Podcast #174 – The Lazy Sundaycast

In this sluggish episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom and Quinns are fresh off the back of two games – one a box of unison and joy; the other a lump of conflict and discontent. We’re talking about Gugong and it’s expansion – Panjun – as well as Lizard Wizard! But which is the belle of the ball, and which is the slob of the swamp? Find out… right here! Have a lovely weekend, folks!

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GAMES NEWS! 02/09/19

Quinns: Sorry I’m late to the doc, Ava. I put too many news-chillies on my news-pizza last night, and it has caused problems with my ability to use the news-toilet.

Ava: Hey! Adding the word news to everything is MY thing. Let me make you some news-peppermint tea, while you decide if you need any news-ointment for your poor, spicy news-bum.

Quinns: I thought I’d put you on the back foot by talking about my body, but I just feel like I’ve opened Pandora’s Box. Which isn’t the only thing that’s been opened this morning, let me tell you.


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