Greetings, humans! I’ve been lovingly treated with some blue skies today, as I dive into the exciting world of pre-planning and tech for AwSHUX Spring! I’ve got less than a month to ensure that Technically Difficult moments don’t spoil three days of live broadcast – a stretch of time that is simultaneously CLEARLY ENOUGH whilst also: ARRGH. But this week on the website, things trundle on as usual! Tomorrow we’ll be live-streaming Oriflamme: a game of cunning, malice, and people wearing cloaks. On Wednesday you’ll be graced with a review from Mr Quintin Smith that I cannot personally wait to have a peek at – I suspect it may be a real hot potato! What does that mean, exactly? Honestly I’ve got no idea, but it certainly feels right. This Friday’s podcast features Tom and Quinns chatting about two games: Cascadia and Nidavellir, and over the weekend I’ve plans to help remove rubble from a garden and potentially bake a dozen chocolate muffins. 2021: it is all go.
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