Look out! Podcast #103 is charging towards your fragile human body like the untameable beast of content that it is. Be shocked, as we wrangle with Clinic! Gasp in horror as we consume Irish Gauge… whole! Listen as we swirl the sequel to Welcome To… around in our mouths, and last but not least: be kind of bummed out as we talk about why Maracaibo is… a bit bad? Oh! And of course we’d also got some chat about Era, which is not bad at all but VERY PLASTIC. Since recording they’ve announced an expansion, but we’re not sure that affects our feelings much at this stage. Time will tell!
This episode also features fleeting special guest appearances from Clipcut Parks, Food Chain Magnate’s latest expansion; The Ketchup Mechanism, and two games with ‘letter’s in their name. Technically all the games have letters in their name, but these ones literally have letters in their name. You’ll see what we mean.
We also talk a little about recent video reviews! Well, one video review, because Quinns got so excited about the prospect of playing Azul: Summer Pavilion, that he forgot to talk about his review. It tends to have that effect on people.
2:43 Clinic
10:39 Welcome To… New Las Vegas
19:00 Maracaibo
26:11 Irish Gauge
31:45 Letterjam
36:51 Letterpress
39:21 Food Chain Magnate: The Ketchup Mechanism
46:58 Clipcut Parks
49:24 Era: Medieval Age
01:01:28 Azul: Summer Pavilion