Podcast #117: Live from the UKGE!

Micro(wave) Chef, Twisty Brain-Numbers, The Five Queen Jamboree, Nighty Night Listeners xoxo
August 28, 2020

In this preposterously 117th episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast Quinns, Ava and Tom are going absolutely LIVE to the UK Games Expo, threatening to snarf endless pizza in Fort, crunch the numbers in 18Chesapeake, and do ‘Good Japanese Business’ in Yokohama. Then, in a secret less-than-live twist, they’ll yoko-yammer-on-about 5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel for far too long.

Apologies for some occasionally crunchy audio at times on this one, and have a great weekend, everybody!


0:44 – Fort
11:40 – 18Chesapeake
22:44 – Yokohama
37:14 – 5D Chess with Multiverse Time Travel

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