Podcast #113: The Double-Monster Solo-Roleplay Small-Box TeamBuilder 8000

Small-And-Dense-Haven, Kenneth’s Bistro Bed & Breakfast, The Shirt Off and Sit Down Podcast, DisserSPACEions (eugh)
July 3, 2020

In this positively 113th episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns have a totally normal conversation between two dudes in their houses with NEARLY all of their clothes on their respective bodies.

Contained therein are discussions of everything from Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion to Team3, as well as a double-bill of SPOOKY MONSTER GAMES in Hako Onna and Anomaly. We also take a little amble through solo-RPG land, returning to the wonderful (horrible) world of Thousand Year Old Vampire, and a discussion about Artefact – a game where you can finally be what you’ve always dreamed; a clarinet.

This one was a pleasure to record – forgive the rather long running time on this one, we were just having too much fun.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


03:18 – Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
16:12 – Team3
23:26 – Hako Onna
32:38 – Anomaly
46:21 – Thousand Year Old Vampire
1:06:36 – Artefact

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