Review: Oceans

Splish splosh, splish splish splosh. It’s time to get SALTY! This week’s review sees Matt diving into Oceans – sadly not in real life as he lives in central London. Wrong time of year, too – frankly. Enjoy!

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Two years in the making, Oceans is the next stand-alone game in the award-winning Evolution series. Enter a vast, underwater cosmos: a mysterious interconnected world of sharp teeth, glowing eyes, and black ink, where your survival depends on your ability to adapt to the unknown. The foundation of Oceans is a simple turn structure and a deck … Read more

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The SU&SD 2020 Holiday Gift Guide

Welcome one, welcome all! It is officially the most December-est time of the year, and that might mean you’re on the lookout for the perfect gift for the board gamer in your life? The board gamer in OUR life wants “an egg timer”, so there’s really no knowing if you’re barking up the right tree – but the whole SU&SD team is on-hand this week to give you great suggestions for great games that are currently in stock! Enjoy!

0:54 My City
1:51 Tournament at Camelot / Tournament at Avalon
2:35 Gùgōng
3:10 Undaunted: Normandy / Undaunted: North Africa
4:06 Pandemic Legacy Season 0 / Pandemic Legacy
4:28 Quacks of Quedlinberg
4:54 Oceans
5:19 Monikers: Serious Nonsense
6:03 Patchwork
6:22 The Mind
6:41 No Thanks!
7:00 The Crew
7:35 Ghost Blitz
8:24 New York Zoo
8:54 Modern Art
9:27 Solo RPGs: 9:41 Artefact, 9:58 The Sealed Library & The Wretch3d, 10:18 Thousand Year Old Vampire
10:38 Senet Magazine

A few more worth a look!
Little Town
Junk Art
Paris: La Cité de la Lumière
A Fake Artist Goes to New York

SU&SD Play… Oceans!

Let me tell you a bit of a story behind this stream. When team SU&SD was out on our annual fishing trip last year, bobbing around on the Great British Lakes just outside Upton Snodsbury, Matt caught himself half a dozen beautiful fish. As he packed his catch into the cooler to take home and microwave, one particular fish caught his eye – a fish with a pencil tucked behind its gills and game design in its heart. That fish was Dominic Crapuchettes.

Fast forward a year, and Dominic has fully matured into a real human male, capable of making rather comprehensive board game designs. We sat down on Twitch to play his latest, Oceans, a game about being your truest, fishiest self in an ocean full of haters.

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GAMES NEWS! 01/04/19

Quinns: Everybody, please give a warm welcome to a new gladiator in the news arena. Intern Kylie is here to write news and drink tea, and she’s well aware it’s not tea time.

Did that sound badass? I’m pretty sure it did. Kylie, take it away.

Kylie: Capstone Games has announced a special 20th anniversary reprint of a Splotter Spellen classic, Bus. Splotter Spellen is the Dutch team behind Food Chain Magnate and the bucolic and bizarre Roads & Boats. Sadly, they’re also known for sparse print runs and a lot of their games are nigh-on impossible to find. This year, they’re letting another publish reprint one of their grand designs.

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