Podcast #176 – Illuminate the Dogs of War

Argh, Grargh, Oooargh, Bllarrrggh
April 1, 2022

In this furious episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, Quinns, Ava, and Tom are talking about three games that couldn’t be more different. First up we’ve got a chat about Illumination – a game all about scrawling doodles in the margins of MonkBooks, before pivoting hard into playing (?) with (?) dogs in Good Puppers – a set collection game with a sinister backstory. Finally, we’re talking about our not-too-positive experience with Memoir ‘44 Flight Plan, and Quinns asks everyone a difficult question.

PS: I’m really sorry about the stings.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!


02:15 – Illumination
14:59 – Good Puppers
25:58 – Memoir ‘44: New Flight Plan
35:52 – Quinns’ Special Debate

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