Our Holiday Gift Guide, 2017!

Quinns: Christmas is almost upon us, everyone! That sweet stretch of the calendar where board games take center stage, or at the very least share the stage with potatoes and Jesus Christ.

Are you thinking about buying a new game to play with your relatives? Or are you wondering which game to buy for the stalwart board game collector in your life?

Either way, we’ve got you covered with the below holiday game guide. Enjoy, everyone!

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Games News! 14/10/13

Spirits of the Rice Paddy

Quinns: Morning, everbody! Are you well? You will be after reading this week’s instalment of the news, featuring no less than SIX games, every one of which sets my table-gaming soul quivering like a jelly. As always, our news is hand-stolen mostly from the excellent BGG News blog, as well as Meople’s Magazine. A fine internet periodical.

Let’s kick off with the story that Quantum (above) will be arriving in shops very, very soon. What we have here is an elegant-sounding sci-fi game where every die is one player’s ship, and the number of pips it shows is its speed, power and building ability. Very slick! And Fun Forge have draped the thing in lip-smacking artwork.

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Dungeon Petz

Dungeon Petz

“What this town needs is a pet store.” No one knows which imp said it, but every imp recognized the idea was pure genius: “A pet shop for dungeon lords? What a great idea! Yeah, and no one else is doing it! No competition! We’ll be rich!”

And now you have just opened the first pet shop in town. Right next door to the other first pet shop in town. Across the street from two more.

Buy baby monsters! Feed them and watch them grow! Clean their cages!

Yes, running a pet store is exciting for an imp. But it can also be mentally challenging: What is the smartest way to win the upcoming exhibition? Which pet is best suited for your dungeon lord customer? How strong a cage do you need, and if you guess wrong, how many family members will be maimed?

Win or lose, you are sure to enjoy the grand opening of Dungeon Petz.

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The Second Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast

Paul: Yep, that’s right, your eyes do not deceive you and nor do your ears. Shut Up & Sit Down is back and tightly, trimly encoded into a 64kbps podcast, streamlined for your pleasure. Just like your lunch break, it’s almost but not quite an hour long, far too fattening and ultimately nothing more than … Read more

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Season 1 – Episode 6


November 23, 2011 Reviews, Specials Dungeon Lords, Bunny Bunny Moose Moose, Mage Knight Board Game, Dungeon Petz, Pictomania, Galaxy Trucker, Catan It’s back! This sixth episode of the board games review show is entirely dedicated to just one very special person. But which person? Well, you’ll just have to press play to find out. Or … Read more

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