just your average Monday, really.

Let’s get a wriggle on, we’ve so much to see.

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SU&SD Play… 878 Vikings!

878 still seems like quite a lot of vikings, it's just showing off

Last summer, Quinns put out an excitable review of 878 Vikings, the latest instalment in a series he calls “The mac & cheese of wargaming.”

This summer, we’ve uploaded a clash of the (online) titans! Matt and Quinns taking on the streaming team of Creative Assembly, makers of the Total War videogames. And frankly, in the face of total war, we think our team did quite well.

Have a lovely weekend, everybody.

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Card Games That Don’t Suck: Briscola Chiamata

otherwise known as, crazy assassin bidding bastard briscola

Our series on the best games that you can play with a 52 card deck continues!

Briscola Chiamata is bound to be a real highlight of this series. An incredibly simple trick-taking with hidden roles, this 5 player game sees a team of 4 players facing off against a 5th player… but someone in their ranks is working for the other side.

Huge thanks for supporting this series, everybody! We’re having a blast with it.

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GAMES NEWS! 01/07/19

a cylindrical hydra, megafauna friends, quinns' incedent wrist, and grief

Ava: Quinns, Quinns? I’ve been wondering…

Quinns: Oh no.

Ava: No it’s fine. I’m just wondering, where does news come from?

Quinns: Well, Ava, when two people love news very much, they get together and…

Ava: I’ve heard enough. Let’s make like Cole Porter and do it. Let’s fall in news.

Quinns: Here we go.

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Review: Crokinole

damn it feels good to crok a nole, crokinolispurts, killer croc

Today, we’re proud to present the finale of Chronicles Month, as we poke our flag into a most elusive game in the BoardGameGeek Top 100.

Crokinole is big, it’s bold, it’s 150 years old, and a good board will cost you $300. Those are some very frightening numbers. Could this ever be a reasonable consumer purchase? Click play, and find out.

Huge thanks to the fine people at Woodestic Crokinole for providing us with a discount on our board. If you live in Europe and were interested in a Crokinole board of your very own, make them your first port of call.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

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GAMES NEWS! 24/06/19

worrisome microturns, greedy eyes, smuggling beans, a big big shark

Header image courtesy of Steph Hodge photography.

Ava: Oooh, it’s officially summer (happy solstice everyone) and I’ve had two sunburn near-misses already. I reckon it’s a perfect time to cosy up with a tasty brew, pop my feet up and lean into a cosy warm bed of news.

No time to sleep though. The news waits for no-one. We’ve got gods, gardens, angels, sharks, sails, aliens, objects and finances.

Let’s have a look.

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SU&SD Play… Space Alert!

if we get back alive i'm talking to the HR department about this

This weekend, please enjoy a video plucked daintily from our Twitch channel.

For as long as SU&SD has been around, we’ve been fans of Space Alert. Even today, it might well be the most ridiculous, challenging and inventive co-operative game ever… erm, invented.

For anyone who missed it, you’ll find our review of Space Alert all the way back in this SU&SD episode from 2011, where we also reviewed Twilight Imperium and Race for the Galaxy. Classics, every one.

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Podcast #97: Meeting Your Shadow Self and Other Excitements

smooth moves, secret families, lost letters, and loose dinos

Fans of our award-winning board game podcast should know that the pod-apult is armed and ready. Contained in today’s payload are impressions of the party game Stay Cool (02:45), the excellent Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid (09:01), the frighteningly intense Letter Jam (21:42), the adorable Welcome to Dino World (29:22), the heavy roll’n’write Rome and Roll (38:19) and the world’s first “boxed megagame”, Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood Feud (43:28). Finally, following on from team SU&SD having recently discovered the joy of using pencils to write on paper, we’ve just now learned about BOOKS! Specifically, the book Top 10 Games You Can Play In Your Head, By Yourself (49:35). Enjoy, everybody.

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