Oh no. It happened again. Tom pitched a segment to management, and look at what happened. An entire half of a podcast, absolutely ruined.
On this delectably 123rd episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down Podcast, join an incredibly tired Tom, Matt and Ava to discuss a smattering of games, most of which are juuuust fine. Sandwiching this podcast are twin discussions about Thurn Und Taxis and Under Falling Skies – and in between? It’s Tom’s Family GameZone, where we’ll (?) discuss (?) such riveting (?) titles as Cupcake Academy, What’s Missing?, Mr. Face, MonsDRAWsity, and Herd Mentality. Help!
Have a lovely weekend, everybody
2:16 – Thurn Und Taxis
14:57 – Cupcake Academy
23:03 – What’s Missing?
28:43 – Mr. Face
33:34 – MonsDRAWsity
37:34 – Herd Mentality
43:25 – Under Falling Skies