Review: Frosthaven

It’s longer and colder than an arctic vacation, but we’re proud to finally release into the wilds our gigantic video review of Frosthaven: can the world’s biggest game get bigger AND better? How much blue cardboard is too much blue? What’s the best way to climb a slippery mountain? Find the answers to some of these questions in today’s hot hot bit of internet media.

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Frosthaven is the story of a small outpost far to the north of the capital city of White Oak, an outpost barely surviving the harsh weather as well as invasions from forces both known and unknown. There, a group of mercenaries at the end of their rope will help bring back this settlement from the … Read more

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Podcast #203 – Our First Impressions of Frosthaven!

In this slightly early episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Matt have sat themselves down for a lengthy, lively chat about the game everyone is eagerly awaiting; FROSTHAVEN.

This is a mostly spoiler-free episode, focusing on what you’re going to see upon opening the box and little more than that. We start by chatting about some of our first impressions, before talking characters, story, and future coverage.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for more info!

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Podcast #109: Waterboarded by Elves

You, at the back! Was it you that ordered a chat sandwich? Was it with ramble bread and discussion filling – extra… stream schedule? Look. I spent ages trying to make a joke about this podcast being ‘like a sandwich’ – with the strong base of classic Eurogames (Terra Mystica and Hansa Teutonica) wedged between … Read more

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GAMES NEWS! 06/04/20

Tom: Whose idea was it to go steal from the Newseum during lockdown? It’s spooky and it feels, I don’t know, a little wrong to take advantage of a cultural site under public ownershi-

Ava: Shh… keep your voice down. This is where all the best news is kept, if we’re sneaky then we can get some good stuff to put in this week’s games news, and no-one will even know it’s missing until after lockdown. We’ll put it right back when we’re done!

Tom: I’ve only been here a few months, and already I’m doing heists! My contract said ‘all sorts of hijinks’, but I didn’t think we’d be doing actual newscrimes.

Ava: You should’ve read the small print. Hijinks is a very complicated part of contract law.

Tom: So I keep hearing.

Ava: Too big to not mention (even though we’ve mentioned it before), is the game with the biggest box and the coldest setting, which only makes me assume this Gloomhaven sequel will actually be a fully functional fridge.

Frosthaven, from Isaac Childres, is smashing through the millions as quickly as you’d expect the follow up to one of the most lauded games of the last decade. Now that pretty much everyone knows what’s in store from a Gloomhaven game (and if you don’t, check out Matt’s almost as enormous review) it’s no surprise this dungeon crawling, legacy behemoth is covered in big numbers.

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GAMES NEWS! 09/12/19

Ava: The rest of the team is in something called ‘Philadelphia’, so they left me to sweep up the last crumbs of pre-Christmas news. Only it’s not crumbs at all, there’s big news, weird news, premature news, barely news, local news and even some bad news. Pull up a chair and settle yourself down, let’s tuck into a big old roast news, stuffed with newslings and with all the greasiest news-trimmings.

Oh my word would you look at that. The biggest game in games is getting a frosty full-fat follow-up. Gloomhaven is heading north and getting a lot colder (which I can relate to, as I moved to Yorkshire three years ago).

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