Podcast #240 – The PAX Unplugged Playlist (Pt.2)

Tom Was Wrong, Radioactive Coal Markets, Big Cars are the Best, Leave Earth All The Time

On this moderately larger episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt chat about a few more games that they played at PAX Unplugged! We’re dealing with the chunkier games of the bunch here – the games that got us to calculate, maneuver, and… drive a big truck into a wall. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Podcast #239 – The PAX Unplugged Playlist (Pt.1)

On this hot meat sandwich of a Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt are running through a selection of the games they played at PAX Unplugged!

First up are some excitable impressions of the latest from Leder Games: Arcs! That’s followed up with a double bill of Grandpa Beck games – the raucously silly Cover Your Assets and Skull King – which in turn is followed by ANOTHER double bill of mushroom-themed boxes with Mycelia and Mycelium: A Mushling Game. Finally, we get to the real good stuff, where Tom and Matt wax lyrical about Strike; a ridiculously simple dice-chucking game that we simply couldn’t get enough of.

This is the first in a double, potentially TRIPLE feature of PAX Unplugged games! Next time, we’re tackling the big crunchy boxes that melted our brains…

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Podcast #238 – BIG CHALLENGES

Britishisms 101, Squat Little Bonsai, Giant Cardboard Gun

On this international episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Tom welcomes the absolutely fabulous Emily to the airwaves! Wahoo! Together, they chat about Bonsai, Infiltraitors, and Crash Octopus – a trio of much-hyped games that are all pretty damn good!

Please do show your appreciation for Emily in the comments below! She was SO nervous about appearing on the pod, and I think she absolutely bossed it.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Review: John Company: Second Edition

The Inaugural Shut Up & Sit Down Video Essay

Holy moly, it’s the big one. In this nearly 50 minute monster, Tom is taking a thorough dive into John Company: Second Edition – a frightfully expansive game with lofty ambitions in both its mechanics and themes. Touching on some truly horrifying, very real history; this game pushes the limits of what can be comfortably represented on your kitchen table. For this reason, we’ve pulled out all the stops to comprehensively cover this beast of a box.

Thank you to so many folks for helping this review come together. My friends who came with me to film at Powis, Matt for his extensive colour-grading work (doesn’t it look lush!), HotCyder for help on these absolutely cracking thumbnails, and the countless people who watched, rewatched, and gave advice on how to put this video together. Thank you also to Cole and Drew, for making such a fascinating and complete work of art that created such complex feelings in most everyone I played it with.

This video has given me a huge amount of professional satisfaction and joy; yet I can only see the flaws in it, at this stage. I’m not upset about this fact, though! This is all a first baby step in making more of these kinds of videos. I’m excited for all the bigger and better videos to come.

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Podcast #237 – Spirit Cows!

Cow Culling, Ripped Djinn, Spirits or Spirits, Stick a Fork in Tom

On this bedominoed episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Pip chat about a couple of pleasing games they’ve been playing over the past couple days! Djinn is a fabulously satisfying game of stuffing spirits into bottles, and Moon River is a divisive entry into the Kingdomino series of games! That’s games! Two of ‘em! Read ‘em and WEEP!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Top 10 Games to Play with Your Family This Christmas

Matt: Hello! My name is Matt from Shut Up & Sit Down, and maybe you want to play a game with your family in the not too distant future.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Today we’re going to go through a bunch of games, most of which are available almost all of the time, because we appreciate it’s a pain in the *** when we say “hey, we love these games” and then you go on the internet and they’ve all gone.

Not only that, we are going to be giving you two options for each of our suggestions – we’re going to go with like “Yes! This is a great suggestion, everyone will love this. You cannot go wrong.” And we’re also going to give you a side suggestion for each game that’s a dash more spicy! And what do we mean by that? The second options will be the sort of thing where you start playing with your dad and then halfway through he says “I don’t understand the rules. I don’t like this. I want to go home.” “Dad, you can’t go home. This is your home. We’ve talked about this. And secondly, I love you, but gosh if you don’t understand how the game works just tell us before we get to the end?”

We got a big stack of games here and we’ve categorized them into all the different types of games that you might want to play. So feel free to just watch it all and pick a favorite, or scrub and jump around like an absolute maniac.

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