Podcast #67: Spanish Tiles and Surprise Rats

quintin's bad christmas, spoiler: there's a disease, paranormal paul

Sixty six podcasts. Can you imagine such a thing? Try and picture sixty six podcasts lying jumbled-up in a big pile. You can’t, can you? Well, today we’ve made things even stranger by releasing the 67th SU&SD podcast, a spoooOOOoooky Halloween special in which we forgot to do any Halloween-related content of any kind. Instead we talk about how Matt’s been groovin’ on Gloomhaven, Paul “actually really quite likes” Azul, Quinns did his Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 review and there’s even talk of the blue beast that is Lisboa. Lovely stuff! (It all goes downhill towards the end, though, with Quinns trying to coin the word “handfeel” and begging Paul to review Sidereal Confluence instead of Charterstone. When will that boy get it together?)

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Podcast #66: The Post-SHUX Yingisode

pip can't wink, quinns can't identify clipart, matt can't go to the edge of darkness

Our 66th ever podcast has been removed, hot & crispy, from the aging oven of our minds! In this instalment Matt, Paul and Quinns try and unpick all of the games they played at SHUX 2017. That means chat about Shifty Eyed Spies, Bargain QuestHanamikoji, Edge of Darkness, Space Base, When I Dream and Quinns getting a bit aggressive about Meeple Circus (again). We also preview the upcoming expansions for Inis and Lords of Vegas, which we had literally no idea were going to be playable at our own event. Finally, we can’t resist closing the podcast with a tease of the gigantic reviews we’re all working on right now. Quinns is playing Pandemic Legacy: Season 2, Matt’s enjoying Gloomhaven, and Paul’s about to crack open his copy of Charterstone. It’s going to be a fun end to the year, everybody!

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Podcast #65: Every Dog Has His Donner

Flip Flip Pancake, Urine Tokens, A Pyre of Praise, What Is Dogs

Drop everything! Our 65th ever podcast is live, Paul is talking about A Dog’s Life and Quinns is on about something called Yummy Yummy Pancake. These are the releases you’ve been waiting for, right? …No? Not to worry. We’ve also got Quinns’ exclusive thoughts on the new Netrunner core set and Paul’s advance review of Unearth, as well as chatter about Legend of the Five Rings, Donner Dinner Party and Cities of Splendor. Also, Quinns has finally played the game that Paul called Uwe Rosenberg’s greatest work ever, A Feast for Odin. Will the pair agree, or will this be Caverna all over again? Enjoy, everybody!

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Podcast #64: Dolphins Are People Too

lying about bluffing about cheating, a dog on a horse, an accidental tease, the best bird

Buckle up, everybody! The 64th ever Shut Up & Sit Down podcast is here, and it’s something of a round the world special. It’s Quinns and Paul in the driver’s seat once again as they discuss their journey Between Two Cities with the new Capitals expansion. Paul’s desperate to discuss the weird creatures he met during Train Heist. The pair examine the fast cars and small components of Pit Crew. Quinns abruptly remembers that he has the first expansion for Captain Sonar, and talks about that a bit. Finally, Paul recalls his time in parts unknown, playing World Championship Russian Roulette. But our automotive notions don’t stop there! This week we have a particularly extravagant folk game played by the employees of a car rental business. What’s going on behind that plain-looking desk? More than you could imagine. Enjoy, everybody.

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Podcast #63: A Bag of Glass and Cheese

a herd of managers, chasing the sandy sausage, a mid-game nap, resin pudding

You know what doesn’t get enough kudos? Bags. Big ones, small ones, soft ones, leathery ones. Where would we be without bags? Walking home from the shops, clutching cucumbers to our chest with onions in our armpits, that’s where. Our 63rd podcast is all about great games with some great bags. Paul’s been building (and cursing at) stained glass windows in Sagrada, Quinns has been carelessly eroding his car in the amazing Automobiles (see our review of that one here), and this time we remember to have the chat about Orleans that was meant to go the previous episode. Inspired by these three titles, Shut Up & Sit Down’s campaign for More Bags In Games begins next week. Please send money now. Could you give two figs about bags? Are they “Not your bag”? Not a problem! Paul and Quinns also provide some early impressions of the ludicrously pretty Wasteland Express Delivery Service, and answer a reader mail about why long games lead to a special kind of exhaustion.

