It’s war: Player Interaction

It's war: Player Interaction

Quinns: There’s a WAR ON here at SU&SD. A disagreement of olympic proportions. You see, I think board games should be about interacting with one another, and Paul is an asshole. I’ll let him explain. 

Paul: Quinns is not a fan of certain kinds of games. Worker placement games, games where the players are a bit more independent, or games where players are otherwise free to act without having to worry about one another. You know, all those great games like Runebound and Agricola, and a while ago he got mad at Stone Age. All those well-lived, charming, innovative games that are adored by millions. He’s going to try to explain why and he’ll flap more than an army of penguins. Watch.

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Season 01 – Episode 5


October 8, 2011 Reviews, Specials Race for the Galaxy, Space Alert, Catan, Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition The Science Fiction Special sees the boys reviewing enormous games, exciting games and extraterrestrial games! Is this really wise, and quite where will this gaming journey take our hosts?

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