Review: Lowlands

daddy lowlands, glassy-eyed virii, quintin speaks dutch?

This week Paul and Quinns are excited to examine Lowlands, a svelte and confident sheep farming game in the style of venerable designer Uwe Rosenberg, BUT WITH A TWIST. At the end of the game your herds might wash away in a dreadful storm.

Only one question remains. What wool they think of it?

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Where to find us at Gen Con 2018!

did you know that indianapolis is the world's largest marriot hotel

Quinns: Hey all! Some final reminders of where you can see us at this week’s big show in Indianapolis.

Our extravagant live stage show will be on Thursday at 10am. The good news is, they gave us the main stage that seats 1,200 people! The bad news is, that’s the same exact time the main hall opens. You know, the one with all the games in?

To make the most of what we’re calling “the death slot”, we’re planning to give you our early impressions on some VERY hyped games, like Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game, Disney’s Villainous, even the bizarre creation that is Cryptozoic’s Wallet.  Why not come along to this first, and THEN hit the hall when you know which games to queue for?

At 3pm that same day we’ll be doing a bit of work as presenters, revealing some upcoming videogame adaptations of board games at What’s New at Asmodee Digital With Shut Up & Sit Down. Come along for at least one announcement that blew my mind when I first heard about it…

Paul: We’ll also be doing a signing session on Saturday the 4th at midday, where we will sign everything except Matthew.

Thanks everybody!

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Games News! 30/07/18

the death slot, leany paul, an appetite for sneaking, Canada's largest adult men

Paul: Welcome back once again, dear readers, to the Games News lab, where fresh Games News stories are grown in special hydroponic vats and tended carefully until, at last, they are ready to be released to-



Good grief, this is two weeks in a row that Plaid Hat games are leading our Games News, but Gen7 is none other than the second “Crossroads” game. In other words, it’s the long-awaited spiritual sequel to Dead of Winter.

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New SHUX ’18 announcements! (Come to our party!)

i am arresting you under the monty python act of 1981 for being much too silly

Quinns: Hey, did you know Shut Up & Sit Down is doing its second con this year? Did you know it’s now officially the BIGGEST board game convention IN ALL OF CANADA?

These three days of 24/7 gaming are going to be – if it’s at all possible – even better than last year. This time we’ll have booths from all of the industry’s big board game publishers, a ridiculous array of special guests, and more silly events than you could feasibly watch.

However, we are now 70% sold out of tickets. If you want to join all of the swell people who’ve snagged tickets early, you can do so right here, at Shux.Show.

Thanks everbody!

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Podcast #82: Welcome To My Viking Fungus

free butter, muddy dice, some frankensteins, what is egg rolls

Everybody, pick up your pencils! No, you’re not having another stress dream about being back at school. We’ve just finally found a roll-n-write game that we absolutely love. It’s called Welcome To, and podcast #82 starts with an explanation of what it is, and why you should get excited for the release date in September. And that’s just the beginning of this… peculiarly positive cast. Paul and Quinns soon move on to the happy kitchens of Wok Star (3rd edition), there’s talk of the fun they had in Fungi, and of the surprisingly strong Champions of Midgard. There’s also some disappointment about Village Attacks, but it wouldn’t be a SU&SD podcast without some vigorous complaining, would it? Finally, the pair end with a particularly sticky reader mail. Has their taste in games changed with time? And if so, how?

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Games News! 23/07/18

abstract plasticts, united biscuits, pipin' my oil about the place

Paul: Quinns, what is it that you have there, under one of your many board gaming arms?

Quinns: What, this? This little thing under my tertiary limb? Why, it’s only the latest announcement from Plaid Hat games, their fancy new Neon Gods. Doesn’t it look pretty, Paul? Doesn’t it look like an imaginative cross between roller derby, cyberpunk and Adventure Time? Doesn’t it also look… CURIOUSLY FAMILIAR?

Paul: …!!

Quinns: Ha, you’ve figured it out, haven’t you? Yes, I believe that Neon Gods is nothing less than the mutant child of early Plaid Hat classic City of Remnants, a game we were delighted by all the way back in 2013.

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Review: Fallout – The Board Game

hit a wasp with a pipe, have full sex with a woman, best game ever

You know what’s rad? Radiation. You know what’s also rad? Adventures! Fallout: The Board Game has both, which might make it the best game ever made. If only there was some way to be sure… Wait, of course! We can use the ancient art of “the review”.

Huge thanks to Fantasy Flight for recently announcing this game’s upcoming expansion, thereby making our delayed review relevant again. Love you! Kiss hug kiss.

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Games News! 16/07/18

quintin is three velociraptors, paul craves norwegians, space jail

Paul: Once again, deep behind enemy lines, we light the fires and wave our torches into the cloudy night sky in the hope that our signals will be seen by our brave allies and that they will parachute in the latest drop of vital Games New supplies. The distant drone of an engine, a dark shape in the air. Suddenly, it’s here! Quinns, open the crate! What’s inside?


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Review: Container

five years, a bermuda triangle of good taste, quintin's new power strip

GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT! Container, the legendary contest of international shipping, has finally been reprinted. Inside this box are seven-inch resin container ships, it features a new module titled “The investment bank”, and we’ve finally discovered that this game is an utter car crash.

What’s that you say? None of those sound like “good things”!? Pah, our viewers are philistines.

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Games News! 09/07/18

war all the way down, weighty buffoonery, hang on a sec an entire box of cornflakes

Paul: It’s HOT today and it’s only going to get hotter as the week goes on, meaning the Shut Up & Sit Down News Room (at the very top of Pear Towers, 1 Pear Street, London, W1 1AA) is absolutely sweltering. Quinns and I can’t get too close in case we stick together like a pair of softening gummy bears.

Quinns: Do you know what the opposite of a softening gummy bear is?

Games Workshop’s new announcement, KILL TEAM.

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