Review: Betrayal Legacy

a hill worth dying on, death warmed over, generational trauma, sticker schlock

[Hello everybody! Please welcome back Jon Bolding, the rogue who offered us reviews of Orléans and the World Wide Wrestling RPG. As a special Halloween treat, today we’re shoving him towards the campaign-powered sequel to Betrayal at the House on the Hill. Bwa-ha-ha…]

Bolds: Moving to live in a new place is stressful, nigh on terrifying. A place where the faucets turn differently, the light switches are in odd places, and your bed faces a wholly new wall.

Well, GET READY, because Betrayal Legacy is a game about moving into a new house over and over, forever, without end. A new house where the portraits leak blood, the attic is infested with gremlins, and even the ghosts have skeletons in their spectral closets.

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Games News! 29/10/18

squishy fruit tokens, tricky trickles, gang of fox

Thanks to Meeple Mountain for our header image.

Quinns: Like a blogging Mary Poppins, today I’m floating down from the sky to add a little magic to your life. (Don’t look up my skirt and we can both retain our dignity.)

This week’s Games News offers not one, not two, but six(!) unique Kickstarters from established designers. Some people are saying that the ever-swelling bubble of board game Kickstarters will have to pop at some point. Me? I don’t know about that, but I will say that I’ve never before seen a month where Kickstarter board games have managed to make press releases from more established companies seem repetitious and dull.

I thought that deserved a bit of a celebration. Let’s take a tour!

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SU&SD Play… Memoir ’44 vs. Twitch!

mens for the men cup, captain efka, here we are in history times

This week our Twitch page was the site of a grand experiment. It’s no secret that Memoir ’44 is one of our favourite games. 5 years ago we even made a video showcasing its amazing 4 vs 4 Operation Overlord expansion. Well, this week we tried 1 vs 100, as Quinns took on the wobbly hivemind of Twitch chat!

Huge thanks to everyone who took part, and for Efka of No Pun Included for acting as Twitch’s supreme commander. Our live stream will be back in a couple of weeks on the 8th of November, with Matt and Quinns whupping some punks in a game of Street Masters. See some of you there!

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Today it’s Quinns vs. Twitch in Memoir ’44!

oh no, oh gosh, i haven't played this game in years, help

Quinns: Our next Twitch stream is tonight, and I am expecting to get the bejeezus whipped out of me.

At 7pm UK time, 2pm EDT, I’m going to be playing Memoir ’44 against our viewers. We’re going to set up the cameras so that you can see your hand of cards, and every space will have a grid reference. Then, everyone can suggest moves in Twitch chat, Efka from No Pun Included will then pick the most popular suggestion, and stream director Chris Bratt will make the move and roll the dice. It’s a bit like a Rube Goldberg machine specifically designed to cause me pain?

If you’re not sure what Memoir ’44 is, be sure to check out our review in the first ever episode of SU&SD, you can watch our playthrough of the superb, supermassive Memoir ’44: Overlord, or there’s this video where I can teach you how to play.

And as always, don’t worry if you miss the stream! We’ll be putting the video up on YouTube tomorrow.

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Review – Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

death worlds, interdimensional horrors, endless war, and ennui?

Eric: As a teenager, one summer I decided I wanted to learn all of the trick taking card games, a genre that I found strangely fascinating (I suppose this tells you a lot about me as a teenager and the rural midwestern world of the United States where I grew up). I learned the rules for Spades, Pinochle, and Pitch. I sort of learned how to play Bridge. I at least read the rules for Whist and Euchre. At the end of the process, though, I found myself feeling confused. In theory, I knew that the variations between these games should excite and engage me. In practice, I was at a loss to differentiate one from the other. None of them could really hold my interest.

That is probably a strange place to start my review of Games Workshop’s newest offering, Kill Team! A re-release of a variant of Warhammer 40,000, the game’s big selling point is its size. Unlike the sell-your-car-budget armies of its larger cousin, in Kill Team each player uses a small band of 5-20 miniatures to do battle in a space designed to fit on a kitchen table. As I’ve played around with it, though, I find myself at a loss as to what to say.

Kill Team is, at the same time, an exhausting incremental iteration on a tired system… and the best thing Games Workshop has released in years.

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SU&SD Play… the Star Trek Adventures RPG!

a ship with exactly four incels, engineers love wine, a murder-mystery

This was one of our favourite shows from SHUX 2018. Quinns ran a game of the Star Trek Adventures RPG, something we’ve wanted to do ever since our review.

“These are the adventures of the Star Ship Canada. It’s continuing mission: For crew-members Paul, Matt and Pip not to embarrass the Federation.”

Is the resulting story the worst Star Trek episode ever made? You be the judge.

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Podcast #87: Cheese on the Clocktower

unless i'm drunk or poisoned, you're the baron and he's the washerwoman

Matt, Quinns, Paul and Pip gather beneath a stormy sky to discuss games of WIT and CHANCE. Dare you ENTER their CEREBRAL LABYRINTH? The challenges ahead include Shadows: Amsterdam, The Shipwreck Arcana, Cryptid (a bit), Kung Fu Zoo, Illusion, Wavelength (coming to Kickstarter soon), High Tea Assassin from The Edible Games Cookbook, and finally, their game of the show, Blood on the Clocktower. What awaits you at the centre of their fortress of the mind? That would be telling… but suffice to say, Matt is in possession of a package that he’s wanted to give away for quite some time. This podcast is also available as a video!

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SHUX is here, normal service will be resumed next week!

Three Men on a Boat, Three Men in Canada, Three Men and a Mountie

Paul: Hello everyone! SHUX 2018 is now just four days away, looming like a mountain in the mist, so we won’t be putting any new or posts up on the site this week. Instead, the whole team is sat around a table as I write this to do last minute prep, which includes everything from rolling up characters for live RPGs to making sure the compass arrow on the convention map really is pointing North. Is it? FIND OUT ON FRIDAY.

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Review – Brass: Birmingham

boyFetch, a grimy sweet-shop, textbook textures

More than two years ago Quinns reviewed the classic game of Brass, but ultimately came away disappointed (and wet, and riding high on sugar).

Today, it’s time for round 2! Introducing Brass: Birmingham, a collaboration between Roxley Games and original designer Martin Wallace, this is the sequel to Brass.

Will this industrial revolution bring progress, or once again grind our reviewers’ gears? Click play, and find out.

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Games News! 01/10/18

masterfully malachite, construction calamity, find out if paul is less of a man

Paul: Once again, the Games News Helicopter touches down on the top of SU&SD corporate headquarters and I burst out the side, doing that hold-your-head-down-slightly thing that people do and clutching a fistful of papers that describe today’s top stories.

But, oh no! The downwash from the propellers blows them out of my hands and they scatter across the city! Some people end up finding the news about a Food Chain Magnate expansion, others the sequel to Shadespire, others still the exciting and resplendent Ragusa. That was the first story returned to us, so let’s start there!

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