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Podcast #62: Bruises in Bruges

the ghost axis, anti-riot acrobats, it's all fun and games until someone is dead

OH MY GOODNESS our 62nd podcast ever is here! This episode is all about older games, so why not join Paul, Matt and Quinns as they creep across the board game scene like a pack of daring botanists through primeval jungle, jealously cataloguing and scrutinising all that they find. Paul’s been inspecting the darling buds of Bruges, a Stefan Feld classic that we’re expecting a reprint of any day now. After that, Matt and Quinns continue their analysis of the bloomin’ brilliant Tigris & Euphrates, chat about their time with the somewhat-toxic Zombicide: Black Plague and run through a field of Railways of the World. Returning home after this educational hike, the boys read an email about ghosts and answer another asking why we haven’t reviewed the excellent Game of Thrones: The Card Game (second edition). Finally, we discuss a folk game sent in anonymously by an ambulance crew. What could possibly go wrong?

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Podcast #61: Lazer Pizza from Mars

pro-pepperoni propaganda, the god expansion, get me some goddamn chives

Who’s hungry? The 61st ever SU&SD podcast is here, and it’s an uncomplicated buffet of board games. Do you like it when we talk about board games? Then this is the podcast for you! You can start by letting Matt, Pip and Quinns whet your appetite with talk of the questionable New York Slice and the evocative chaos of Kitchen Rush, and afterwards they can spill the beans on the excellent Secrets, the spicy NMBR 9, and the first expansion for Not Alone. For the cheese course, you can listen to them discuss the beauty of Lazer Ryderz and the silliness of Four Elements. But I hope you left room for dessert, because the gang also played the new game from Vlaada Chvátil. It’s called That’s a Question, and (dare we say it?) it’s his most divisive game yet, and not always in a good way…

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Podcast #60: The Godfather’s Animal Champion

blood and viscera, squirrels and duct tape, fun and malaria

You told us the three games that you were most excited about at the UK Games Expo, and we listened. Now it’s time for you to listen as Matt, Pip and Quinns discuss their early impressions of all three: The Godfather: Corleone’s Empire, First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet and Barenpark. But that’s not all! Straining the very limits of what can be squeezed into 60 minutes of chat such that this podcast threatens to split open like an overstuffed sausage, you’ll also find discussions of Catch the Moon and Costa Rica, as well as the world’s first “actual play” of The Champion of the Wild. If you too would like to joust on the back of a kangaroo or nudge an otter up Mt. Everest, that game will be coming to Kickstarter later this year. Sorry about the imperfect audio quality on this one! By way of apology, we’re uploading our 61st podcast in just a few hours. It’s an audiostravaganza!

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Podcast #59: The Ghost of BoardGameGeek’s Top 100

crashing india into the ground, bustin' makes me feel tired, hey buddy, buddy

In this shellshocked edition of the SU&SD podcast, Matt, Paul and Quinns crawl out from their writing-trenches to discuss the mammoth feature we published this week: SU&SD Take On The BoardGameGeek Top 100. As a postscript, they discuss the dozens of phenomenal games that are cruelly, criminally absent from BGG’s fabled list. Are you disinterested in crimes against arbitrary inventories? Not to worry. Matt also chats about his tiny dice in Star Wars: Dice-Tiny, Paul discusses the impractical politics of Imperial 2030, Quinns has finally rolled around in Roll for the Galaxy and, for some reason, there’s also there’s a discussion of Ghostbusters: The Board Game II and whether ghosts can move through other ghosts. Ugh.

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Podcast #58: A Field of Marbles

Here’s a question for you. What contains Fields of Arle, Spoils of War, Conflict of Heroes and Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs? That’s right! The answer is “A fistfight over an archaeological dig site in Northern Germany.” But another valid answer would be the 58th ever SU&SD podcast, wherein Paul and Quinns discuss all of these games. What’s more, Quinns reveals the results of his months-long experiment using the BG Stats app. After all of that excitement the boys relax by dipping into the mailbag for a question on why board games seem to be getting more expensive, and close the podcast by talking about the noble art of marble racing. Enjoy, everybody! (Thanks to BGG User Steph Hodge for this podcast’s header image!)

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