Podcast #271 – Elfenroads, Take Me Home

Sorry! Tom forgot to upload this episode of the podcast because he was on a plane. A plane! In the sky! How do you expect us to podcast under these conditions?!

On this dromedary episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt natter about a collection of – YOU GUESSED IT – boardgames. Refasa! It’s a game about camels and irrigation and cards and POINTS! PlayProp! It’s a game of trying to get corks into a cup and screaming! Elfenroads! It’s a game about gently meandering down winding fantasy paths until an errant ‘cart orc’ ruins your day, or week, or possibly year. Finally, the dynamic duo chat about another characterful couplet; Dracula vs Van Helsing – a two-player duelling game we’ll review in a few DAYS time!

Thanks for listening everyone! Have a great week!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Games News! 06/07/15

cardboard trains

Paul: This is a disaster. How much food do we have left? How many days can we go? Will we even get rescued out here?

Quinns: I’m sure it’ll be fine, just keep sending up the flares and don’t put any limbs in the water. Look, I managed to salvage a few of the more intact parts of Matt, which we can probably cook, and then there’s the…

Paul: What?

Quinns: The Games News. I’m really sorry, Paul. We’re going to have to eat the Games News.

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