Podcast #144 – Oxford’s Delight

Not too close, Delight’s delight, An erotic district
June 18, 2021

In this hungrily 144th episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Quinns, Tom and Ava are locked in a room together! A week long gathering of your verifiably rowdy hosts kicked off with three cracking reprints of lovely older games, and then we all did a podcast about them!

We start with Big Daddy Kniz’s Royal Visit, move to Cornwall for Martin Wallace’s Tinner’s Trail before jumping across the pond for a steamboat race in Mississippi Queen!

Due to a live record, some of the trips and erms have been impossible to excise, so expect a slightly more chaotic pod than usual. We were very excited to be playing games together.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

02:36 – Royal Visit
13:03 – Tinner’s Trail
26:08 – Mississippi Queen

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