We’ve been really really busy over these last few months – in some cases you’ll be able to see why (ARCSSSSSS) – and in some cases you’ll see why in The Near Future!

Loads of exciting stuff we’ve been working on is planned for the coming months, but in the meantime we’ve allowed Tom to run off into the wilds for a little rest. To everyone who supports all that we do: THANK YOU. Even though obviously nobody should be supporting that painting.

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Summer Update

Hello! Hello! We’re excited to reveal to you all a NEW THING, and our plan for 2023 and beyond! Check out the video (and the future newsletter!) for the deets – in the meantime we’re thrilled to be leaping into unknown waters! Thanks so much for watching and supporting, folks!

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Everything is fine!!

Gosh, what a normal week we’re having! Another normal week in this wholly normal year. And what could be more normal than our bi-annual reminder that we are actually just humans with gas and electric bills!

We do hope you enjoy this silly bit of video, regardless of whether or not you’re currently cushioned enough to allow you to chuck us a couple of quid.

We love doing this, we love making you smile each week, and we hope that we can continue to do both for the foreseeable future.

Thank you for watching, from the whole team!


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Help us celebrate TEN YEARS of Shut Up & Sit Down!

This summer the site turned TEN YEARS OLD! If it was a child it would have no legal rights to speak of, but it would be, erm, tall? It might be tall. Today we’re launching our ten year anniversary donation drive and teasing a brand-new feature that we’re hoping to launch. What do you say, everybody? How does another ten years sound?

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The Holiday 2020 Donation Drive is Now Live!

It’s that time of year again, folks! This year has obviously been a shocker for so many, but we’re continually thankful and incredibly privileged to be given the support to do what we do. Here’s a bit of silly fluff with a sprinkling of details about what we’ve got planned for 2021. If you can comfortably afford to support our team we really, really appreciate it!

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What’s the future of Shut Up & Sit Down?

This might come as a surprise due to the time-warping effects of Covid-19, but it’s that time of year again! Today, we’d like to give you a quick behind-the-scenes message from Shut Up & Sit Down.

If you’re new to this community, you might not yet know that Shut Up & Sit Down is kept alive by donations from people who love what we do. So if you think you can afford it, please consider giving us a dollar or two this summer.

That’s all! We promise to only bother you about this in another six months. Have a great weekend, everybody.

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And that’s it for 2019!

Quinns: And with that donation video, Shut Up & Sit Down is closing its doors for the winter break. We’d like to offer a gigantic, Christmassy “Thank you!” to everyone who watched, supported and shared our content in 2019. But since we can’t do that, we’re going to settle down with our families to eat 9999 brussel sprouts.

I’ll just add that we’re going to be talking a lot about the future of SU&SD in the coming donor newsletter. So if you want to hear about the SU&SD internship program, the future of our board game streaming, the (ridiculous!) pile of games that we plan to shine a light on in the new year and a lot more besides, make a donation of any amount before Christmas day and we’ll slingshot that over-stuffed newsletter into your inbox.

What I will say publicly is that while it’s been a while since we’ve released a podcast, we’re be back to our regular schedule of “About two podcasts a month maybe?” as soon as the new year begins.

We wish you all the best, everybody. See you soon!

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Announcing our Summer Donation Drive!

Quinns: Hello, everybody. It’s that time again!

Twice a year, our team here at Shut Up & Sit Down requests donations for all of the heartfelt stuff that we’ve made over the last six months. You can donate using this very link.

We don’t like to bother our audience about it, but the fact is, Shut Up & Sit Down runs almost entirely on donations. It sounds improbable, but it does work. If you’ve not gotten involved yet, and you can afford it, perhaps this could be the Summer that you make a pledge?

If you’ve supported us at some point over the last eight years(!), I can’t tell you what a difference it’s made to us. This is the best job that any of us have ever made, and we hope that we’ve shown our dedication to paying it forward.

Have a great weekend, everybody. And thank you.

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Announcing our 2018 Donor Drive!

Quinns: Hi everybody! It’s that time again. If you’ve enjoyed the work we’ve done this year, or if we’ve just helped to point you towards some great games, please consider donating to Shut Up & Sit Down.

And this month, we’ve got a little bonus for you! If you enjoyed the little trip down memory lane in this video, the unedited 30 minute video of us commentating on early Shut Up & Sit Down will be in this month’s donor newsletter. And however much you choose to donate to us, you’ll get your cute self on the mailing list.

Thank you, everybody. It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to spend the year working for you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and pick up some festive snacks for our special, extra-long Christmas stream that we’ll be doing tomorrow! So far we’re planning on playing (a) Keyforge, and (b) a jigsaw puzzle, because why the hell not?

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Our 5 Minute Summer Donation Drive is Now Open!

Quinns: Hey everyone! We only like to remind people of this twice a year, but did you know that Shut Up & Sit Down is run mostly by donations from people like you?

If you’ve enjoyed the Monday news or our podcast, if you’ve got some use out of our ad-free reviews or bought a great game thanks to us, we’d like you to consider paying for the service we offer. Your money will go straight to our wages and expenses, and you’ll be helping us to help grow board gaming. ALSO, all donors receive our monthly behind-the-scenes newsletter, lettting you know what we’re working on, what games we’re excited about and what books and TV we’re enjoying.

ALSO, if you have Amazon Prime, you can now give us free money by creating a Twitch Prime account (free with Amazon Prime) and clicking subscribe on our new Twitch page. It’s only for one month, it doesn’t automatically roll month-to-month, but you can do it again for free every month if you’d like!

Thanks so much for your support, everybody. Giving you guys and girls content that you love continues to be the best job in the world.

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