Podcast #146½ – Teaching Complex Games & Talking Go with In Sente

Apologies for the lateness of this week’s podcast! This site’s own Tom Brewster has fallen ill with Covid-19. Tom’s okay, but in his own words, “It sucks.” In this emergency episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down podcast, we’re presenting one of our favourite panels from the most recent AWSHUX, our “Away SHUX” online convention. In it, Quinns has a terrific talk with his favourite Go YouTuber, In Sente, a.k.a. Michaela Galluci. The pair shared their favourite tips for teaching complex games to people, but eventually succumbed to the temptation of just talking about Go. Did you know that it’s a good game? It’s a good, good game. If you missed Quinns’ review of Go last year, definitely check it out. We hope you’re having a great weekend, everybody. Your regular podcast will be back next week.

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Podcast #115: Score the Boogie Bonus

Picture it now; you’re sitting in a lovely english garden in the midst of summertime. You’ve got a delicious cup of iced Bovril in your hand, and the sun is warming the grass under your feet. Life is bliss. Suddenly, a tall sweaty man and a short sweaty boy leap the fence – cracking open warm cans in mid-air – fistfuls of board game bits clutched in their four greasy hands. It’s time to podcast, baby. In this undeniably very 115th episode of the Shut Up and Sit Down podcast, Tom and Quinns resume the age-old tradition of shirtless podcasting – kicking off with a chat about The Deadlies, before pinging over to Super Skill Pinball: 4Cade. Then, Quinns gets wistful about his foray into Fields of Arle, and we end on a highly controversial chat about Undaunted: North Africa. Strap in. Have a great weekend, everybody!

Tap below for full timestamps and more info!

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Oh dear. SU&SD is trying to review a 4,000 year old cultural institution? There are days where we struggle to review dexterity games aimed at drunks. This can’t end well.

In all seriousness, Go is easily among the most magnificent works of design that we’ve ever review. The only question that remains is… is it fun?

Huge thanks to online shop Masters of Games for lending us some of their Go stuff for this video. Quinns says he’ll mail it back shortly, and “Sorry for the Dorito dust.”

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GAMES NEWS! 27/06/16

Quinns: Paul, you’re just in time! I was about to test my state-of-the-art news flying machine. Climb aboard! We’ll see the whole board game hobby at a glance.

Paul: Oh god what is that it looks like an egg carton had sex with a ceiling fan


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